在 ruby​​ 中解析多行固定宽度的文本文件


我正在尝试用 ruby​​ 解析多行固定宽度文件,但似乎无法解析所需的信息。当信息在 1 行时,我可以很好地解析。例如:

Name      LastName         dob
John      Doe              01/01/2001
Jane      Doe              01/02/2002


This message needs to be                 AccountId: 7854639
parsed in a single key                   Phone: 823972839563
of the json that I want to produce       Email: test@test.com

多行文本总是在相同的坐标上,而且是动态的。例如,不确定如何解析它并映射到 json 值。


str = "This message needs to be          AccountId: 7854639
parsed in a single key                   Phone: 823972839563
of the json that I want to produce       Email: test@test.com"

p str.scan(/([^\s]+:[^\n]+)/).flatten

Ruby demo



freeform_text = str.split('\n').map do |s|
  m = s.match(/^(.*)\s+(.*):(.*)$/)
  m[1] ? m[1].strip : ''
end.join(' ')

# Produces:
# "This message needs to be parsed in a single key of the json that I want to produce"
