– 使用输出缓存和其他动作过滤器

我已经在我的应用程序中添加了“输出缓存”,以实现一些简单的性能提升.但是,这些操作还需要在每个请求之后增加一个计数器(它是一个视图计数器),方法是点击一个Redis db.


public class CountersAttribute : ActionFilterattribute
    public override void OnResultExecuted(ResultExecutedContext filterContext)
        //increment my counter all cLever like


public class OutputCacheWithCountersAttribute : OutputCacheAttribute
    public override void OnResultExecuted(ResultExecutedContext filterContext)
        //straight to the source to get my headcount!




OutputCacheAttribute有一些限制,并且有一个由Paul Hiles开发的名为 DonutOutputCache自定义属性帮助克服了这些限制.



public ActionResult Index()


Yes,unlike the built-in OutputCacheAttribute,the action filters will
execute even when a page is retrieved from the cache. The only caveat
to add is that you do need to be careful about the filter order. If
your action filter implements OnResultExecuting or OnResultExecuted
then these methods will be executed in all cases,but for
OnActionExecuting and OnActionExecuted,they will only be executed if
the filter runs before the DonutOutputCacheAttribute. This is due to
the way that MVC prevents subsequent filters from executing when you
set the filterContext.Result property which is what we need to do for
output caching.

I do not think that you can rely on the order in which action filters
are defined on an action or controller. To ensure that one filter runs
before another,you can make use of the Order property that is present
on all ActionFilterattribute implementations. Any actions without the
order property set,default to an value of -1,meaning that they will
execute before filters which have an explicit Order value.

Therefore,in your case,you can just add Order=100 to the DonutOutputCache attribute and all other filters will execute before the caching filter.


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