我正在研究 SFML,我真的很想深入了解关于对象的位置、旋转、缩放和原点的变换


我正在查看 "SFML/Graphics/Transform.h""SFML/Graphics/Transformable.h" 标题,我不能 明白一件事。我最小化 课程,以便你们可以轻松获得:

// "SFML/Graphics/Transform.h"
class Transform
// Default constructor

// Construct a transform from a 3X3 matrix
Transform(float a00,float a01,float a02,float a10,float a11,float a12,float a20,float a21,float a22);

// "SFML/Graphics/Transformable.h"
class Transformable
Vector2f mPosition;                             // Position of the object in 2D world.
float mRotation;                                // Orientation of the object,in degress.
Vector2f mScale;                                // Scale of the object.
Vector2f mOrigin;                               // Origin of translation,rotation and scaling.of the object.
mutable Transform mTransform;                  // Combined transformation of the object.
mutable bool      mTransformNeedUpdate;        // Does the transform need to be recomputed?
mutable Transform mInverseTransform;           // Combined transformation of the object.
mutable bool      mInverseTransformNeedUpdate; // Does the transform need to be recomputed?

// Functions to implement transformation
void setPostion(float x,float y);
void setPosition(const Vector2f& position);
void setRotation(float angle);
void setScale(float factorX,float factorY);
void setScale(const Vector2f& factors);
void setorigin(float x,float y);
void setorigin(const Vector2f& orgin);

const Vector2f& getPosition() const;
float getRotation() const;
const Vector2f& getScale() const;
const Vector2f& getorigin() const;

void move(float offsetX,float offsetY);
void move(const Vector2f& offset);
void rotate(float angle);
void scale(float factorX,float factorY);
void scale(const Vector2f& factors);

// What I don't understand
const Transform& getTransform() const;
const Transform& getInverseTransform() const;

"SFML/Graphics/Transformable.cpp" 中的 "getTransform()" 函数 实现如下代码

const Transform& Transformable::getTransform() const
    // Recompute the combined transform if needed
    if (mTransformNeedUpdate)
        float angle  = -mRotation * 3.141592654f / 180.f;
        float cosine = static_cast<float>(std::cos(angle));
        float sine   = static_cast<float>(std::sin(angle));
        float sxc    = mScale.x * cosine;
        float syc    = mScale.y * cosine;
        float sxs    = mScale.x * sine;
        float sys    = mScale.y * sine;
        float tx     = -mOrigin.x * sxc - mOrigin.y * sys + mPosition.x;
        float ty     =  mOrigin.x * sxs - mOrigin.y * syc + mPosition.y;

        mTransform = Transform( sxc,sys,tx,-sxs,syc,ty,0.f,1.f);
        mTransformNeedUpdate = false;

    return mTransform;

我的问题是他们如何实现这些值:sxcsycsxssystxty 就像那样,为什么他们按那个顺序把它们放到 3X3 矩阵中。 非常感谢!!!



The doc of sf::Transform

The github source code