GitHub Desktop 突然无法获取来源,无法推送更改


我们的一位贡献者在使用 GitHub 桌面时遇到了问题。当他们尝试推送最近的更改时,会出现以下错误

On branch main
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'.

Changes not staged for commit:
  (use "git add/rm <file>..." to update what will be committed)
  (use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
    deleted:    Assets/Audio/Temporary Audio Files (Delete these and this folder when replaced).Meta
    deleted:    Assets/Audio/Temporary Audio Files (Delete these and this folder when replaced)/DoorCloseHardWood_S011FO._1.wav
    deleted:    Assets/Audio/Temporary Audio Files (Delete these and this folder when replaced)/DoorCloseHardWood_S011FO._1.wav.Meta
    deleted:    Assets/Audio/Temporary Audio Files (Delete these and this folder when replaced)/DoorOpenLatch_S08FO.878.wav
    deleted:    Assets/Audio/Temporary Audio Files (Delete these and this folder when replaced)/DoorOpenLatch_S08FO.878.wav.Meta
    deleted:    Assets/Audio/Temporary Audio Files (Delete these and this folder when replaced)/Footstep_temp.mp3
    deleted:    Assets/Audio/Temporary Audio Files (Delete these and this folder when replaced)/Footstep_temp.mp3.Meta
    deleted:    Assets/Audio/Temporary Audio Files (Delete these and this folder when replaced)/Mosnter voice in apartment .wav
    deleted:    Assets/Audio/Temporary Audio Files (Delete these and this folder when replaced)/Mosnter voice in apartment .wav.Meta
    deleted:    Assets/Audio/Temporary Audio Files (Delete these and this folder when replaced)/Possible Track.mp3
    deleted:    Assets/Audio/Temporary Audio Files (Delete these and this folder when replaced)/Possible Track.mp3.Meta
    deleted:    Assets/Audio/Temporary Audio Files (Delete these and this folder when replaced)/Talking behind door .wav
    deleted:    Assets/Audio/Temporary Audio Files (Delete these and this folder when replaced)/Talking behind door .wav.Meta
    deleted:    Assets/Audio/Temporary Audio Files (Delete these and this folder when replaced)/Wood Door Knock.mp3
    deleted:    Assets/Audio/Temporary Audio Files (Delete these and this folder when replaced)/Wood Door Knock.mp3.Meta
    deleted:    Assets/Audio/Temporary Audio Files (Delete these and this folder when replaced)/ambience 1 Nick .wav
    deleted:    Assets/Audio/Temporary Audio Files (Delete these and this folder when replaced)/ambience 1 Nick .wav.Meta
    modified:   Assets/Scenes/mirror level first draft.unity

Untracked files:
  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
    Assets/Audio/Placeholder Audio.Meta
    Assets/Audio/Placeholder Audio/

no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")

我们已经尝试使用 add 命令,以及 add -A 和 git commit -a 都没有成功。


还有一点需要注意的是,在 GitHub 桌面中,用户现在会在提取按钮下看到“Origin never fetched”,即使他们在此问题开始发生之前就已经进行了提取和拉取。

除了我们尝试过的命令行命令之外,我们还重新安装了 GitHub 桌面,注销/重新登录到 GitHub 桌面,并删除并重新添加用户作为贡献者。

在今天之前,该用户通过 GitHub 桌面推送/提交没有问题。




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