深度学习对 xy 空间坐标的时间序列进行分类 - python



数据是xy点的时间序列,由更小的子序列event组成。所以每个唯一的 event 都是独立的。我有两个独特的序列 (10,20) 下面的偶数时间长度。对于给定的序列,每个单独的点都有自己的唯一标识符 user_id。这些点的 xy 轨迹将在给定序列中略有不同,具体时间段在 interval 中找到。我还有一个单独的 xy 点用作参考 (centre_x,center_y),它详细说明了所有点的大致中间/中心。

最后,target_label 对这些点相对于彼此的位置进行分类。所以以 centre_x,center_y 为参考,有 5 个类Middle、Top、Bottom、Right、Left。每个唯一的 event 只能有一个标签


  1. 显然数据集很小,但我关心准确率。我想我需要合并参考点 (centre_x,center_y)

  2. 每次测试迭代时,我都会收到所有这些警告。我认为这与转换为张量有关,但它没有任何帮助。

    WARNING:tensorflow:7 次调用 触发了 tf.function 回溯。跟踪是昂贵的,并且过多的跟踪可能是由于 (1) 在循环中重复创建 @tf.function,(2) 传递具有不同形状的张量,(3) 传递 Python 对象而不是张量。对于(1),请在循环之外定义您的@tf.function。对于 (2),@tf.function 有 Experiment_relax_shapes=True 选项,可以放宽参数形状,避免不必要的回溯。对于 (3),请参阅 https://www.tensorflow.org/guide/function#controlling_retracinghttps://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/function 了解更多详情。

示例 df:

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# number of intervals
n = 10

# center locations for points
locs_1 = {'A': (5,5),'B': (5,8),'C': (5,2),'D': (8,5)}

# initialize data 
data_1 = pd.DataFrame(index=range(n*len(locs_1)),columns=['x','y','user_id'])
for i,group in enumerate(locs_1.keys()):

    data_1.loc[i*n:((i+1)*n)-1,['x','y']] = np.random.normal(locs_1[group],[0.2,0.2],[n,2]) 
    data_1.loc[i*n:((i+1)*n)-1,['user_id']] = group

# generate time interavls
data_1['interval'] = data_1.groupby('user_id').cumcount() + 1

# assign unique string to differentiate sequences
data_1['event'] = 10

# center of all points for unqiue sequence 1
data_1['center_x'] = 5
data_1['center_y'] = 5

# classify labels
data_1['target_label'] = ['Middle' if ele  == 'A' else 'Top' if ele == 'B' else 'Bottom' if ele == 'C' else 'Right' for ele in data_1['user_id']]

# center locations for points
locs_2 = {'A': (14,15),'B': (16,'C': (15,12),'D': (19,15)}

# initialize data 
data_2 = pd.DataFrame(index=range(n*len(locs_2)),group in enumerate(locs_2.keys()):

    data_2.loc[i*n:((i+1)*n)-1,'y']] = np.random.normal(locs_2[group],2]) 
    data_2.loc[i*n:((i+1)*n)-1,['user_id']] = group

# generate time interavls
data_2['interval'] = data_2.groupby('user_id').cumcount() + 1

# center of points for unqiue sequence 1
data_2['event'] = 20

# center of all points for unqiue sequence 2
data_2['center_x'] = 15
data_2['center_y'] = 15

# classify labels
data_2['target_label'] = ['Middle' if ele  == 'A' else 'Middle' if ele == 'B' else 'Bottom' if ele == 'C' else 'Right' for ele in data_2['user_id']]

df = pd.concat([data_1,data_2])

df = df.sort_values(by = ['event','interval','user_id']).reset_index(drop = True)


            x          y user_id  interval  event  center_x  center_y target_label
0    5.288275   5.211246       A         1     10         5         5       Middle
1    4.765987   8.200895       B         1     10         5         5          Top
2    4.943518   1.645249       C         1     10         5         5       Bottom
3    7.930763   4.965233       D         1     10         5         5        Right
4    4.866746   4.980674       A         2     10         5         5       Middle
..        ...        ...     ...       ...    ...       ...       ...          ...
75  18.929254  15.297437       D         9     20        15        15        Right
76  13.701538  15.049276       A        10     20        15        15       Middle
77  16.028816  14.985672       B        10     20        15        15       Middle
78  15.044336  11.631358       C        10     20        15        15       Bottom
79   18.95508  15.217064       D        10     20        15        15        Right


labels = df['target_label'].dropna().sort_values().unique()

n_samples = df.groupby(['user_id','event']).ngroups
n_ints = 10

X = df[['x','y']].values.reshape(n_samples,n_ints,2).astype('float32')

y = df.drop_duplicates(subset = ['event','user_id','target_label'])

y = np.array(y['target_label'].groupby(level = 0).apply(lambda x: [x.values[0]]).tolist())

y = label_binarize(y,classes = labels)

# test,train split
trainX,testX,trainy,testy = train_test_split(X,y,test_size = 0.2)

# load the dataset,returns train and test X and y elements
def load_dataset():

    # test,train split
    trainX,test_size = 0.2)

    return trainX,testy

# fit and evaluate a model
def evaluate_model(trainX,testy):
    verbose,epochs,batch_size = 0,10,32
    n_timesteps,n_features,n_outputs = trainX.shape[1],trainX.shape[2],trainy.shape[1]
    model = Sequential()
    # fit network
    # evaluate model
    _,accuracy = model.evaluate(testX,testy,verbose=0)
    return accuracy

# summarize scores
def summarize_results(scores):
    m,s = np.mean(scores),np.std(scores)
    print('Accuracy: %.3f%% (+/-%.3f)' % (m,s))

# run an experiment
def run_experiment(repeats=10):
    # load data
    trainX,testy = load_dataset()
    # repeat experiment
    scores = list()
    for r in range(repeats):
        #r = tf.convert_to_tensor(r,dtype=tf.int32)
        score = evaluate_model(trainX,testy)
        score = score * 100.0
        print('>#%d: %.3f' % (r+1,score))
    # summarize results

# run the experiment


您正在尝试使用长度为 10 的 2d 时间序列进行时间序列分类。似乎每个类只有少量示例,这太少了,无法对神经网络进行任何训练。即使您有数百个示例,我也建议您使用一种能够处理较少数据的方法。一个例子是使用 K-最近邻,使用时间序列特定的距离度量,例如动态时间扭曲。