dojo toolkit 的query

h3 All nodes that are heading level 3
h3:first-child All nodes that are the first children of a<h3>header
#main A node withid="main"[1]
#mainh3 All<h3>nodes that are contained by a node withid="main"[1]
div#main Only select a node withid="main"if it is a<div>
div#mainh3 All nodes that are<h3>contained in a<div>with anid="main"
#maindiv>h3 All<h3>nodes that are immediate children of a<div>contained within a node that hasid="main"[1]
.foo All nodes with aclass="foo" All nodes that have bothfooandbarclasses
#main>h3 All<h3>nodes that are immediate children of a node withid="main"[1]
#main>* All immediate children of a node withid="main"[1]
.foo>* All immediate children of a nodes with aclass="foo"
.foo,.bar All nodes with aclass="foo"or aclass="bar"
[foo] All nodes with an attribute offoo
[foo$=\"thud\"] All nodes with an attribute offoowhere the value ends inthud
[foo$=thud] All nodes with an attribute offoowhere the value ends inthud
[foo$=\"thudish\"] All nodes with an attribute offoowhere the value ends inthudish
#main[foo$=thud] All nodes with an attribute offoowhere the value ends inthudthat are contained within a node with anid="main"[1]
#main[title$=thud] All nodes with an attribute oftitlewhere the value ends inthudthat are contained within a node with anid="main"[1]
#mainspan[title$=thud] All<span>nodes with an attribute oftitlewhere the value ends inthudthat are contained within a node with anid="main"[1]
[foo|=\"bar\"] All nodes with an attribute offoowhere the value containsbarin a dash seperated list ("baz-bar-qat")
[foo|=\"bar-baz\"] All nodes with an attribute offoowhere the value containsbar-bazin a dash seperated list ("qat-bar-baz-qip")
.foo:nth-child(2) The 2nd children of nodes with astyle="foo"
> All immediate childen
>* All immediate children
>[qux] All immediate children that have an attribute ofqux
.foo+span All nodes that are a<span>that are directly after a node with astyle="foo"
.foo~span All nodes that are a<span>that are siblings that follow a node with astyle="foo"
#foo~* All nodes that are siblings that follow a node with anid="foo"[1]
#foo~ All nodes that are siblings that follow a node with anid="foo"[1] All nodes that are a<span>with aclass="foo"but not a<span>and the first child of a node with anid="foo". All nodes that are a<span>with aclass="foo"but not the first child of a node with anid="foo".[1]
#main>h3:nth-child(odd) All nodes that are<h3>and the odd immediate children of a node with anid="main"[1]
#mainh3:nth-child(odd) All nodes that are<h3>and are odd children contained within a node with anid="main"[1]
#mainh3:nth-child(2n+1) All nodes that are<h3>
#mainh3:nth-child(2n) Every other nodes that are<h3>

