从解码 Json 文件中获取属性并将它们作为字符串添加到 terraform 上的变量中


我有解码 JSON 和 CSV 文件terraform 代码

provider "azurerm" {

locals {
      resource_groupname = csvdecode(file("./ResourceTypes.csv"))
      json_data = jsondecode(file("${path.module}/Monitor.json"))

    resource "azurerm_resource_group" "Main" {
      count    =  length(local.resource_groupname)
      name     =  local.resource_groupname[count.index].resourcetype
      location = "north europe"
     resource "azurerm_resource_group" "name" {
       # (other settings)
       name = local.json_data.name
       location = "north europe"

      output "local_json_data" {
        value = local.json_data

当我运行 terraform 代码时,我的输出如下:

  # azurerm_resource_group.Main[212] will be created
  + resource "azurerm_resource_group" "Main" {
      + id       = (kNown after apply)
      + location = "northeurope"
      + name     = "Wandisco.Fusion"

  # azurerm_resource_group.name will be created
  + resource "azurerm_resource_group" "name" {
      + id       = (kNown after apply)
      + location = "northeurope"
      + name     = "Azure-apimanagement-FailedRequests"

Plan: 214 to add,0 to change,0 to destroy.

Changes to Outputs:
  + local_json_data = {
      + classification = "anomaly"
      + id             = 16020941
      + message        = <<-EOT
            Azure - API Management - Failed Requests
            {{name.name}} exceeds the prevIoUsly estimated average.

            Please refer to the following reaction process:

            Alerts generate an aim ticket,viewable here (search via CI or Alert Name):
      + name           = "Azure-apimanagement-FailedRequests"
      + options        = {
          + escalation_message  = ""
          + include_tags        = true
          + locked              = false
          + new_host_delay      = 300
          + no_data_timeframe   = null
          + notify_audit        = false
          + notify_no_data      = false
          + renotify_interval   = 0
          + require_full_window = true
          + silenced            = {}
          + threshold_windows   = {
              + recovery_window = "last_15m"
              + trigger_window  = "last_15m"
          + thresholds          = {
              + critical          = 1
              + critical_recovery = 0
          + timeout_h           = 1
      + priority       = null
      + query          = "avg(last_4h):anomalies(avg:azure.apimanagement_service.Failed_requests{*} by {name},'agile',2,direction='above',alert_window='last_15m',interval=60,count_default_zero='true',seasonality='hourly') >= 1"
      + tags           = [
          + "Sev:54",]
      + type           = "query alert"

有没有办法可以保存 JSON 和 CSV 文件中的属性,并将其作为 terraform 中的字符串保存到变量中?然后从变量中创建一个新的 terraform 脚本?

我的最终目标是尝试从 JSON 文件创建一个 terraform 脚本。


如果我没记错的话。您想在另一个 Terraform 脚本中引用从 JSON 文件加载值的变量。所以你可以使用 Terraform 模块来实现它。例子如下:


  "resource_group_name": "testGroup"


locals {
  json_data = jsondecode(file("./Monitor.json"))

output "group_name" {
  value = local.json_data.resource_group_name


modules "groups" {
  source = "./modules/"

resource "azurerm_resource_group" "group" {
  name = module.groups.group_name

但是为什么不直接使用 locals 块来引用 JSON 文件中的数据?它更容易并且符合逻辑。当然,这是一个建议,您可以根据需要使用该方法。