如何将哈希表对 calloc 的使用从 C 移植到 Rust?


我正在尝试将代码库从 C 移植到 Rust。类型转换是非常隐含的,手动尝试控制内存使得找出最佳解决方案变得非常困难。我试图移植的数据结构实现了一个哈希表:

// An entry in the hash table
typedef struct DataEntryStruct
    char   *key;
    int    data;
    struct DataEntryStruct *next;
} DataEntry;

typedef struct DataEntryStruct *HashTable;

// Hash a string to an integer
unsigned int gethash(char *str)
    unsigned int hash = 5381;
    unsigned int retHash;
    int c;
    while ((c = *str++))
        hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) + c; /* hash * 33 + c */
    retHash = hash % HASHTABLEMAXSIZE;
    return retHash;

// Produce a duplicate string
char *dupstr(const char *s)
    size_t size = strlen(s) + 1;
    char *p = malloc(size);
    if (p) memcpy(p,s,size);
    return p;

// Create a hash table
HashTable *hashtable_create()
    int i;
    HashTable *ht = (HashTable *) calloc(HASHTABLEMAXSIZE,sizeof(HashTable));
    if (ht != NULL)
        for (i = 0; i < HASHTABLEMAXSIZE; i++) ht[i] = NULL;
    return ht;


struct DataEntry {
    key: &str,data: u32,next: Option<&mut HashTable>,}

let HashTable = &mut DataEntry;

// get hash for a string
fn gethash(val: &str) -> u32 {
    let mut hash: u32 = 5381;

    for c in val.chars() {
        hash = (hash << 5 as u32).wrapping_add(hash).wrapping_add(c as u32);

    return hash % HASHTABLEMAXSIZE;

// Produce a duplcate string
fn dupstr(val: &str) -> &str {
    // only use rust .clone func





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