– MVC和RadioButtonList

<% foreach (string s in Html.RadioButtonList("rbl")) {%>
    <% =s %>
<% } %>


Elijah Manor写了ASP.NET MVC 1.0中相同的麻烦:

ASP.NET MVC Html.RadioButtonList Blues


<!-- After using and looking at the code for the Html.RadioButtonList in the ASP.NET MVC 1.0 RTM codebase,I'm not sure how it is supposed to be useful. It only outputs the actual input radio button and doesn't render any corresponding labels. To get around this I ended up writing a foreach creating individual Html.RadioButton and labels -->
var radioButtonList = new SelectList(new List<ListItem> {
    new ListItem { Text = "Current",Value="false",Selected=true },new ListItem { Text = "Other",Value="true"}},"Value","Text","false");
var htmlAttributes = new Dictionary<string,object> {
    { "class","radioButtonList" },{ "onclick","if(eval(this.value)) { $('#tblDate').show('slow'); } else { $('#tblDate').hide('slow'); }" }
foreach (var radiobutton in radioButtonList) { %>
<% } %>


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