– 5(vnext)是否可以使用? 5(vnext)是否准备使用?我刚刚下载了VS社区版本,我试图使用 5 API,但缺少文档.

有谁知道在哪里找到关于创建 5 web应用程序的好文档?





>现在已经宣布project.json is gone and we are back to (improved) xml and msbuild作为未来工具发布的一部分.这导致了关于github的讨论,如this one和帖子like this onethis other one.

简而言之,有些人认为即使被称为RC还是拥有Go Live许可证,仍然是明智之举.参见哈迪·哈里里的excellent post.做你的研究,并决定它是否足够成熟为你的下一个项目!


最初的计划是为2010年第一季度准备好RTM 1.0,但RC1和RC2之间发生了一些根本性的变化,这对该初步计划有影响(参见Scott Hanselman的update on RC2).最新信息检查their roadmap.

截至今天(2016年5月6日),他们共享了update on the schedule.根据此更新,他们决定将.Net Core运行时/库的发行版与工具分开:

> .NET Core和ASP.NET Core 1.0 RC2的运行时和库将于5月中提供.


> .NET Core和ASP.NET Core 1.0 RTM(发布)运行时和库将在6月底之前提供.


从同样的更新,我们可以期待RC2 .Net Core a Go Live许可和官方支持,但工具不在同一水平:

  • The .NET Core 1.0 RC2 runtime is a true Release Candidate. It’s solid,stable,and it won’t change for RTM (except if something
    critical happens) and we feel good about it. It will have a “go-live”
    license,meaning you can get official support from Microsoft.
  • The tooling that supports .NET Core and ASP.NET Core,including the new command line tools and bits that plug into Visual Studio & Visual
    Studio Code,aren’t there yet. It’s going to change before it
    stabilizes. We’re going to call this tooling release Preview 1.


微软最近宣布发布ASP.Net 5 Release Candidate 1.公告here in the official blog的细节.

它现在包括一个Go Live许可证:

Starting with the RC1,we are including a “Go Live” license. This
license allows you to deploy an application written with ASP.NET 5 RC1
to a production environment and utilize Microsoft Support. The
duration of this license for the RC1 last until the next release
candidate or the completed release of ASP.NET 5 (called an RTM
release) that is currently scheduled for Q1 2016. This license also
covers running ASP.NET on Windows,Linux,and OSX.

还有一个新的网站,您可以在其中下载该框架. (也将包含在VS 2015 Update 1中)


ASP .Net 5尚未准备好生产,仍然是测试版.从Scott Guthrie’s announcement最新的VS2015和.Net4.6发布:

The ASP.NET 5 Beta 5 runtime packages are in preview and not
recommended for use in production,so please continue using ASP.NET
4.6 for building production grade apps.

您可以查看其github page上的ASP .Net 5计划和路线图,预计2016年Q1将准备1.0版本.





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