您上传的 APK 或 Android App Bundle 已使用上传证书签名,但该证书最近已重置而无效


我最近在尝试在 Playstore 上上传时更新了我的应用 我丢失了我的密钥密码,因此必须重置我的密钥并再次上传 Playstore,它说

You uploaded an APK or Android App Bundle that is signed with an upload certificate that is not yet valid because it has been recently reset. You will be able to upload APKs or Android App Bundles again from Jun 26,2021,6:29:19 PM UTC.

我更改了时区仍然无效。 即使我尝试了其他答案但没有运气,

This is what I get


最后,我又等了一天解决了这个问题,然后我再次上传了相同的 .aab 文件。它接受没有任何错误。