
我担心我的用户会话被扫除的可能性.我正在使用认的ASP.NET Session对象和会话cookie.我知道会话可以超时,我已经将会话的超时值设置为几个小时,以避免超时.






这取决于你的会话状态模式.这里有一个你可以在 Microsoft Support找到的东西的副本:

ASP.NET supports three modes of
session state:

  • InProc: In-Proc mode stores values in the memory of the ASP.NET
    worker process. Thus,this mode offers
    the fastest access to these values.
    However,when the ASP.NET worker
    process recycles,the state data is
  • StateServer: Alternately,StateServer mode uses a stand-alone
    Microsoft Windows service to store
    session variables. Because this
    service is independent of Microsoft
    Internet information Server (IIS),it
    can run on a separate server. You can
    use this mode for a load-balancing
    solution because multiple Web servers
    can share session variables. Although
    session variables are not lost if you
    restart IIS,performance is impacted
    when you cross process boundaries.
  • sqlServer: If you are greatly concerned about the persistence of
    session information,you can use
    sqlServer mode to Leverage Microsoft
    sql Server to ensure the highest level
    of reliability. sqlServer mode is
    similar to out-of-process mode,except
    that the session data is maintained in
    a sql Server. sqlServer mode also
    enables you to utilize a state store
    that is located out of the IIS process
    and that can be located on the local
    computer or a Remote Server.



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