在 Rexx 中查找第 n 次出现的字符


我想在 Rexx 中找到 字符串中第 n 次出现的字符。是否有任何内置功能可以做到这一点?如果没有,我该怎么做?


使用 POS 功能 n 次。

例如,要找到字符串中的第三个 'a',请使用 pos("a",string,currentPos) 3 次,初始起点为 1,后续起点为前一个 pos 的结果。>

/* REXX */                                                            
string   = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"                                                                               
srchchar = "e"                                                        
count    = 2                                                          
say "The position of the '"count"' occurrence of '"srchChar"'"||," in '"string"' is at position : "                             
say findChar(srchChar,count)                                 
findChar: procedure                                                   
 /* Find the nth (count) position of the string needle in haystack */ 
 arg needle,haystack,count                                          
 currentPos = 0                                                       
 do count                                                             
    currentPos = currentPos + 1                                       
    currentPos = pos(needle,currentPos)                    
 return currentPos     


The position of the '2' occurrence of 'e' in 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog' is at position :



string   = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"                                                                          
srchchar = "the"                                                   
count    = 2                                                       
say "The position of the '"count"' occurrence of '"srchChar"'"||," in '"string"' is at position : "                          
say findChar(srchChar,count)  


The position of the '2' occurrence of 'the' in 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog' is at position : 

编辑 - 这是我的旧答案(由于我误读了任务而错误),它计算搜索字符出现在字符串中的次数。


/* REXX */                                                        
string = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"            
srchchar = "q"                                                    
say "There is/are "count(srchchar,string)" occurrances of "||,"'"srchchar"' in '"string"'"                               
count: procedure                                                  
 arg needle,haystack                                             
 count = 0                                                        
 do i = 1 to length(haystack)                                     
    currentChar = substr(haystack,i,1)                            
    if currentChar = needle then count = count + 1                
 return count 



这是一个函数的示例实现,用于返回大海捞针中第 n 次出现的位置。该函数名为 NthPositionOfNeedle

/*- REXX --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  This function returns the position of the nth occurrence of a given character
  in a given string. A negative return value indicates a parameter error,or
  the fact that the nth occurrence was not found.
    Haystack    A non-empty string of characters to be search.
    Needle      A single character to be searched for in the haystack.
    Count       A whole number indicating the nth occurrence to be found.
  Return values:
     n          where n > 0 indicates the position of the nth occurrence 
                of the needle within the haystack.
    -1          The haystack is an empty string.
    -2          The needle is not a single character.
    -3          The count is not a whole number > 0.
    -4          The needle was not found at all within the haystack.
    -5          The nth occurrence was not found,but the needle was
                found at least once.                


NthPositionOfNeedle: procedure

Haystack = arg(1)
Needle   = arg(2)
Count    = arg(3)

/* The haystack must not be an empty string. Return -1 if it is */
if length( Haystack ) = 0 
then return -1

/* The Needle must be a single character. Return -2 if it is not */
if length( Needle ) <> 1
then return -2

/* The count must be a whole number > 0. Return -3 if it is not */
if datatype( Count,"W" ) = 0 | Count < 1
then return -3

/* Does needle exist at least once in the haystack? Return -4 if not */
if pos( Needle,Haystack ) = 0
then return -4

CurrCnt = 0
Start   = 1

do while ( CurrCnt < Count  &  Start <= length( Haystack ) )
    NeedlePos = pos( Needle,Haystack,Start )
    /* No more occurrences? */
    if NeedlePos = 0
    then leave
    CurrCnt   = CurrCnt + 1
    Start     = NeedlePos + 1
/* Return the position of the nth occurrence,if so many exist,else return zero */ 
if CurrCnt = Count
then return NeedlePos
else return -5


/*- REXX --------------------------------------------------------------------------

  Code to test the function "NthPositionOfNeedle".

say "1st occurrence of 't' in 'this is a string with multiple characters i.' is",NthPositionOfNeedle( 'this is a string with multiple characters i.','t',1 )
    /*                    ....+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....      */

say "1st occurrence of 'i' in 'this is a string with multiple characters i.' is",'i',1 )

say "2nd occurrence of 'i' in 'this is a string with multiple characters i.' is",2 )

say "3rd occurrence of 'i' in 'this is a string with multiple characters i.' is",3 )

say "6th occurrence of 'i' in 'this is a string with multiple characters i.' is",6 )

say "7th occurrence of 'i' in 'this is a string with multiple characters i.' is",7 )

say "0th occurrence of 'i' in 'this is a string with multiple characters i.' is",0 )

say "2nd occurrence of 'x' in 'this is a string with multiple characters i.' is",'x',2 )

say "1st occurrence of 'i' in 'this is a string with multiple characters i.' is",NthPositionOfNeedle( '',1 )

say "1st occurrence of 'i' in 'this is a string with multiple characters i.' is",'',0 )

say "1st occurrence of 'i' in 'this is a string with multiple characters i.' is","a" )

say "1st occurrence of 'i' in 'this is a string with multiple characters i.' is",1.1 )
