无效的正则表达式:/^(?:[\d]+|me$/: 升级 Wordpress 后未终止的组


升级 WP 后,出现此错误

Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid regular expression: /^(?:[\d]+|me$/: Unterminated group

我在文件 route-tree.js 中找到了这个

// A level's validate method is called to check whether a value being set
// on the request URL is of the proper type for the location in which it
// is specified. If a group pattern was found,the validator checks whether
// the input string exactly matches the group pattern.
var groupPatternRE = groupPattern === '' ?
    // If groupPattern is an empty string,accept any input without validation
    /.*/ :
    // Otherwise,validate against the group pattern or the component string
    new RegExp( groupPattern ? '^' + groupPattern + '$' : component,'i' );

如何从 route-tree.js 解决这个问题。因为如果我删除groupPattern ? '^' + groupPattern + '$' : component,'i',它就可以工作。那么我该如何解决这个问题?





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