

IEnumerator Reload(float reloadSpeed)
    canShoot = false;
    yield return new WaitForSeconds(reloadSpeed);
    if(totalAmmo >= magazineCapacity)
        totalAmmo -= magazineCapacity - currentAmmo;
        currentAmmo += magazineCapacity - currentAmmo;
    else if(totalAmmo <= magazineCapacity && (totalAmmo -= magazineCapacity - (magazineCapacity - totalAmmo) - currentAmmo) > 0 )
        totalAmmo -=  magazineCapacity - (magazineCapacity - totalAmmo) - currentAmmo;
        currentAmmo += magazineCapacity - (magazineCapacity - totalAmmo) - currentAmmo; 
        if(totalAmmo + currentAmmo <= magazineCapacity)
            currentAmmo += totalAmmo;
            totalAmmo = 0;                  
            int leftAmmo;
            leftAmmo = totalAmmo + currentAmmo - magazineCapacity;
            currentAmmo = totalAmmo - leftAmmo;
            totalAmmo = leftAmmo;
    canShoot = true;

因此,当我尚未重新装填的弹药少于 30 时,我无法重新装填,并且它开始执行随机操作,例如晚上我的 currentAmmo 和 totalAmmo 或升级我的 totalAmmo 不知道如何修复它


与其在重新加载时为每一种可能性都做一个案例,这应该是一个更通用的解决方案。 Mathf.Clamp 会阻止你从总弹药中吸取比你拥有的更多的弹药。

IEnumerator Reload(float reloadSpeed)
    canShoot = false;
    yield return new WaitForSeconds(reloadSpeed);

    // No ammo? No reload
    if (totalAmmo > 0)
        //Take out the amount of ammo we need. Clamp the amount so that we cant take more than the total ammo
        int amountToWithdraw = Mathf.Clamp(magazineCapacity - currentAmmo,magazineCapacity); 
        totalAmmo -= amountToWithdraw;
        currentAmmo += amountToWithdraw;

    canShoot = true;