技术人生系列 · 我和数据中心的故事——第一期



具体来说是一个应用间歇性局部挂起案例的分析过程,报告中将对 Oracle 数据库稳定运行的共性风险和隐患作出提醒。


据客户反映,应用会间歇性出现异常,包括 insert 单条记录在内的操作长时间无法完成,按照客户的说法,数据库内可能有“死锁”现象,希望能够找到问题发生的根因,提出解决方案,以避免问题再次发生。

2015 年 12 月 23 日,问题再次发生,客户再次联系到小 y, 小 y 通过远程方式进行了信息收集和故障诊断,最终定位了问题的根本原因。


操作系统 > > > > > > >


> > > > > > > >

sql> oradebug setmypid

Statement processed.

sql> oradebug hanganalyze 3

Hang Analysis in /oracle/admin/xxdb/udump/xxdb_ora_14136.trc


sql> oradebug dump systemstate 266

Statement processed.

sql> oradebug tracefile_name


> > > > > > > > > > > >



SO: c00000003949b948, type: 2, owner: 0000000000000000, flag: INIT/-/-/0x00

(process) Oracle pid=19, calls cur/top: c0000000397209b0/c0000000397209b0, flag: (0) -

int error: 0, call error: 0, sess error: 0, txn error 0

(post info) last post received: 0 0 121

last post received-location: kcbzww

last process to post me: c000000039496148 1 22

last post sent: 0 0 121

last post sent-location: kcbzww

last process posted by me: c000000039496148 1 22

(latch info) wait_event=0 bits=0

Process Group: DEFAULT, pseudo proc: c000000039529928

O/S info: user: oracle, term: UNKNowN, ospid: 11880

OSD pid info: Unix process pid: 11880, image: oracle@ap-machine-

*** 2015-12-22 10:34:53.431

Short stack dump:

ksdxfstk()+48<-ksdxcb()+1200<-sspuser()+368<-<kernel><-_ pw_wait()+48<-pw_wait() +128<-sskgpwwait()+384<-skgpwwait()+208<-ksliwat()+1728<-kslwaitns_timed()+112<-kskthbwt()+400<-kslwait()+640<-ktugur()+4416<-ktuchg()+1280<-ktbchg2()+704<-kdiins0()+267536<-kdiinsp()+320<-kauxsin()+2960<-insidx()+1744<-insrow()+1440<-insdrv()+960<-inscovexe()+1408<-insExecStmtExecIniEngine()+176<-insexe()+1040<-opiexe()+13776<-kpoal8()+3808<-opiodr()+2144<-ttcpip()+1680<-opitsk()+2368<-opiino()+1664<-opiodr()+2144<-opidrv()+1248<-sou2o()+240<-opimai_real()+496<-main()+240<-main_opd_entry()+80


SO: c0000000396d80d8, type: 4, owner: c00000003949b948, flag: INIT/-/-/0x00

(session) sid: 315 trans: c0000000355b2a28, creator: c00000003949b948, flag: (100041) USR/- BSY/-/-/-/-/-

DID: 0001-0013-00000027, short-term DID: 0000-0000-00000000

txn branch: 0000000000000000

oct: 2, prv: 0, sql: c0000000384bad50, psql: c0000000384bad50, user: 33/XXDB

service name: xxdb

O/S info: user: , term: , ospid: 1234, machine: rvwapp2-1


waiting for 'db file sequential read' wait_time=0, seconds since wait started=0

file#=c, block#=2f359, blocks=1

blocking sess=0x0000000000000000 seq=42271

Dumping Session Wait History

for 'undo segment extension' count=1 wait_time=2 min 45 sec

segment#=6, =0, =0

for 'buffer busy waits' count=1 wait_time=0.000009 sec

file#=2, block#=59, class#=1b

for 'sql*Net message from client' count=1 wait_time=0.000087 sec

driver id=28444553, #bytes=1, =0

for 'sql*Net message to client' count=1 wait_time=0.000001 sec

driver id=28444553, #bytes=1, =0

for 'sql*Net message from client' count=1 wait_time=0.000086 sec

driver id=28444553, #bytes=1, =0

for 'sql*Net message to client' count=1 wait_time=0.000001 sec

driver id=28444553, #bytes=1, =0

for 'sql*Net message from client' count=1 wait_time=0.000086 sec

driver id=28444553, #bytes=1, =0

for 'sql*Net message to client' count=1 wait_time=0.000001 sec

driver id=28444553, #bytes=1, =0

for 'sql*Net message from client' count=1 wait_time=0.000087 sec

driver id=28444553, #bytes=1, =0

for 'sql*Net message to client' count=1 wait_time=0.000001 sec

driver id=28444553, #bytes=1, =0

Sampled Session History of session 315 serial 4544


The sampled session history is constructed by sampling

the target session every 1 second. The sampling process

captures at each sample if the session is in a non-idle wait,

an idle wait, or not in a wait. If the session is in a

non-idle wait then one interval is shown for all the samples

the session was in the same non-idle wait. If the

session is in an idle wait or not in a wait for

consecutive samples then one interval is shown for all

the consecutive samples. Though we display these consecutive

samples in a single interval the session may NOT be continuously

idle or not in a wait (the sampling process does not kNow).

The history is displayed in reverse chronological order.

sample interval: 1 sec, max history 120 sec


[120 samples, 10:32:52 - 10:34:53]

waited for 'undo segment extension', seq_num: 42270

p1: 'segment#'=0x6

p2: ''=0x0

p3: ''=0x0

time_waited: >= 120 sec (still in wait)


Sampled Session History Summary:

longest_non_idle_wait: 'undo segment extension'

[120 samples, 10:32:52 - 10:34:53]

time_waited: >= 120 sec (still in wait)


进程在被 ORADEBUG 间接唤醒后,不再等待 undo segment extension, 而是做 ”



SO: c000000039496148, type: 2, owner: 0000000000000000, flag: INIT/-/-/0x00

(process) Oracle pid=8, calls cur/top: c00000003971e868/c00000003971e868, flag: (16) SYstem

int error: 0, call error: 0, sess error: 0, txn error 0

(post info) last post received: 0 0 121

last post received-location: kcbzww

last process to post me: c0000000394a0948 211 0

last post sent: 0 0 24

last post sent-location: ksasnd

last process posted by me: c000000039495148 1 6

(latch info) wait_event=0 bits=0

Process Group: DEFAULT, pseudo proc: c000000039529928

O/S info: user: oracle, term: UNKNowN, ospid: 10072

OSD pid info: Unix process pid: 10072, image: oracle@ap-machine- (SMON)

Short stack dump:




SO: c0000000396ead68, type: 4, owner: c000000039496148, flag: INIT/-/-/0x00

(session) sid: 329 trans: 0000000000000000, creator: c000000039496148, flag: (100051) USR/- BSY/-/-/-/-/-

DID: 0001-0008-00000002, short-term DID: 0000-0000-00000000

txn branch: 0000000000000000

oct: 0, prv: 0, sql: 0000000000000000, psql: 0000000000000000, user: 0/SYS

service name: SYS$BACKGROUND

waiting for 'smon timer' wait_time=0, seconds since wait started=3109

sleep time=12c, Failed=0, =0

blocking sess=0x0000000000000000 seq=7382

Dumping Session Wait History

for 'smon timer' count=1 wait_time=4 min 53 sec

sleep time=12c, Failed=0, =0

for 'smon timer' count=1 wait_time=4 min 53 sec

sleep time=12c, Failed=0, =0

for 'smon timer' count=1 wait_time=4 min 11 sec

sleep time=12c, Failed=0, =0

for 'smon timer' count=1 wait_time=4 min 53 sec

sleep time=12c, Failed=0, =0

for 'smon timer' count=1 wait_time=4 min 53 sec

sleep time=12c, Failed=0, =0

for 'smon timer' count=1 wait_time=4 min 53 sec

sleep time=12c, Failed=0, =0

for 'smon timer' count=1 wait_time=4 min 53 sec

sleep time=12c, Failed=0, =0

for 'smon timer' count=1 wait_time=4 min 53 sec

sleep time=12c, Failed=0, =0

for 'smon timer' count=1 wait_time=4 min 53 sec

sleep time=12c, Failed=0, =0

for 'smon timer' count=1 wait_time=4 min 53 sec

sleep time=12c, Failed=0, =0

Sampled Session History of session 329 serial 1

可以看到, SMON 进程在等“ SMON TIMER ”,即空闲等待。

这说明 SMON 没有因为阻塞在异常的等待上,导致无法腾出时间来处理前台进程发过来的 undo segment 扩展请求。

> > > >


The problem is a defect in the pw_wait() O/S system call.
On HP-UX 11.31, this is caused by a problem with the HP-UX scheduler patch PHKL_37456:

PHKL_37456 scheduler cumulative patch

即 HPUX11.31 上,当安装了 PHKL_37456 这个调度补丁后,操作系统调用 pw_wait 存在缺陷,导致进程无法从 post/wait 中被唤醒,解决方案是 Solution: on 11.31 install PHKL_38397 or later equivalent.


Processes Hang Waiting on 'cursor: pin S wait on X' (and other Wait Events) on HP-UX 11.23 and 11.31 Itanium Systems (Doc ID 580273.1)

In this Document






Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version and later
HP-UX Itanium
***Checked for relevance on 23-JUL-2013***

  • cursor: pin S wait on X (10g wait)

  • kksfbc child completion

  • SGA: allocation forcing component growth

  • There is no blocker process.
    The variety in wait events is explained by the fact that the underlying issue is with the pw_wait() HP-UX system call.
    Therefore, the above list is not exhaustive, use the pstack output below to match the problem in all cases.
    The problem is commonly seen on Parallel Execution Slave processes but can affect any Oracle process.
    A command to generate a systemstate, processstate, or errorstack dump e.g. via ALTER SESSION or oradebug command frees the hanging process.

    An example of the top of the call stack of an affected process, obtained using pstack:

    0: c0000000003e2ff0 : pw_wait() + 0x30 (/usr/lib/hpux64/libc.so.1)
    1: 4000000002e98a20 : pw_wait() + 0x80

  • Workaround: oradebug setospid+unlimit to free the hanging process:

  • 1.

  • Solution: on 11.31 install PHKL_38397 or later equivalent.

  • Solution: on 11.23 install PHKL_37809 or later equivalent.

  • Note: the patches whose names begin with PHKL_ are HP-UX patches. Please check with HP-UX support on the latest applicable patch numbers as such patches are regularly updated and superceded.


    > > > >


    之所以执行不下去,不是因为死锁,而是因为该会话即 SID=315 的会话 , 需要执行 DML ,因此需要 UNDO SEGMENT 即回滚段来存储前镜像,但发现回滚段空间不足,需要通知 SMON 后台进程来完成扩展的请求 , 但是长时间没有获得回滚段扩展成功与否的返回消息。前台进程和 SMON 之间通过 POST/WAIT 进制来通讯。

    由于操作系统 HPUX 调度的缺陷,具体来说是 pw_wait 系统调用 (post/wait) 存在缺陷,当 SMON 进程完成回滚段扩展后,消息返回时,前台进程 SID=315 并没有能被及时调度到 cpu 上继续处理后续工作,即体现出来就是等待在“ undo segment extension “事件上等待,当我们人为使用 ORADEBUG 对 SID 315 收集信息并间接唤醒了该前台进程后,前台进行可以继续往下工作,这更加印证了 SMON 已经将消息已经返回给前台进程,只是由于操作系统调度进制的问题,未能即使将前台进程调度到 cpu 上,拿到 UNDO 扩展成功的消息

    造成该故障的根本原因是操作系统调度机制的问题,该问题命中操作系统 HPUX 上的已知缺陷。

    The problem is a defect in the pw_wait() O/S system call.
    On HP-UX 11.31, this is caused by a problem with the HP-UX scheduler patch PHKL_37456:

    PHKL_37456 scheduler cumulative patch

    即 HPUX11.31 上,当安装了 PHKL_37456 这个调度补丁后,操作系统调用 pw_wait 存在缺陷,导致进程无法从 post/wait 中被唤醒,解决方案是 Solution: on 11.31 install PHKL_38397 or later equivalent.

    > > > >   3.2 建议

    Solution: on 11.31 install PHKL_38397 or later equivalent.

    请系统管理员为操作系统安装 PHKL_38397 补丁。


