有没有办法在 robocopy 脚本中包含带有变音符号的文件路径?


我有一个脚本可以从目录中的每个文件提取元数据。当文件路径没有变音符号时,脚本会生成一个如下所示的 csv 文件

enter image description here

文件路径包含变音符号(即“TéstMé.txt”)时,csv 文件filehash 字段中有空格:

enter image description here


  • 我已经确定问题不在于脚本的 Get-filehash 部分(当我运行单行 Get-filehash "C:\Temp\New\TéstMé.txt" 时,会生成一个哈希值。)
  • 我还确定将 filehash = Get-filehash -Path 替换为 filehash = Get-filehash -LiteralPath 不是解决方案,因为它也会产生空白。
  • 我尝试更改 ($_.Trim() -match "^(?<Children>\d+)\s+(?<FullName>.*)") { 行中的正则表达式,以防它阻塞变音符号,但任何更改都会显示 WARNING: parsing [unique parsing error here].
  • 我还尝试将 ValueFromPipeline=$True,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$True$true 更改为 $false(以防管道更改文件路径值),但没有效果
  • 我认为 Robocopy(脚本中使用的)可能无法处理带有变音符号的文件,但 Robocopy C:\Temp\New C:\Temp\star 可以很好地移动文件
  • 我确实有一个用于识别非法字符的正则表达式(从 here 获得),但我不知道如何将其合并到脚本中。
  • 仅供参考:我无法更改实际文件名。很想对任何带有变音符号的字母进行查找和替换,但我无法使用此选项。
Function Get-FolderItem {
        Param (
            [string[]]$Path = $PWD,[parameter(ParameterSetName='Filter')]
            [string[]]$Filter = '*.*',[parameter(ParameterSetName='Exclude')]
        Begin {
            $params = New-Object System.Collections.Arraylist
            If ($PSBoundParameters['MaxAge']) {
                $params.Add("/MaxAge:$MaxAge") | Out-Null
            If ($PSBoundParameters['MinAge']) {
                $params.Add("/MinAge:$MinAge") | Out-Null
        Process {
            ForEach ($item in $Path) {
                Try {
                    $item = (Resolve-Path -LiteralPath $item -ErrorAction Stop).ProviderPath
                    If (-Not (Test-Path -LiteralPath $item -Type Container -ErrorAction Stop)) {
                        Write-Warning ("{0} is not a directory and will be skipped" -f $item)
                    If ($PSBoundParameters['ExcludeFile']) {
                        $Script = "robocopy `"$item`" NULL $Filter $params /XF $($ExcludeFile  -join ',')"
                    } Else {
                        $Script = "robocopy `"$item`" NULL $Filter $params"
                    Write-Verbose ("Scanning {0}" -f $item)
                    Invoke-Expression $Script | ForEach {
                        Try {
                            If ($_.Trim() -match "^(?<Children>\d+)\s(?<FullName>.*)") {
                               $object = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
                                    FullName = $matches.FullName
                                    Extension = $matches.fullname -replace '.*\.(.*)','$1'
                                    FullPathLength = [int] $matches.FullName.Length
                                    filehash = Get-filehash -LiteralPath "\\?\$($matches.FullName)" |Select -Expand Hash
                                    Created = ([System.IO.FileInfo] $matches.FullName).creationtime
                                    LastWriteTime = ([System.IO.FileInfo] $matches.FullName).LastWriteTime
                                Write-Output $object
                            } Else {
                                Write-Verbose ("Not matched: {0}" -f $_)
                        } Catch {
                            Write-Warning ("{0}" -f $_.Exception.Message)
                } Catch {
                    Write-Warning ("{0}" -f $_.Exception.Message)
 Get-FolderItem "C:\Temp\New" | Export-Csv -Path C:\Temp\testesting.csv


这是一个解决方案,我使用 /UNILOG:c:\temp\test.txt 参数将 RoboCopy 输出输出到 unicode 日志,然后使用相同的代码

Function Get-FolderItem {
        Param (
            [string[]]$Path = $PWD,[parameter(ParameterSetName='Filter')]
            [string[]]$Filter = '*.*',[parameter(ParameterSetName='Exclude')]
        Begin {
            $params = New-Object System.Collections.Arraylist
            If ($PSBoundParameters['MaxAge']) {
                $params.Add("/MaxAge:$MaxAge") | Out-Null
            If ($PSBoundParameters['MinAge']) {
                $params.Add("/MinAge:$MinAge") | Out-Null
        Process {
            ForEach ($item in $Path) {
                Try {
                    $item = (Resolve-Path -LiteralPath $item -ErrorAction Stop).ProviderPath
                    If (-Not (Test-Path -LiteralPath $item -Type Container -ErrorAction Stop)) {
                        Write-Warning ("{0} is not a directory and will be skipped" -f $item)
                    If ($PSBoundParameters['ExcludeFile']) {
                        $Script = "robocopy `"$item`" NULL $Filter $params /XF $($ExcludeFile  -join ',')"
                    } Else {
                        $Script = "robocopy `"$item`" NULL $Filter $params"
                    Write-Verbose ("Scanning {0}" -f $item)
                    Invoke-Expression $Script | Out-Null
                    get-content "c:\temp\test.txt" | ForEach {
                        Try {
                            If ($_.Trim() -match "^(?<Children>\d+)\s(?<FullName>.*)") {
                               $object = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
                                    FullName = $matches.FullName
                                    Extension = $matches.fullname -replace '.*\.(.*)','$1'
                                    FullPathLength = [int] $matches.FullName.Length
                                    FileHash = Get-FileHash -LiteralPath "\\?\$($matches.FullName)" |Select -Expand Hash
                                    Created = ([System.IO.FileInfo] $matches.FullName).creationtime
                                    LastWriteTime = ([System.IO.FileInfo] $matches.FullName).LastWriteTime
                                Write-Output $object
                            } Else {
                                Write-Verbose ("Not matched: {0}" -f $_)
                        } Catch {
                            Write-Warning ("{0}" -f $_.Exception.Message)
                } Catch {
                    Write-Warning ("{0}" -f $_.Exception.Message)
 $a = Get-FolderItem "C:\Temp\New" | Export-Csv -Path C:\Temp\testtete.csv -Encoding Unicode