android – 如何从Doze模式中选择退出应用程序?

如何从android M DOZE模式中选择退出我的应用程序?


How to opt-out my app from android M DOZE mode ?


Is there a standard way to include and exclude apps from DOZE and auto standby selectively at run time ?


引用somebody who I believe is Dianne Hackborn

While the device is dozing,syncs and jobs are turned off globally,putting an app on the whitelist does not change the behavior for them. This is the intended behavior,as is the lack of free use of the alarm manager. (One of the key aspects of all of these is that they are ways to cause the device to wake up,and anything that causes it to wake up will have a significant impact on battery life in the durations we want to last while dozing,so it is simply not allowed.)

While dozing,the AndAllowWhileIdle APIs allow you to wake up the device at most once every 15 minutes; when not dozing this is raise to once every minute. When the device is in idle maintenance mode,all of the doze restrictions are removed (so AllowWhileIdle can happen once a minute).



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