

public void CacheValidationHandler( HttpContext context,object data,ref HttpValidationStatus validationStatus )
    validationStatus = OnCacheAuthorization( new HttpContextwrapper( context ) );

public override void OnAuthorization( AuthorizationContext filterContext )
    if (filterContext == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException( "filterContext" );

    if (AuthorizeCore( filterContext.HttpContext ))
       ... your custom code ...
       SetCachePolicy( filterContext );
    else if (!filterContext.HttpContext.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
        // auth Failed,redirect to login page
        filterContext.Result = new HttpUnauthorizedResult();
       ... handle a different case than not authenticated

protected void SetCachePolicy( AuthorizationContext filterContext )
     // ** IMPORTANT **
     // Since we're performing authorization at the action level,the authorization code runs
     // after the output caching module. In the worst case this Could allow an authorized user
     // to cause the page to be cached,then an unauthorized user would later be served the
     // cached page. We work around this by telling proxies not to cache the sensitive page,// then we hook our custom authorization code into the caching mechanism so that we have
     // the final say on whether a page should be served from the cache.
     HttpCachePolicyBase cachePolicy = filterContext.HttpContext.Response.Cache;
     cachePolicy.SetProxyMaxAge( new TimeSpan( 0 ) );
     cachePolicy.AddValidationCallback( CacheValidationHandler,null /* data */);


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