需要什么钩子来临时阻止 Office Clipboard Listener 接收剪贴板窗口消息?


我想暂时阻止 Microsoft Office 中的“Office 剪贴板”接收任何与剪贴板相关的 Windows 消息,以阻止它收集我的复制操作。根据此网站 (http://www.benf.org/excel/officeclip/),此剪贴板基于 OleClipboard,并使用“SetClipboardListener”将自己注册为剪贴板侦听器,以接收有关剪贴板更改的消息(并随后最多存储 24 个复制的项目)。

所以在我的 VSTO 插件中,我尝试基于 WH_GETMESSAGE 设置一个 SetwindowsHookEx。然后我想拦截与剪贴板相关的消息(WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD、WM_CLIPBOARDUPDATE),并根据这篇文章How to discard some messages for a window?)将它们设置为 WM_NULL,这样 Office 剪贴板就不会收到我的操作通知

我尝试了以下代码,但没有收到任何剪贴板消息。我做错了什么或者我应该尝试什么其他方法?也许可以获取 Office 剪贴板窗口的句柄并使用其他一些钩子,但我不知道采取什么方法或如何识别此窗口的句柄。

' Hook procedure callback type.
Private Delegate Function HookProc(ByVal nCode As Integer,ByVal wParam As IntPtr,ByVal lParam As IntPtr) As Integer

messageHookProcedure = New HookProc(AddressOf MessageHookProc)
hookHandle = SetwindowsHookEx(WH_CALLWNDPROC,messageHookProcedure,CType(0,IntPtr),GetCurrentThreadId())

Private Function MessageHookProc(ByVal nCode As Integer,ByVal lParam As IntPtr) As Integer

    ' Per docs,if nCode < 0,the hook procedure must pass the 
    ' message to CallNextHookEx function without further processing
    ' and should return the value returned by CallNextHookEx. 
    If nCode < 0 Then
        Return CallNextHookEx(hookHandle,nCode,wParam,lParam)

        ' Only process the message if it has not already been 
        ' removed from the queue.
        'If wParam.ToInt32() = PM_norEMOVE Then
        '    ' The lparam that Windows passes us is a pointer to a 
        '    ' MSG struct.
        Dim msg As MSG = CType(Marshal.PtrToStructure(lParam,GetType(MSG)),MSG)
        If msg.message = WM.DRAWCLIPBOARD Then
        End If

        ' Ensure that we don't break the hook chain.
        Return CallNextHookEx(hookHandle,lParam)
    End If

End Function




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