热键忽略了 Linux 上的 Python libvlc 绑定


我在 Linux 上使用 python-vlc 绑定控制来自 Python 3.x 的视频时遇到问题。 视频在窗口中播放正常,但热键似乎被忽略。 libvlc 媒体播放器是否处理热键?


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    },error: function (error) {


我认为,您认为 video_set_key_inputvideo_set_mouse_input 是解决方案的论点是对这些函数的误解。


def video_set_key_input(self,on):
    '''Enable or disable key press events handling,according to the LibVLC hotkeys
    configuration. By default and for historical reasons,keyboard events are
    handled by the LibVLC video widget.
    @note: On X11,there can be only one subscriber for key press and mouse
    click events per window. If your application has subscribed to those events
    for the X window ID of the video widget,then LibVLC will not be able to
    handle key presses and mouse clicks in any case.
    @warning: This function is only implemented for X11 and Win32 at the moment.
    @param on: true to handle key press events,false to ignore them.
    return libvlc_video_set_key_input(self,on)

def video_set_mouse_input(self,on):
    '''Enable or disable mouse click events handling. By default,those events are
    handled. This is needed for DVD menus to work,as well as a few video
    filters such as "puzzle".
    See L{video_set_key_input}().
    @warning: This function is only implemented for X11 and Win32 at the moment.
    @param on: true to handle mouse click events,false to ignore them.
    return libvlc_video_set_mouse_input(self,on)

这表明将这些函数设置为 False 只是告诉 vlc 鼠标和按键输入将被忽略并传递给用户应用程序。
为此,您的应用程序必须接受和处理来自指定 X 窗口的鼠标和键输入。

不是,突然按下空格键会暂停视频,就像 vlc 正在执行 accepting and processing 鼠标和键输入的任务一样。


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