从 AEM 中的 iparsys 渲染的组件的 Sling Dynamic Include (SDI) 不起作用



假设页面上有 12 个组件

A. 1 header - dynamic data component (A.a - 2 more components with dynamic data included using data-sly-resource in sightly/HTL)
B. 1 footer - static data
C. 4 dynamic data component 
D. 4 static data component 


I've configured 6 components in SDI configuration (A & C)
I've configured only configured 1 of the 2 components in (A.a) - hit & trial process to identify if adding child components separately in SDI is required or not. - Not working in either case.
I've not configured SDI with (B & C - not required)

我这里有两个问题 -

Issue 1 - Component A (header) is configured on the homepage and is flowing down to my current page using - iparsys. Hence SDI is not working for this component. Data rendered is not dynamic and coming from cache.
How to get components coming from iparsys as dynamic with the help of SDI?

Issue 2 - How to get dynamic data in these 2 Components in (A.a)? Considering that -
first - these are child components to a component
second - these are child components to a component in iparsys

请考虑 - 我已经按照 adobe 文档实施了步骤 - https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-learn/foundation/development/set-up-sling-dynamic-include.html?lang=en

之前的查询解决了 - Sling Dynamic Include Not Working for Multiple components - 所以任务完成,直到这一步




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