使用Android WebView通过客户端证书连接到安全服务器

WebView或更具体的PhoneGaps CordovaWebView可以使用客户端证书对服务器进行身份验证吗?

我知道本机浏览器可以使用客户端证书,但我正在尝试使用PhoneGap Android应用程序与需要客户端证书的服务器通信,并且无法查看如何使用.我尝试了各种我在谷歌上看过的方法,但它们不适用于Android 4.0或更高版本.任何建议都会受到很大的关注.


这不可能. sdk中不提供回答客户端证书质询所需的代码.如果你在android sdk中查看WebViewClient的源代码,你会看到这个方法

 * Notify the host application to handle a SSL client certificate
 * request (display the request to the user and ask whether to
 * proceed with a client certificate or not). The host application
 * has to call either handler.cancel() or handler.proceed() as the
 * connection is suspended and waiting for the response. The
 * default behavior is to cancel,returning no client certificate.
 * @param view The WebView that is initiating the callback.
 * @param handler An ClientcertrequestHandler object that will
 *            handle the user's response.
 * @param host_and_port The host and port of the requesting server.
 * @hide
public void onReceivedClientcertrequest(WebView view,ClientcertrequestHandler handler,String host_and_port) {



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