从模态呈现的视图控制器导航到根视图控制器 怎么样?结果



根视图控制器 - A

推送视图控制器 - B

呈现的视图控制器 - C

A -> 推 B。

B -> 呈现 C。

我怎样才能从 C 回到 A。



let presenting = self.presentingViewController ?? self.navigationController?.presentingViewController
let navCtrl1 = presenting as? UINavigationController // in case you presented C using b.navigationController.present...
let navCtrl2 = presenting?.navigationController // in case you presented c using b.present...
if let navCtrl = navCtrl1 ?? navCtrl2  {
    self.dismiss(animated: true,completion: {
        navCtrl.popToRootViewController(animated: true)


我想知道是否有任何方法可以绕过关闭并直接弹出到根视图控制器。我想避免显示视图控制器 B

let presenting = self.presentingViewController ?? self.navigationController?.presentingViewController
let navCtrl1 = presenting as? UINavigationController // in case you presented C using b.navigationController.present...
let navCtrl2 = presenting?.navigationController // in case you presented c using b.present...
if let navCtrl = navCtrl1 ?? navCtrl2  {
    navCtrl.popToRootViewController(animated: false)
    self.dismiss(animated: true,completion: nil)


要实现这一点,您必须将呈现控制器 UINavigationController 作为变量传递给您正在 present 操作的视图控制器。让我向您展示方法和结果。

vcA 推送到 vcB 相当简单。需要注意的一件事是,当您从 vcA 推送到 vcB 时,vcA 将位于导航堆栈中。考虑到这一点,让我移动一个。

首先通过添加一个变量来保存呈现 vcC 的视图控制器的 UINavigationCongroller,即 vcC,从而对 vcB 进行更改。请按以下步骤操作(阅读评论)

class ViewControllerC: UIViewController {

    // Variable that holds reference to presenting ViewController's Navigtion controller
    var presentingNavigationController: UINavigationController!

    //Some action that triggers the "Go-back-to-A"
    @objc func pressed() {
        // When the completion block is executed in dismiss,// This function will loop through all ViewControllers in the presenting Navigation stack to see if vcA exists
        // Since vcA was earlier pushed to the navigation stack it should exist
        // So we can use the same navigation controller to pop to vcA    
        // Set the animated property to false to make the transition instant
        dismiss(animated: false) {
                if let vc = $0 as? ViewController {
                    self.presentingNavigationController.popToViewController(vc,animated: true)

vcB 中,您可以将以下内容添加到 present(_:_:_:) 函数

// function call
@objc func pressed() {
    let vc = ViewControllerC()
    // Setting the navigation controller for reference in the presented controller
    vc.presentingNavigationController = self.navigationController  
    present(vc,animated: true,completion: nil)


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