使用 RLlib 时,如何防止我在评估运行期间收到的奖励金额每隔一段时间重复一次?


我使用 Ray 1.3.0用于 RLlib)和 SUMO 1.9.2 版 的组合来模拟多-代理场景。我已将 RLlib 配置为使用一个 PPO 网络,该网络通常被所有 N 代理更新/使用。我的评估设置如下所示:

# === Evaluation Settings ===
# Evaluate with every `evaluation_interval` training iterations.
# The evaluation stats will be reported under the "evaluation" metric key.
# Note that evaluation is currently not parallelized,and that for Ape-X
# metrics are already only reported for the lowest epsilon workers.

"evaluation_interval": 20,# Number of episodes to run per evaluation period. If using multiple
# evaluation workers,we will run at least this many episodes total.

"evaluation_num_episodes": 10,# Whether to run evaluation in parallel to a Trainer.train() call
# using threading. Default=False.
# E.g. evaluation_interval=2 -> For every other training iteration,# the Trainer.train() and Trainer.evaluate() calls run in parallel.
# Note: This is experimental. Possible pitfalls Could be race conditions
# for weight synching at the beginning of the evaluation loop.

"evaluation_parallel_to_training": False,# Internal flag that is set to True for evaluation workers.

"in_evaluation": True,# Typical usage is to pass extra args to evaluation env creator
# and to disable exploration by computing deterministic actions.
# IMPORTANT NOTE: Policy gradient algorithms are able to find the optimal
# policy,even if this is a stochastic one. Setting "explore=False" here
# will result in the evaluation workers not using this optimal policy!

"evaluation_config": {
    # Example: overriding env_config,exploration,etc:
    "lr": 0,# To prevent any kind of learning during evaluation
    "explore": True # As required by PPO (read IMPORTANT NOTE above)
},# Number of parallel workers to use for evaluation. Note that this is set
# to zero by default,which means evaluation will be run in the trainer
# process (only if evaluation_interval is not None). If you increase this,# it will increase the Ray resource usage of the trainer since evaluation
# workers are created separately from rollout workers (used to sample data
# for training).

"evaluation_num_workers": 1,# Customize the evaluation method. This must be a function of signature
# (trainer: Trainer,eval_workers: WorkerSet) -> metrics: dict. See the
# Trainer.evaluate() method to see the default implementation. The
# trainer guarantees all eval workers have the latest policy state before
# this function is called.

"custom_eval_function": None,

发生的是每 20 次迭代(每次迭代收集“X”个训练样本),最少 10 集的评估运行。所有 N 代理收到的奖励总和在这些情节上相加,并设置为该特定评估运行的奖励总和。随着时间的推移,我注意到有一种模式,奖励总和在相同的评估间隔内不断重复,并且学习无处可去。

更新 (23/06/2021)

不幸的是,我没有为那次特定的运行激活 TensorBoard,但从评估期间收集的平均奖励(每 20 次迭代发生)10 集,很明显存在重复模式,如注释图如下:

Mean reward vs. number of iterations

场景中的 20 个智能体应该学习避免碰撞,而是继续以某种方式停滞在某个策略上并最终在评估期间显示完全相同的奖励序列?




可能是由于多代理动态,您的策略正在追尾吗?你有多少政策?他们是否相互竞争/合作/中立? 请注意,多智能体训练可能非常不稳定,看到这些波动是很正常的,因为不同的策略得到更新,然后不得不面对不同的“env”-dynamics b/c(env=env+所有其他策略,出现作为 env 的一部分)。


第 1 步:我注意到,当我出于某种原因在某个时刻停止运行,然后从恢复后保存的检查点重新开始运行时,大多数 TensorBoard 上的图表(包括奖励)以完全相同的方式重新绘制了这条线,这使得序列看起来像是在重复。

第 2 步:这让我相信我的检查点有问题。我比较了检查点中的权重 使用循环和瞧,它们都是一样的!没有任何变化! 所以要么是检查点的保存/恢复有问题,经过一番尝试后我发现情况并非如此。所以这只是意味着我的权重没有更新

第 3 步:我筛选了我的训练配置,看看是否有什么东西阻止了网络学习,我注意到我已经设置了我的“multiagent " 配置选项“policies_to_train”到不存在的策略。不幸的是,这要么没有抛出警告/错误,要么确实发生了,我完全错过了。
