使用 tidymodels 调整工作流集时如何正确设置参数网格?


我尝试使用 tidymodels 通过配方和模型参数调整工作流程。调整单个工作流时没有问题。但是当使用多个工作流调整工作流集时,它总是失败。这是我的代码

# read the training data
train <- read_csv("../../train.csv")
train <- train %>% 
      id = row_number(),across(where(is.double),as.integer),across(where(is.character),as.factor),r_yn = fct_relevel(r_yn,"yes")) %>% 

# setting the recipes

# no precess
rec_no <- recipe(r_yn ~ .,data = train) %>%
  update_role(id,new_role = "ID")

# downsample: tuning the under_ratio
rec_ds_tune <- rec_no %>% 
  step_downsample(r_yn,under_ratio = tune(),skip = TRUE,seed = 100) %>%
  step_nzv(all_predictors(),freq_cut = 100)

# setting the models

# randomforest
spec_rf_tune <- rand_forest(trees = 100,mtry = tune(),min_n = tune()) %>%
  set_engine("ranger",seed = 100) %>%

# xgboost
spec_xgb_tune <- boost_tree(trees = 100,tree_depth = tune(),learn_rate = tune(),min_n = tune()) %>% 
   set_engine("xgboost") %>% 

# setting the workflowsets
wf_tune_list <- workflow_set(
  preproc = list(no = rec_no,ds = rec_ds_tune),models = list(rf = spec_rf_tune,xgb = spec_xgb_tune),cross = TRUE)

# finalize the parameters,I'm not sure it is correct or not
rf_params <- spec_rf_tune %>% parameters() %>% update(mtry = mtry(c(1,15)))
xgb_params <- spec_xgb_tune %>% parameters() %>% update(mtry = mtry(c(1,15)))
ds_params <- rec_ds_tune %>% parameters() %>% update(under_ratio = under_ratio(c(1,5)))

wf_tune_list_finalize <- wf_tune_list %>% 
  option_add(param = ds_params,id = c("ds_rf","ds_xgb")) %>% 
  option_add(param = rf_params,id = c("no_rf","ds_rf")) %>% 
  option_add(param = xgb_params,id = c("no_xgb","ds_xgb"))

我检查了 wf_tune_list_finalize 中的 option显示

> wf_tune_list_finalize$option
a list of options with names:  'param'

a list of options with names:  'param'

a list of options with names:  'param'

a list of options with names:  'param'


# tuning the workflowset
cl <- makeCluster(detectCores())
wf_tune_race <- wf_tune_list_finalize %>%
  workflow_map(fn = "tune_race_anova",seed = 100,resamples = cv_5,grid = 3,metrics = metric_auc,control = control_race(parallel_over = "everything"),verbose = TRUE)


i 1 of 4 tuning:     no_rf
i Creating pre-processing data to finalize unkNown parameter: mtry
�� 1 of 4 tuning:     no_rf (1m 44.4s)
i 2 of 4 tuning:     no_xgb
i Creating pre-processing data to finalize unkNown parameter: mtry
�� 2 of 4 tuning:     no_xgb (28.9s)
i 3 of 4 tuning:     ds_rf
x 3 of 4 tuning:     ds_rf Failed with: Some tuning parameters require finalization but there are recipe parameters that require tuning. Please use `parameters()` to finalize the parameter ranges.
i 4 of 4 tuning:     ds_xgb
x 4 of 4 tuning:     ds_xgb Failed with: Some tuning parameters require finalization but there are recipe parameters that require tuning. Please use `parameters()` to finalize the parameter ranges.


> wf_tune_race
# A workflow set/tibble: 4 x 4
  wflow_id info             option      result        
  <chr>    <list>           <list>      <list>        
1 no_rf    <tibble [1 x 4]> <wrkflw__ > <race[+]>     
2 no_xgb   <tibble [1 x 4]> <wrkflw__ > <race[+]>     
3 ds_rf    <tibble [1 x 4]> <wrkflw__ > <try-errr [1]>
4 ds_xgb   <tibble [1 x 4]> <wrkflw__ > <try-errr [1]>

另外,虽然no_rfno_xgb有调优结果,但我发现这两个工作流中mtry的范围不是我上面设置的范围,这意味着参数范围设置步骤完全失败。我遵循了 https://www.tmwr.org/workflow-sets.htmlhttps://workflowsets.tidymodels.org/ 的教程,但仍然没有任何想法。


代码中的 train.csv 在这里https://github.com/liuyifeikim/Some-data



# setting the parameters on each workflow seperately
no_rf_params <- wf_set_tune_list %>% 
  extract_workflow("no_rf") %>% 
  parameters() %>% 
  update(mtry = mtry(c(1,15)))

no_xgb_params <- wf_set_tune_list %>% 
  extract_workflow("no_xgb") %>% 
  parameters() %>% 
  update(mtry = mtry(c(1,15)))

ds_rf_params <- wf_set_tune_list %>% 
  extract_workflow("ds_rf") %>% 
  parameters() %>% 
  update(mtry = mtry(c(1,15)),under_ratio = under_ratio(c(1,5)))

ds_xgb_params <- wf_set_tune_list %>% 
  extract_workflow("ds_xgb") %>% 
  parameters() %>% 
  update(mtry = mtry(c(1,5)))

# update the workflowset
wf_set_tune_list_finalize <- wf_set_tune_list %>% 
  option_add(param_info = no_rf_params,id = "no_rf") %>%
  option_add(param_info = no_xgb_params,id = "no_xgb") %>% 
  option_add(param_info = ds_rf_params,id = "ds_rf") %>% 
  option_add(param_info = ds_xgb_params,id = "ds_xgb")



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