使用 Excel VBA Range.Find 查找包含相似值的全等数据范围的首地址和末地址并中断 Do 循环?


我一直在努力使用 Do/WhileRange.Find 方法获得 Range.FindNext 循环以摆脱无限循环。我已经研究了所有这些,发现大量重复的问题一般都在问“我如何停止无限循环?”但这些不回答我正在寻找的特定条件,因为当 Do 函数找到最后一次迭代并返回到匹配文本的第一次迭代时,我不想简单地停止 .find 循环(即使用 Loop While Not testFind is nothing And nxtAddr <> firstAddr 类型构造)。

让我们看一些数据示例。我正在处理的任何给定文件上大约有 8000+++ 行数据。在文件中,我正在搜索日期/时间,指定日期和特定小时(例如 - “20210715 12”作为我的查询):

Row 37: 20210715 14:07:21  ---- This row is the last row of a prevIoUs set of congruent data.
        (Row 37 and all other data above minus header rows are hidden for user's viewing pleasure.)
Row 38: 20210715 12:48:20  ---- This row is the first row of the congruent data - I CARE ABOUT THIS DATA
Row 39: 20210715 12:47:20
Row 40~85: Date stays same,hour stays the same,rest of time increments down
Row 86: 20210715 12:07:15
Row 87: 20210715 12:07:13  ---- This row is the final row of the congruent data - I CARE ABOUT THIS DATA
Row 88: 20210715 11:54:20  ---- This row is the first row of a new set of congruent data.

一个典型的 Do/While 循环可以在多个地方找到,包括 SO 上的重复。这些示例(例如here, here, or here不会阻止.find.findnext 方法循环遍历我的整个范围的其余部分 以确保“不再有匹配项”。

参考 THIS SO article,THIS SO article, 我偶然发现了一个假设,即是否可以在没有 Range.Resize 的情况下通过全等数据动态移动范围(这不仅仅是将范围向下移动 -它增加了正在测试的当前范围的大小)。 . .

这可能吗?它有效吗?我确实遇到了一个让我大开眼界的facepalm时刻,当我偶然发现 this incredibly simple and eloquent SO solution 通过将 SearchDirection=xlNext 更改为 {{} 返回与相同文本匹配的最后一行1}} 并想“尤里卡!”


SearchDirection=xlPrevIoUs 方法中使用 xlPrevIoUs 的这种解决方案仍然强制循环遍历条目下方的所有剩余行,直到找到匹配项!!!

底线:一旦它搜索了如上所示的一段全等数据,在最后一行结束,而不必遍历剩余的 7900+++ 行数据,循环是否可以被打破?

对于那些可能会问的人 - 我也特别不想使用 Range.find 构造答案,同样,我不想遍历所有单元格以找到最后一次迭代! !!


我找到了答案!绝对可以这样做,但不使用 .FindNext 作为解决方案。参考我在这里找到的关于 SO 的文章,我根据集体方法即兴提出了以下解决方案,它完全符合我的要求。

注意:StartTimerStopTimer 使用一种方法来计算执行功能所需的时间,并为我提供精确到秒的输出(不完全准确,但足够准确) -- 你可以找到这个 here.



'Note - the values of topRow,dateCol,and r were determined earlier in code,r = rows of used data (NOT USING "USEDRANGE").
With Range(Cells(topRow,dateCol),Cells(r,dateCol))
  Set test = .Find("20210715 12",LookIn:=xlValues,Lookat:=xlPart,_
  If Not test Is Nothing Then
    'sets the address of cell above first found match to _not_ hide the first matching cell
    strtFndCel = test.Offset(-1,0).Address

    'sets the first found cell's address
    strtFnd = test.Address

    'sets the next cell's address to specify for future search range.
    strtFndNxt = test.Offset(1,0).Address

    Debug.Print "The First Cell Address containing my query = " & strtFnd

    Set strtRng = Range(Cells(topRow,1),strtFndCel)
    strtRng.Rows.Hidden = True

  End If
End With

此部分执行 Do 循环而不使用任何 WhileUntil,并停止 .Find 函数循环遍历我文件中剩余的数据单元格。


Dim findrng As Range

'Uses the strtFndNxt value to set the defined range for the next query of congruent data
Set findrng = Range(strtFnd,strtFndNxt)

Call StartTimer

  Set test = Nothing
  Set test = findrng.Find("20210715 12",_
  If test Is Nothing Then
    Exit Do
    'Note - when looping,the "lastFnd" address increments by 2,but will adequately stop 
    'on the appropriate cell regardless of even or odd number of rows.
    lastFnd = test.Address
    strtFnd = test.Offset(1,0).Address
    strtFndNxt = test.Offset(2,0).Address

    Debug.Print "The Current Address containing my query = " & lastFnd

    Set findrng = Range(strtFnd,strtFndNxt)
  End If

Debug.Print "The Last Address containing my query using breaking loop Method = " & lastFnd

Call StopTimer

现在 - 为了尽可能彻底和公平,我确实测试了我的问题中列出的 xlPrevious 方法,它确实为包含匹配项的最后一个单元格生成了相同的地址。


xlPrevious 方法确实需要更长的时间来遍历剩余的 7900+++ 个单元格。在这种情况下,计时花费了大约 2 秒,我发现这仍然令人印象深刻,因此它相对较快,但是,如果数据范围扩大,随着时间的推移,这将花费更长的时间,或者,如果给定的范围不仅仅是一个对于此文件中的相同给定数据,单列将花费更长的时间(测试并发现大约需要 10 秒。匹配单元格地址的结果相同)。

唯一一次我看到解决方案无用的情况是,您可能有更多行,然后是另一块与以前相同的查询匹配的全等数据,但即使在这种情况下,您也可以放入一部分代码使搜索查询重新开始,但使用 after 参数指定搜索在最后找到的单元格之后开始。在我的数据中,永远不会出现在另一个与查询不匹配的一致数据块之后再次找到相同数据的情况。同样,为了公平起见,这里是使用 xlPrevious 比较的方法,如 final SO article I listed in the question.

Call StartTimer

  If Not test Is Nothing Then
    lstFnd = test.Address

  End If
End With
  Debug.Print "The Last Address containing my query using xlPrevious Method = " & lstFnd & vbCrLf & "Range Searched is on single column only."

Call StopTimer

'Uses the entire working range to perform the same query
'instead of on just a single column,but searches by columns
'to make the efforts a little more expedient.

Call StartTimer

'workrng was specified in previous code - NOT USING "USEDRANGE" methods.
With workrng

  'Note: removing SearchOrder to use default behavior made NO DIFFERENCE in Timing!
  Set test = .Find("20210715 12",SearchOrder:=xlByColumns,MatchCase:=False)
  If Not test Is Nothing Then
    lstFnd = test.Address
'    Debug.Print strtFnd
'    Debug.Print strtFndNxt

  End If
End With
  Debug.Print "The Last Address containing my query using xlPrevious Method = " & lstFnd & vbCrLf & "Range Searched is entire working range."

Call StopTimer

最后 - 一些结果


The First Cell Address containing my query = $A$38
The Starting Time is: 14:51:33

The Current Address containing my query = $A$39
The Current Address containing my query = $A$41
The Current Address containing my query = $A$47
The Current Address containing my query = $A$49
The Current Address containing my query = $A$85
The Current Address containing my query = $A$87
The Last Address containing my query using breaking loop Method = $A$87
The End Time is: 14:51:33

The time it took to run this process is: 00:00:00

The Starting Time is: 14:51:33

The Last Address containing my query using xlPrevious Method = $A$87
Range Searched is on single column only.
The End Time is: 14:51:35
The time it took to run this process is: 00:00:02

The Starting Time is: 14:51:35

The Last Address containing my query using xlPrevious Method = $A$87
Range Searched is entire working range.
The End Time is: 14:51:45
The time it took to run this process is: 00:00:10