如何在ASP.NET 5中添加一个TypeScript绝对类型的定义?

我试图在Visual Studio 2015 RC中的ASP.NET v5 web项目中从DefinitelyTyped安装TypeScript定义文件? NuGet软件包似乎不再工作,TSD在一段时间内还没有更新,在VS中使用它时,我还没有看到很多很好的文档.

VS 2015 RC还有什么方法


TSD是 deprecated.一般偏好的选择是 Typings.


# Install Typings CLI utility.
npm install typings –global

# Search for deFinitions.
typings search tape

# Find an available deFinition (by name).
typings search –name react

# If you use the package as a module:
# Install non-ambient typings (default from “npm” registry,configurable through defaultSource in .typingsrc)
typings install debug –save

# If you use the package through script tag,or
# it is part of the environment,or
# the non-ambient typings is not yet available:
typings install dt~mocha –global –save

# Install typings from particular registry
typings install env~atom –global –save
typings install npm~bluebird –save

# Use typings/index.d.ts (in tsconfig.json or as a /// reference).
cat typings/index.d.ts


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