Core Image ciContext.writeHEIFRepresentation() 在使用 CICrop 过滤器时生成带有对角线的图像我怎样才能防止这种情况?


我正在尝试生成 HEIF 输出文件,但这样做时会出现奇怪的对角线。其他输出格式都没有表现出这些奇怪的线条。见下图。问题似乎是裁剪,但错误显示在 HEIF 输出文件中。

我可以使用以下 Playground 代码复制此代码,您可以从此处下载

我有一个关于 Apple 的错误报告,他们提到了“子像素错误”——我不知道那是什么或者为什么这些只会用 heif 输出格式表现出来或者如何防止它们——任何想法或者只是这样做看起来像是 Apple 代码中的错误

编辑。需要明确的是,这不是操场问题,因为问题发生在 macOS 应用程序中。

我怀疑这在生成 HEIF 输出时一定是一个 CIContext 错误,因为它只与 heif 输出文件一起显示。但是,我对亚像素错误一无所知,也不知道为什么 Apple 认为它们应该与此问题相关。也许有更多 Core Image 知识的人可以提出一些可能的解决方案。

import Cocoa

let files = ["/Users/duncangroenewald/Development/Playgrounds/CoreImageHEIFExporterBug/DSC02022.ARW","/Users/duncangroenewald/Development/Playgrounds/CoreImageHEIFExporterBug/DSC02018.ARW"

let destFilePath = "/Users/duncangroenewald/Development/Playgrounds/CoreImageHEIFExporterBug"

let destUrl = URL(fileURLWithPath: destFilePath)

let exporter = Exporter()

var crops = [CGRect(x: 0,y: 0,width: 5310,height: 3212),CGRect(x: 0,width: 5311,width: 5312,width: 5313,height: 3212)]

for file in files {
    exporter.processRAWFile(file,destPath: destFilePath,crops: crops)


import AppKit
import CoreImage
import CoreImage.CIFilterBuiltins
import oslog

public class Exporter {
    var formats: [String] = ["heif","png"]
    // Get the CIContext
    let ciContext = CIContext()
    var imageOrientation: Int = 0
    var imageNativeSize: CGSize = .zero

    var crops: [CGRect] = [.zero]

    public init() {
    public func processRAWFile(_ path: String,destPath: String,crops: [CGRect]) {
        print("processRAWFile XXX")
        self.crops = crops
        let url = URL(fileURLWithPath: path)
        let filename = url.deletingPathExtension().lastPathComponent
        let destDirUrl = URL(fileURLWithPath: destPath)
        print("destDirUrl: \(destDirUrl)")
        for crop in crops {
            let cropName = "\(filename)_\(crop.width)x\(crop.height)_\(useDefaultRAW ? "default" : "")"
            for format in formats {
            let destUrl = destDirUrl.appendingPathComponent(cropName).appendingPathExtension(format)
            print("destFile: \(destUrl)")
                self.exportFile(url: url,destUrl: destUrl,crop: crop,format: format)
    func exportFile(url: URL,destUrl: URL,crop: CGRect,format: String){
        print("exportFile \(url)")
        print("destFile: \(destUrl)")
        guard let rawFilter = CIFilter(imageURL: url,options: nil),let outputimage = rawFilter.outputimage else {
            print("Failed to load \(url.lastPathComponent) for exporting")
        let processImage = self.crop(outputimage,rect: crop)
        let options = [kCGImageDestinationLossyCompressionQuality as CIImageRepresentationoption: 1.0 as CGFloat]
        let colorSpace = CGColorSpace(name: CGColorSpace.sRGB)!
        let imgFormat = CIFormat.RGBA16
        do {
            switch format {
            case "tiff":
                try ciContext.writeTIFFRepresentation(of: processImage,to: destUrl,format: imgFormat,colorSpace: colorSpace,options: options)
            case "jpeg":
                try ciContext.writeJPEGRepresentation(of: processImage,options: options)
            case "png":
                try ciContext.writePNGRepresentation(of: processImage,options: options)
            case "heif":
                try ciContext.writeHEIFRepresentation(of: processImage,options: options)
                try ciContext.writePNGRepresentation(of: processImage,options: options)
        } catch {
            print("Error exporting \(format): \(error.localizedDescription)")
    var useDefaultRAW: Bool = true

    func crop(_ ciImage: CIImage,rect: CGRect)->CIImage {
        if let cropped = self.cropFilter(ciImage,rect: rect) {
            return cropped
        } else {
            print("Error cropping image !")
            return ciImage
    func cropFilter(_ input: CIImage,rect: CGRect) -> CIImage? {
        // Getting a dashed border !!
        guard let cropFilter = CIFilter(name: "CICrop") else {
            print("Error no CICrop filter found !")
            return input
        let ciVect = CIVector(cgRect: rect)
        cropFilter.setValue(input,forKey: kCIInputimageKey)

        cropFilter.setValue(ciVect,forKey: "inputRectangle")

        return cropFilter.value(forKey: kCIoUtputimageKey) as? CIImage

enter image description here




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