计算由所有 8 个相邻维度的像素组成的对象的长度


我有一个包含 1 和 0 的数组,其中 0 表示最初来自图像的背景和 1 信息。我首先找出哪些 1 属于一起(因此是沿着它们理论像素边的直接邻居或在它们的角落对角接触)。所有“邻居”都被枚举,因此我可以进一步获得每个“邻居”/标签的总和、平均值等。

但是,这些值应该代表像素值,我想找出它们的实际长度,因为简单地总结像素会低估它们的实际长度,我需要找到另一种计算方法。我调查了这个,但找不到我必须计算得到实际长度的确切内容。 (我不是在谈论将像素值标准化为它们的实际尺寸。)

import numpy as np
import skimage
from skimage.measure import label
from scipy.ndimage.measurements import label

# example array where I need to find groups of neighbors
inters_array= ([[0,1,0],[0,0]])

# structure array to deterimine neighbors in 8-dimensions
struc = np.ones((3,3),dtype=int)

# skimage function to get label objects,i.e. groups of neighbors
neighbors,ncomponents = label(inters_array,structure=struc)

""" where in theory it detects the groups of neighbors and gives them the same number
    as long as they are neighbors like so:
neighbors = ([[0,2,0]]) """

# measure.regionprops() will give me an object 
# as extraproperties I can add custom functions
regionpros = skimage.measure.regionprops(neighbors,intensity_image=None,cache=True,extra_properties=None)

# like the perimeter of each object
regionpros_peri = regionpros[0].perimeter




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