ASP.NET会话已过期或无法找到 – >因为Session.SessionID发生更改(Reporting Services)




When using cookie-based session state,ASP.NET does not allocate
storage for session data until the Session object is used. As a
result,a new session ID is generated for each page request until the
session object is accessed. If your application requires a static
session ID for the entire session,you can either implement the
Session_Start method in the application’s Global.asax file and store
data in the Session object to fix the session ID,or you can use code
in another part of your application to explicitly store data in the
Session object.

If your application uses cookieless session state,the
session ID is generated on the first page view and is maintained for
the entire session.




您可能正在存储会话InProcess.尝试将其更改为会话状态服务器.你可以找到更多细节 here.


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