如何组合我在下面定义的 3 个数组?


我有一个关于全世界土壤湿度水平 (mrso) 的大型数据文件。我想限制这些数据,使其仅涵盖欧洲。

mrso 数据具有维度(时间、纬度、经度)。因此,为了将其限制在欧洲,我想将纬度和经度维度限制为欧洲的维度。问题是 0 经度线位于欧洲。由于经度维度从 0 到 360,我需要将 mrso 经度从 330 限制到 360,然后从 0 到 45,然后以某种方式将它们组合起来,为我提供整个欧洲的 mrso。


# Proxy data for latitude,longitude,time and soil moisture (mrso)
lat = np.linspace(-90,90,181)
lon = np.linspace(0,360,181)
time = np.linspace(0,70,71)
mrso = np.random.rand(len(time),len(lat),len(lon))

我尝试了以下代码来尝试将 mrso 数据限制在欧洲:

def findNearestIndex(vals,target):
    # Finds the value within an array that is closest to the target value
    minIndex = -1
    minDiff = None
    # Loop over all the values in the given list
    for i in range(len(vals)):
        # Find the absolute difference between this value and the target
        diff = abs(vals[i] - target)
        # If this is the first time,or if the difference is smaller than
        # the smallest difference found so far,remember the difference and
        # the index
        if minDiff is None or diff < minDiff:
            minDiff = diff
            minIndex = i
    return minIndex

def EU_Restrict(lat,lon,mrso):    
    # Find min and max lat and lon of Europe
    max_lat = findNearestIndex(lat,75)
    min_lat = findNearestIndex(lat,35)
    max_lon = findNearestIndex(lon,45)
    min_lon = findNearestIndex(lon,330)
    end_lon = findNearestIndex(lon,360) #closest point corresponding to 360/0 lon

    # Restrict mrso data to Europe
    EU_mrso = np.concatenate((mrso[:,min_lat:max_lat,min_lon:end_lon],mrso[:,0:max_lon]))
    return EU_mrso

但是,它返回以下错误消息: ValueError 回溯(最近一次调用) 在 () 第49话 50 ---> 51 map_EU_Restrict(5,r1i1p1f1_hist_path2000)

1 帧 在 EU_Restrict(model) 30 31 # 将 mrso 数据限制在欧洲 ---> 32 EU_mrso = np.concatenate((mrso[:,0:max_lon])) 33 返回 EU_mrso 34

array_function internals> in concatenate(*args,**kwargs)

ValueError: 串联轴的所有输入数组维度必须完全匹配,但沿维度 2,索引 0 处的数组大小为 12,索引 1 处的数组大小为 17

是 concatenate 函数不起作用,但我不知道实现我想要的另一种方法。有人有什么想法吗?




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