Rust 迭代器的“在编译时没有已知大小”错误?


我正在重构 Rust 的 itertools [1] 中的笛卡尔积代码,作为学习 Rust 的一种方式。笛卡尔积由 Iterator I 和 IntoIterator J 形成。IntoIterator J 多次转换为迭代器并迭代。

到目前为止我有下面的代码,这是对itertools源代码中的代码一个修改。最大的变化是指定特定类型 (i8) 而不是使用泛型类型。

struct Product {
    a: dyn Iterator<Item=i8>,a_cur: Option<i8>,b: dyn IntoIterator<Item=i8,IntoIter=dyn Iterator<Item=i8>>,b_iter: dyn Iterator<Item=i8>

impl Iterator for Product {

    type Item = (i8,i8);

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        let elt_b = match {
            None => {
                self.b_iter = self.b.into_iter();
                match {
                    None => return None,Some(x) => {
                        self.a_cur =;
            Some(x) => x
        match self.a_cur {
            None => None,Some(ref a) => {



fn cp(i: impl Iterator<Item=i8>,j: impl IntoIterator<Item=i8>) -> Product {
   let p = Product{
       a: i,a_cur:,b: j,b_iter: j.into_iter()};
   return p


fn main() {

    for foo in cp(vec![1,4,7],vec![2,3,9]) {



我特别困惑,因为 Rust 的 itertools 库(下面的链接)中的实现具有非常相似的结构,并且不需要指定生命周期、借用、使用框或 dyn 关键字。我很想知道我所做的更改导致 Rust 编译器建议使用借用和/或 Boxes。

error[E0277]: the size for values of type `(dyn Iterator<Item = i8> + 'static)` cannot be kNown at compilation time
  --> src/
15 |     a: dyn Iterator<Item=i8>,|        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ doesn't have a size kNown at compile-time
   = help: the trait `Sized` is not implemented for `(dyn Iterator<Item = i8> + 'static)`
   = note: only the last field of a struct may have a dynamically sized type
   = help: change the field's type to have a statically kNown size
help: borrowed types always have a statically kNown size
15 |     a: &dyn Iterator<Item=i8>,|        ^
help: the `Box` type always has a statically kNown size and allocates its contents in the heap
15 |     a: Box<dyn Iterator<Item=i8>>,|        ^^^^                     ^

error[E0277]: the size for values of type `(dyn IntoIterator<Item = i8,IntoIter = (dyn Iterator<Item = i8> + 'static)> + 'static)` cannot be kNown at compilation time
  --> src/
17 |     b: dyn IntoIterator<Item=i8,|        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ doesn't have a size kNown at compile-time
   = help: the trait `Sized` is not implemented for `(dyn IntoIterator<Item = i8,IntoIter = (dyn Iterator<Item = i8> + 'static)> + 'static)`
   = note: only the last field of a struct may have a dynamically sized type
   = help: change the field's type to have a statically kNown size
help: borrowed types always have a statically kNown size
17 |     b: &dyn IntoIterator<Item=i8,|        ^
help: the `Box` type always has a statically kNown size and allocates its contents in the heap
17 |     b: Box<dyn IntoIterator<Item=i8,IntoIter=dyn Iterator<Item=i8>>>,|        ^^^^                                                         ^

error: aborting due to 2 prevIoUs errors

[1] 处的文档和 处的代码


您不仅更改了项目类型,还删除了通用迭代器。在 itertools 板条箱中,有:

pub struct Product<I,J>
    where I: Iterator
    a: I,…

意味着 a 是一个迭代器,其确切类型将由用户指定(但仍在编译时)。

您已删除通用 I 参数,而是编写了:

pub struct Product
    a: dyn Iterator<Item=i8>,…

如果有效,则意味着 a 是一个迭代器,其项目类型为 u8 但其确切类型将在运行时指定。因此在编译时编译器无法知道 a 的确切类型,也不知道应该分配多少空间来存储 a 内的 Product

如果您希望笛卡尔积适用于项目为 u8 的任何迭代器,您需要使用额外的约束保留泛型参数 I

pub struct Product<I,J>
    where I: Iterator<Item=u8>
    a: I,…

J 中的 impl Iterator 也需要进行类似的更改。


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