在自定义函数中使用 Zoho Deluge 脚本解决问题


对于 1200 多个帐户,我需要如下输出

accounts_count = {
    "a": 120,"b": 45,"z": 220


如何在自定义函数中使用 Zoho Deluge 脚本解决该问题?


由于 zoho 中的 200 条记录限制,难点在于获取所有联系人


// this is the maximum number of records that you can query at once
max = 200;
// set to a value slightly higher than you need

max_contacts = 1500;

// round up one
n = max_contacts / max + 1;

// This is how many times you will loop (convert to int)
iterations = n.toNumber();

// this is a zoho hack to create a range of the length we want
counter = leftpad("1",iterations).replaceAll(" ","1,").toList();

// set paging
page = 1;

// TODO: initialize an alphabet map
//result = Map( {a: 0,b:0....});

// set to true when done so you're not wasting API Calls
done = false;

for each  i in counter
    // prevent extra crm calls
        response = zoho.crm.getRecords("Contacts",page,max);
            if(isNull(response.get(0)) && !isNull(response.get("code")))
                info "Error:";
                info response;
                for each  user in response
                    // this is the easy part: get the first letter (lowercase)
                    // get the current value and add one
                    // set the value again
                    // set in result map
            done = true;
    // increment the page
    page = page + 1;