Python (pandas) Query Data Frame from SQL Server 数据库错误


我正在尝试从 sql Server 数据库查询 python 数据框,但出现错误。我认为错误sql 语法太长?



import dash 
import dash_bootstrap_components as dbc 
import dash_core_components as dcc 
import dash_html_components as html 
from dash.dependencies import Input,Output 
import dash_table as dt 
import pandas as pd 
from django_plotly_dash import DjangoDash 
import pyodbc 
import dash_core_components as dcc

server = '' database = '' username = '' password = '' cnxn = pyodbc.connect('DRIVER={sql Server};SERVER='+server +
                      ';DATABASE='+database+';UID='+username+';PWD=' + password) cursor = cnxn.cursor()

#sql Syntax
query = """SELECT  inf_billnom.year,inf_billnom.week,inf_billnom.month,Case inf_billnom.compno when '1' then '東方' when  '2' then '中遠' else  '物流' end,Max(   inf_billnom.vslcode ) vslcode,Max(   inf_billnom.vslnm ) vslnm,Max(   inf_billnom.voyno ) voyno,Max(   inf_billnom.vslno ) vslno,Max(   inf_billnom.blno ) blno,Case inf_billnom.ix_cd when 'I' then '進口' when  'E' then '出口' else  '未區分' end,inf_billnom.tax_regno,Max(   inf_billnom.Trade ) Trade,Max(   inf_billnom.Tradelane ) Tradelane,Max(   Tradelane.service ) service,Max(   inf_billnom.bound ) bound,Max(  inf_billnom.is_blready ) is_blready,Max(   inf_billnom.cargo_nature ) cargo_nature,Max(  inf_billnom.commodity + ( case when inf_billnom.commodity1 is null then ' ' else ' '  + inf_billnom.commodity1 end )  ) commodity,Max(   inf_billnom.traffic_mode ) traffic_mode,Max(   inf_billnom.ob_departure_date ) ob_departure_date,Max(   inf_billnom.ib_arrival_date ) ib_arrival_date,Max(   inf_billnom.sail_date ) sail_date,Max(   inf_billnom.segment ) segment,case inf_billnom.ix_cd when 'I' then inf_billnom.consignee else inf_billnom.shipper end,Max(   inf_billnom.ccp ) ccp,Max(   inf_billnom.shipper_id ) shipper_id,Max(   inf_billnom.shipper ) shipper,Max(   inf_billnom.consignee_id ) consignee_id,Max(   inf_billnom.consignee ) consignee,Max(   inf_billnom.notify_id ) notify_id,Max(   inf_billnom.notify ) notify,Max(   inf_billnom.also_notify_id ) also_notify_id,Max(   inf_billnom.also_notify ) also_notify,Max(   inf_billnom.agree_num ) agree_num,Max(   inf_billnom.agree_type ) agree_type,Max(   inf_billnom.ctrl_reg ) ctrl_reg,Max(   inf_billnom.frm_city ) frm_city,Max(   inf_billnom.frm_country ) frm_country,Max(   inf_billnom.to_city ) to_city,Max(   inf_billnom.to_country ) to_country,Max(   inf_billnom.svccode_1st ) svccode_1st,Max(   inf_billnom.svccode_mother ) svccode_mother,Max(   inf_billnom.pol_mother ) pol_mother,Max(   inf_billnom.pod_mother ) pod_mother,Max(   inf_billnom.dir ) dir,Max(   inf_billnom.loadsvvd_1st ) loadsvvd_1st,Max(   inf_billnom.discsvvd_last ) discsvvd_last,Max(   inf_billnom.por ) por,Max(   inf_billnom.fnd ) fnd,Max(   inf_billnom.pol ) pol,Max(   inf_billnom.pod ) pod,Max(   inf_billnom.tport ) tport,Max( inf_billnom.frm_location ) frm_location,Max(   inf_billnom.to_location ) to_location,Max(   inf_billnom.por_region ) por_region,Max(   inf_billnom.fnd_region ) fnd_region,Max(   inf_billnom.terminal_1st ) terminal_1st,Max(   inf_billnom.termina_last ) termina_last,Max(   case when inf_billnom.nomcargos = 'Y' then '自攬貨' when inf_billnom.nomcargos = 'N' then '指定貨' else '' end  ) nomcargos,Max(   inf_billnom.department ) department,Max(  case when employee.cname is null then inf_billnom.sales else employee.cname end  ) sales,Max( inf_billnom.inside ) inside,sum(  1  ) blcnt,sum(  case when 0= 0 then inf_billnom.size_20 else 0 end  ) size_20,sum(  case when 0= 0 then inf_billnom.size_40 else 0 end  ) size_40,sum(  case when 0= 0 then inf_billnom.size_45 else 0 end  ) size_45,sum(   case when 0= 0 then inf_billnom.size_20 else 0 end +  case when 0= 0 then inf_billnom.size_40 else 0 end +  case when 0= 0 then inf_billnom.size_45 else 0 end  ) cntrcnt,round (sum(  case when 0= 0 then inf_billnom.size_20 else 0 end +  case when 0= 0 then inf_billnom.size_40 * 2 else 0 end + case when 0= 0 then inf_billnom.size_45 * 2 else 0 end  ),3)  teu,Max(   inf_billnom.pay_method ) pay_method,Max(   inf_billnom.shipperkind ) shipperkind,Max(   inf_billnom.isdg ) isdg,Max(  ' ' ) emptykey,Max(  ' ' ) emptykey1,Max(  ' ' ) emptykey2,Max(   inf_billnom.liner ) liner,inf_billnom.quarter,round (sum( case when inf_billnom.month = '01' then ( case when 0= 0 then inf_billnom.size_20 else 0 end +  case when 0= 0 then inf_billnom.size_40 * 2 else 0 end + case when 0= 0 then inf_billnom.size_45 * 2 else 0 end) else 0 end  ),3)  month01,round (sum( case when inf_billnom.month = '02' then ( case when 0= 0 then inf_billnom.size_20 else 0 end +  case when 0= 0 then inf_billnom.size_40 * 2 else 0 end + case when 0= 0 then inf_billnom.size_45 * 2 else 0 end) else 0 end  ),3)  month02,round (sum( case when inf_billnom.month = '03' then ( case when 0= 0 then inf_billnom.size_20 else 0 end +  case when 0= 0 then inf_billnom.size_40 * 2 else 0 end + case when 0= 0 then inf_billnom.size_45 * 2 else 0 end) else 0 end  ),3)  month03,round (sum( case when inf_billnom.month = '04' then ( case when 0= 0 then inf_billnom.size_20 else 0 end +  case when 0= 0 then inf_billnom.size_40 * 2 else 0 end + case when 0= 0 then inf_billnom.size_45 * 2 else 0 end) else 0 end  ),3)  month04,round (sum( case when inf_billnom.month = '05' then ( case when 0= 0 then inf_billnom.size_20 else 0 end +  case when 0= 0 then inf_billnom.size_40 * 2 else 0 end + case when 0= 0 then inf_billnom.size_45 * 2 else 0 end) else 0 end  ),3)  month05,round (sum( case when inf_billnom.month = '06' then ( case when 0= 0 then inf_billnom.size_20 else 0 end +  case when 0= 0 then inf_billnom.size_40 * 2 else 0 end + case when 0= 0 then inf_billnom.size_45 * 2 else 0 end) else 0 end  ),3)  month06,round (sum( case when inf_billnom.month = '07' then ( case when 0= 0 then inf_billnom.size_20 else 0 end +  case when 0= 0 then inf_billnom.size_40 * 2 else 0 end + case when 0= 0 then inf_billnom.size_45 * 2 else 0 end) else 0 end  ),3)  month07,round (sum( case when inf_billnom.month = '08' then ( case when 0= 0 then inf_billnom.size_20 else 0 end +  case when 0= 0 then inf_billnom.size_40 * 2 else 0 end + case when 0= 0 then inf_billnom.size_45 * 2 else 0 end) else 0 end  ),3)  month08,round (sum( case when inf_billnom.month = '09' then ( case when 0= 0 then inf_billnom.size_20 else 0 end +  case when 0= 0 then inf_billnom.size_40 * 2 else 0 end + case when 0= 0 then inf_billnom.size_45 * 2 else 0 end) else 0 end  ),3)  month09,round (sum( case when inf_billnom.month = '10' then ( case when 0= 0 then inf_billnom.size_20 else 0 end +  case when 0= 0 then inf_billnom.size_40 * 2 else 0 end + case when 0= 0 then inf_billnom.size_45 * 2 else 0 end) else 0 end  ),3)  month10,round (sum( case when inf_billnom.month = '11' then ( case when 0= 0 then inf_billnom.size_20 else 0 end +  case when 0= 0 then inf_billnom.size_40 * 2 else 0 end + case when 0= 0 then inf_billnom.size_45 * 2 else 0 end) else 0 end  ),3)  month11,round (sum( case when inf_billnom.month = '12' then ( case when 0= 0 then inf_billnom.size_20 else 0 end +  case when 0= 0 then inf_billnom.size_40 * 2 else 0 end + case when 0= 0 then inf_billnom.size_45 * 2 else 0 end) else 0 end  ),3)  month12,Max(  view_fnd.value_new ) region FROM {​oj inf_billnom LEFT OUTER JOIN employee ON inf_billnom.compno = employee.compno AND inf_billnom.sales
= employee.emp_id                                         LEFT OUTER JOIN Tradelane ON inf_billnom.Trade = Tradelane.Trade AND inf_billnom.Tradelane = Tradelane.Tradelane AND inf_billnom.compno = Tradelane.compno                                         LEFT OUTER JOIN view_fnd ON inf_billnom.compno = view_fnd.compno and ( case inf_billnom.ix_cd when 'I' then inf_billnom.fnd else inf_billnom.por end )  = view_fnd.value_old }​     wHERE 'TRUE' = 'TRUE'   AND  ( inf_billnom.compno ='1' or inf_billnom.compno = '2' or inf_billnom.compno = 'N' )  AND ( ( inf_billnom.ix_cd ='I'  and  inf_billnom.year + inf_billnom.month between '202001' and '202001'   ) or  (  inf_billnom.ix_cd ='E'  and  inf_billnom.year + inf_billnom.month between '202001' and '202001'  ) )  Group by  inf_billnom.year,case inf_billnom.ix_cd when 'I' then inf_billnom.consignee else inf_billnom.shipper end  Order by  inf_billnom.year,case inf_billnom.ix_cd when 'I' then inf_billnom.consignee else inf_billnom.shipper end;"""

df = pd.read_sql_query(query,cnxn)


线程 django-main-thread 中的异常:Traceback(最近一次调用):文件“C:\Users\kctadmin\Envs\django3_dash\lib\site-packages\pandas\io\”,第 1725 行,在执行
cur.execute(*args,**kwargs) pyodbc.ProgrammingError: ('42000','[42000] [Microsoft][ODBC sql Server Driver] 语法错误或违反访问规则 (0) (sqlExecDirectW)')>


回溯(最近一次调用最后一次):文件“c:\users\kctadmin\appdata\local\programs\python\python37\lib\”,第 926 行,在 _bootstrap_inner 文件“c:\users\kctadmin\appdata\local\programs\python\python37\lib\”,第 870 行,运行中
self._target(*self._args,**self._kwargs) 文件“C:\Users\kctadmin \Envs\django3_dash\lib\site-packages\django\utils\”,第 53 行,在包装器中
fn(*args,**kwargs) File "C:\Users\kctadmin\Envs\django3_dash\lib\site-packages\channels\management\commands\",line 75,in inner_run
('42000','[42000] [Microsoft][ODBC sql Server Driver] 语法错误或违反访问规则 (0) (sqlExecDirectW)')





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