.net – 如何序列化邮件?

当使用los foratter串连化一个mial消息时,我得到以下内容.




可惜的是,System.Net.Mail.MailMessage类没有被标记为可序列化.所以,是的,你需要自己去做.以下博客文章中介绍的技术可以让您了解如何继续: How to Serialize a MailMessage …基本上,您将需要单独拉出每个属性.引用:

To serialize the properties of a MailMessage object you can create a
new class and create a property of MailMessage type for it that embeds
your MailMessage in the class. In this new class you can implement
IXmlSerializable interface to manually serialize its MailMessage. Here
I create this class and call it SerializableMailMessage […]

[code implementation of WriteXml() and readxml() methods follow; see source link]


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