

我想衡量文本相似度随时间的演变。我的数据框包含一个推文标识符列 (id)、一个用于每日频率的日期列 (date) 和一个包含整洁的推文文本列 (clean_text)。

这是一个简短的 repex,其中包含一些实际清理过的推文:

final <- data.frame(id=1:5,Date=c(as.Date("2020-12-26"),as.Date("2020-12-26"),as.Date("2020-12-27"),as.Date("2020-12-27")),clean_text = c("americans died covid nfebruary people couple days","cops crush peoples necks death eric garner","video clip tells george floyd resist arrest earlier claimed police officer","black americans terrible daily dangers outdoor spaces subjected unwarranted suspicion","announcement waiting minneapolis police officer derek chauvin charged manslaug"))

因为我想要一些可以让我测量文本随着时间的推移变得多么相似/不相似的东西,所以我考虑使用一些相似性度量(即频率、余弦相似性...),通过 {{1} 中的 textstat_simil }.



在这代码中,我对相关矩阵 require(quanteda) start <- as.Date("2020-12-26",format="%Y-%m-%d") end <- as.Date("2020-12-27",format="%Y-%m-%d") theDate <- start i=1 similarity<-data.frame(matrix(NA,nrow = as.numeric(end+1-start),ncol = 1)) #value<-vector(mode="numeric") colnames(similarity)<-c("value") while (theDate <= end){ if (nrow(subset(final,final$Date==theDate))>1){ corp <- corpus(subset(final,final$Date==theDate),docid_field = "id",text_field = "clean_text") a<-as.matrix(dfm(corp) %>% textstat_simil()) similarity$value[i]<-sum(a[lower.tri(a)])/length(corp) }else{ similarity$value[i]<-0 } i<-i+1 theDate <- theDate + 1 } 的下三角元素求和,然后除以推文数量,以获得推文相关性的“平均值”。我相信这是有问题的步骤,因为当我将此函数应用于我的推文语料库时,相似度会在推文非常相关的时刻下降。

另外我必须说,我的目标是获得一个时间序列,其中一列用于测量相似性,另一列用于日期,以便绘制。也许有更简单的 npl 方法来跟踪这个?

编辑:刚刚意识到矩阵 a 中的相关项是负的。不知道如何解释或者编码是否有错误



## Package version: 3.1
## Unicode version: 13.0
## ICU version: 69.1
## Parallel computing: 12 of 12 threads used.
## See https://quanteda.io for tutorials and examples.

dfmat <- final %>%
  corpus(text_field = "clean_text") %>%
  tokens() %>%

现在我们将创建一系列 dfm 对象,按日期:

date_splits <- split(seq_len(ndoc(dfmat)),dfmat$Date)
## $`2020-12-26`
## [1] 1 2
## $`2020-12-27`
## [1] 3 4 5

dfmat_split <- lapply(date_splits,function(x) dfmat[x,])
## $`2020-12-26`
## Document-feature matrix of: 2 documents,41 features (82.93% sparse) and 2 docvars.
##        features
## docs    americans died covid nfebruary people couple days cops crush peoples
##   text1         1    1     1         1      1      1    1    0     0       0
##   text2         0    0     0         0      0      0    0    1     1       1
## [ reached max_nfeat ... 31 more features ]
## $`2020-12-27`
## Document-feature matrix of: 3 documents,41 features (75.61% sparse) and 2 docvars.
##        features
## docs    americans died covid nfebruary people couple days cops crush peoples
##   text3         0    0     0         0      0      0    0    0     0       0
##   text4         1    0     0         0      0      0    0    0     0       0
##   text5         0    0     0         0      0      0    0    0     0       0
## [ reached max_nfeat ... 31 more features ]

然后,通过将每个 textstat_simil() 矩阵输出强制转换为 data.frame,按日期创建一个 data.frame 结果列表,然后将它们连接到输出 data.frame 中,我们在其中添加日期列。这为我们提供了一个(独特的)成对相似性的 data.frame,按日期:

simil_by_date <- lapply(dfmat_split,function(x) {
  textstat_simil(x) %>%
## $`2020-12-26`
##   document1 document2 correlation
## 1     text1     text2  -0.2058824
## $`2020-12-27`
##   document1 document2 correlation
## 1     text3     text4 -0.34391797
## 2     text3     text5 -0.05514368
## 3     text4     text5 -0.30120725

df <- data.frame(
  date = as.Date(rep(names(simil_by_date),sapply(simil_by_date,nrow))),do.call(rbind,simil_by_date),row.names = NULL
##         date document1 document2 correlation
## 1 2020-12-26     text1     text2 -0.20588235
## 2 2020-12-27     text3     text4 -0.34391797
## 3 2020-12-27     text3     text5 -0.05514368
## 4 2020-12-27     text4     text5 -0.30120725

现在使用您选择的函数聚合相似性很简单。在这里,我使用 dplyr 通过平均相关来做到这一点:

## Attaching package: 'dplyr'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
##     filter,lag
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
##     intersect,setdiff,setequal,union
df %>%
  group_by(date) %>%
  summarise(simil = mean(correlation))
## # A tibble: 2 x 2
##   date        simil
##   <date>      <dbl>
## 1 2020-12-26 -0.206
## 2 2020-12-27 -0.233


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