Openstack Magnum docker swarm 错误:法兰绒,etcd


OpenStack 版本:训练 操作系统:CentOS7


  1. 我正在尝试使用 openstack magnum 部署 docker swarm。
  2. 实例已创建,但无法使用 docker 命令部署容器。
  3. 当我检查实例时,Flannel 和 etcd 似乎无法正常工作。
  4. 如何让 Flannel 运行?


我无法在 Openstack 上部署 swarm-cluster。 当我请求创建集群时,会创建 swarm 集群。 但问题是当我部署容器时,它不起作用。 (我遵循 OpenStack 官方指南 - 使用 Magnum 启动实例 网站:

[root@controller ~]# $(openstack coe cluster config swarm --dir myclusterconfig)                                                   
[root@controller ~]# docker ps
Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at tcp://(swarm floating IP):2376. Is the docker daemon running?


当我使用 journalctl -xe 命令检查状态时 结果如下。

cloud-init[1373]: Can't open user config file /srv/magnum/.ssh/config: No such file or directory

(实际上,在官方 openstack magnum 指南中,它说使用 fedora-atomic-image 27 版本。在版本 27 中,删除了 flannel 和 etcd,因此使用版本 26。)

[root@swarm-eexwqnhya3f6-master-0 ~]# systemctl status flanneld 
● flanneld.service - Flanneld overlay address etcd agent
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/flanneld.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
  Drop-In: /etc/systemd/system/flanneld.service.d
   Active: activating (start) since Fri 2021-06-25 09:39:08 UTC; 48s ago
 Main PID: 5858 (flanneld)
    Tasks: 7 (limit: 4915)
   Memory: 4.9M
      cpu: 59ms
   CGroup: /system.slice/flanneld.service
           └─5858 /usr/bin/flanneld -etcd-endpoints= -etcd-prefix=/

Jun 25 09:39:47 swarm-eexwqnhya3f6-master-0.novalocal flanneld[5858]: E0625 09:39:47.559693    5858 network.go:102] Failed to retrieve network config: 100: Key not found (/ [3]
Jun 25 09:39:48 swarm-eexwqnhya3f6-master-0.novalocal flanneld[5858]: E0625 09:39:48.561497    5858 network.go:102] Failed to retrieve network config: 100: Key not found (/ [3]
Jun 25 09:39:49 swarm-eexwqnhya3f6-master-0.novalocal flanneld[5858]: E0625 09:39:49.563460    5858 network.go:102] Failed to retrieve network config: 100: Key not found (/ [3]
Jun 25 09:39:50 swarm-eexwqnhya3f6-master-0.novalocal flanneld[5858]: E0625 09:39:50.565263    5858 network.go:102] Failed to retrieve network config: 100: Key not found (/ [3]
Jun 25 09:39:51 swarm-eexwqnhya3f6-master-0.novalocal flanneld[5858]: E0625 09:39:51.567032    5858 network.go:102] Failed to retrieve network config: 100: Key not found (/ [3]
Jun 25 09:39:52 swarm-eexwqnhya3f6-master-0.novalocal flanneld[5858]: E0625 09:39:52.568903    5858 network.go:102] Failed to retrieve network config: 100: Key not found (/ [3]
Jun 25 09:39:53 swarm-eexwqnhya3f6-master-0.novalocal flanneld[5858]: E0625 09:39:53.570770    5858 network.go:102] Failed to retrieve network config: 100: Key not found (/ [3]
Jun 25 09:39:54 swarm-eexwqnhya3f6-master-0.novalocal flanneld[5858]: E0625 09:39:54.572529    5858 network.go:102] Failed to retrieve network config: 100: Key not found (/ [3]
Jun 25 09:39:55 swarm-eexwqnhya3f6-master-0.novalocal flanneld[5858]: E0625 09:39:55.574486    5858 network.go:102] Failed to retrieve network config: 100: Key not found (/ [3]
Jun 25 09:39:56 swarm-eexwqnhya3f6-master-0.novalocal flanneld[5858]: E0625 09:39:56.577890    5858 network.go:102] Failed to retrieve network config: 100: Key not found (/ [3]

etcd 服务正在运行,但 flannel 服务未运行。

● etcd.service - Etcd Server
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/etcd.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
   Active: active (running) since Fri 2021-06-25 09:16:33 UTC; 29min ago
 Main PID: 1426 (etcd)
    Tasks: 7 (limit: 4915)
   Memory: 21.1M
      cpu: 7.216s
   CGroup: /system.slice/etcd.service
           └─1426 /usr/bin/etcd --name= --data-dir=/var/lib/etcd/default.etcd --listen-client-urls=,

Jun 25 09:16:33 swarm-eexwqnhya3f6-master-0.novalocal etcd[1426]: raft.node: cf837ecc74959a40 elected leader cf837ecc74959a40 at term 2                                          
Jun 25 09:16:33 swarm-eexwqnhya3f6-master-0.novalocal etcd[1426]: setting up the initial cluster version to 3.1                                                                  
Jun 25 09:16:33 swarm-eexwqnhya3f6-master-0.novalocal etcd[1426]: published {Name: ClientURLs:[]} to cluster 4c215           
Jun 25 09:16:33 swarm-eexwqnhya3f6-master-0.novalocal etcd[1426]: ready to serve client requests                                                                                 
Jun 25 09:16:33 swarm-eexwqnhya3f6-master-0.novalocal etcd[1426]: serving insecure client requests on,this is strongly discouraged!                              
Jun 25 09:16:33 swarm-eexwqnhya3f6-master-0.novalocal etcd[1426]: ready to serve client requests                                                                                 
Jun 25 09:16:33 swarm-eexwqnhya3f6-master-0.novalocal etcd[1426]: serving insecure client requests on,this is strongly discouraged!                              
Jun 25 09:16:33 swarm-eexwqnhya3f6-master-0.novalocal systemd[1]: Started Etcd Server.                                                                                                         
Jun 25 09:16:33 swarm-eexwqnhya3f6-master-0.novalocal etcd[1426]: set the initial cluster version to 3.1                                                                         
Jun 25 09:16:33 swarm-eexwqnhya3f6-master-0.novalocal etcd[1426]: enabled capabilities for version 3.1                                                                           


[root@swarm-eexwqnhya3f6-master-0 ~]# etcdctl get /atomic./network/config
Error:  100: Key not found (/atomic.) [3]

我认为 docker 没有正常运行的原因是 flannel 服务没有运行。有谁知道为什么它不起作用?





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