有谁知道我如何在菜单上显示随机选择 6 个项目中的 1 个如剑/盾/等,然后将其添加/显示到背包中?


这是我迄今为止尝试过的,包括我的小班项目游戏的整个项目代码。老实说,与数组斗争,甚至不知道从哪里开始。项目要求显示一个菜单(使用 switch 语句来实现菜单)的操作。然后显示用户选择攻击或不攻击。然后随机拿起一个项目并将随机项目添加到名为 knapSack 的数组中的 6 个项目之一。然后显示用户捡起的物品及其随机名称以及显示 Knap Sacks 内容(已排序)的选项。我实际上是从计算机科学中退学,但如果我不通过这项任务,我就会失败,所以我在乞求 LMAO。

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cstring>
#include <cctype>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;

main ()

 const double stepForest = 50;
 const double stepDungeon = 100;
 const double stepHouse = 4000;
 const double stepMaze = 6000;

//Direction of walking
string north;
string South;
string East;
string West;

string direction;
double step;
double steps;

//Asking how many steps
string ssteps;
int nSteps = 0;

  //Not allowing negative steps
  while (cout << "How many steps are you taking? " << endl
  && !(cin >> nSteps) || nSteps < 0)

  cin.clear ();
  cout << "ERROR: Illegal input!" << endl;


  //Asking direction user is moving in
  cout << "Which direction? (north,West,South,or East) " << endl;
  cin >> direction;

   //Steps for forest
   if (steps >= stepForest && direction == "north");

    cout << "You have reached the forest. " << endl;


     //Steps for dungeon
     if (steps >= stepDungeon && direction == "South")

     cout << "You have reached the dungeon. " << endl;


  //Steps for house
  else if (steps >= stepHouse && direction == "East")

     cout << "You have reached the house. " << endl;


  //Steps for maze
  else if (steps >= stepMaze && direction == "West")

    cout << "You have reached the maze. " << endl;

   //For menu
   int input ();
   void output (float);

   //Drop down meny bar selections
   float result;
    int choice,num;
    cout << ("Press 1 to attack\n");
    cout << ("Press 2 to not attack\n");
    cout << ("Press 3 to pick up an item\n");
    cout << ("Press 4 to display Knapsack contents\n");
    cout << ("Enter your choice:\n");
    choice = input ();

   //Attack option
   switch (choice)
    case 1:
    cout << ("You have chosen to attack\n");
    cout << ("Your character has attacked\n");
    output (result);
   //No attack option
    case 2:
    cout << ("You have chosen not to attack\n");
    cout << ("You do nothing\n");
    output (result);

   //Picking up item option
    case 3:
     cout << ("You have picked up an item\n");
     cout << ("The item has been added to Knapsack\n");

     //Random array output for knapSack items
     char sorteio1[50][11] =
      { "Sword","Scarf","Spear","Knife","Katana","Bow" };
     int i;

      i = rand () % 50;

     cout << ("%s\n",sorteio1[i]);
     cout << ("The item you picked up was\n"); //This is where I wanted to insert the random 
     cout << (int ());

   // Maybe: "knapsack[count] = loot"       *****
   // loot= randomItems[randomNumber]      *****

    //Knapsack contents
    output (result);
    case 4:
    printf ("1.Sword \n");
    printf ("2.Scarf \n");
    printf ("3.Spear \n");
    printf ("4.Knife \n");
    printf ("5.Katana \n");
    printf ("6.Bow \n");
    output (result);

  printf ("wrong Input\n");


  int number;
  scanf ("%d",&number);
  return (number);

  //To quit game
  int choice,num;
   bool quit = false;
  cout << "Would you like to quit (y/n)? ";
  cin >> choice;

  //If player chooses to quit
   if (choice == 'y')
   cout << "Goodbye you have chosen to quit the game. See you next time! ";
    quit = true;

      //If player chooses not to quit,but its the end fo the program anyways so
      if (choice == 'n')
      cout <<
     "You have chosen not to quit the game. But this is the end anyways! ";
     quit = false;
      return 0;




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