

我有一个端点,它接收一个 payload,标头中有 timestampsignature 值。除此之外,我还有一个保存在别处的 SecretKey


public bool Authenticate(payload,timestamp,signature)
    // concat the timestamp header value with the serialized payload
    var stringified = string.Concat(timestamp,JsonConvert.SerializeObject(payload));

    // retrieve secret key
    string secretKey = getSecretKey();

    // compute hash
    var hash = new HMACSHA256(secretKey.ConvertStringToByteArray());
    var output = hash.ComputeHash(valuetoDigest.ConvertStringToByteArray());

    return output == signature.ConvertStringToByteArray();

// an extension method I wrote that converts the string to Byte[]
public static Byte[] ConvertStringToByteArray(this string input)
    var encoding = new UTF8Encoding();
    return encoding.GetBytes(input);

在我的测试中,如何获取负载标头中包含的哈希值 (signature) 以匹配我使用 secretKey 计算的哈希值,从而满足 return output == signature.ConvertStringToByteArray() 条件?


public bool Authenticate(MyData payload,string timestamp,string signature)
    // concat the timestamp header value with the serialized payload
    var stringified = string.Concat(timestamp,JsonConvert.SerializeObject(payload));

    // retrieve secret key
    string secretKey = getSecretKey();

    // compute hash
    var hash = GetAuthHash(stringified,secretKey);

    // do string comparison on the hash and the signature
    return hash == signature;

public class MyData 
    public string id {get;set;}
    public string name {get;set;}

public string GetAuthHash(string message,string secret)
    var encoding = new UTF8Encoding();

    byte[] keyByte = encoding.GetBytes(secret);
    byte[] messageBytes = encoding.GetBytes(message);
    using (var hmacsha256 = new HMACSHA256(keyByte))
        byte[] hashmessage = hmacsha256.ComputeHash(messageBytes);
        return Convert.ToBase64String(hashmessage);




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