


但问题是如何使用代码获取用户名?根本没有/ etc / passwd文件..


我编写了一个实用程序类来通过硬编码来自 android_filesystem_config.h的值来获取UID / GID名称.


String uid = AndroidFilesystemConfig.getNameForId(1000);


import android.os.Build;
import android.util.SparseArray;

import java.util.Locale;

 * <p>System Users and Groups for the Android platform as specified in
 * <a href="https://android.googlesource.com/platform/system/core/+/master/include/private/android_filesystem_config.h">android_filesystem_config.h</a>.</p>
 * <p>Last updated: April 20th,2016</p>
 * <p><b>Note:</b> Some OEMs may have specific UIDs for other system users not in this class.</p>
public class AndroidFilesystemConfig {

  /* first app user */
  private static final int AID_APP = 10000;

  /* offset for uid ranges for each user */
  private static final int AID_USER = 100000;

  /* start of gids for apps in each user to share */
  private static final int AID_SHARED_GID_START = 50000;

  /* end of gids for apps in each user to share */
  private static final int AID_SHARED_GID_END = 59999;

  private static final SparseArray<String> SYstem_IDS = new SparseArray<>();

  static {
    putSystemId(0,"root"); /* Traditional unix root user */
    putSystemId(1000,"system"); /* system server */
    putSystemId(1001,"radio"); /* telephony subsystem,RIL */
    putSystemId(1002,"bluetooth"); /* bluetooth subsystem */
    putSystemId(1003,"graphics"); /* graphics devices */
    putSystemId(1004,"input"); /* input devices */
    putSystemId(1005,"audio"); /* audio devices */
    putSystemId(1006,"camera"); /* camera devices */
    putSystemId(1007,"log"); /* log devices */
    putSystemId(1008,"compass"); /* compass device */
    putSystemId(1009,"mount"); /* mountd socket */
    putSystemId(1010,"wifi"); /* wifi subsystem */
    putSystemId(1011,"adb"); /* android debug bridge (adbd) */
    putSystemId(1012,"install"); /* group for installing packages */
    putSystemId(1013,"media"); /* mediaserver process */
    putSystemId(1014,"dhcp"); /* dhcp client */
    putSystemId(1015,"sdcard_rw"); /* external storage write access */
    putSystemId(1016,"vpn"); /* vpn system */
    putSystemId(1017,"keystore"); /* keystore subsystem */
    putSystemId(1018,"usb"); /* USB devices */
    putSystemId(1019,"drm"); /* DRM server */
    putSystemId(1020,"mdnsr"); /* MulticastDNSResponder (service discovery) */
    putSystemId(1021,"gps"); /* GPS daemon */
    // 1022 is deprecated and not used.
    putSystemId(1023,"media_rw"); /* internal media storage write access */
    putSystemId(1024,"mtp"); /* MTP USB driver access */
    // 1025 is deprecated and not used.
    putSystemId(1026,"drmrpc"); /* group for drm rpc */
    putSystemId(1027,"nfc"); /* nfc subsystem */
    putSystemId(1028,"sdcard_r"); /* external storage read access */
    putSystemId(1029,"clat"); /* clat part of nat464 */
    putSystemId(1030,"loop_radio"); /* loop radio devices */
    putSystemId(1031,"mediadrm"); /* MediaDrm plugins */
    putSystemId(1032,"package_info"); /* access to installed package details */
    putSystemId(1033,"sdcard_pics"); /* external storage photos access */
    putSystemId(1034,"sdcard_av"); /* external storage audio/video access */
    putSystemId(1035,"sdcard_all"); /* access all users external storage */
    putSystemId(1036,"logd"); /* log daemon */
    putSystemId(1037,"shared_relro"); /* creator of shared GNU RELRO files */
    putSystemId(1038,"dbus"); /* dbus-daemon IPC broker process */
    putSystemId(1039,"tlsdate"); /* tlsdate unprivileged user */
    putSystemId(1040,"mediaex"); /* mediaextractor process */
    putSystemId(1041,"audioserver"); /* audioserver process */
    putSystemId(1042,"metrics_coll"); /* metrics_collector process */
    putSystemId(1043,"metricsd"); /* metricsd process */
    putSystemId(1044,"webserv"); /* webservd process */
    putSystemId(1045,"debuggerd"); /* debuggerd unprivileged user */
    putSystemId(1046,"mediacodec"); /* mediacodec process */
    putSystemId(1047,"cameraserver"); /* cameraserver process */
    putSystemId(1048,"firewall"); /* firewalld process */
    putSystemId(1049,"trunks"); /* trunksd process (TPM daemon) */
    putSystemId(1050,"nvram"); /* Access-controlled NVRAM */
    putSystemId(1051,"dns"); /* DNS resolution daemon (system: netd) */
    putSystemId(1052,"dns_tether"); /* DNS resolution daemon (tether: dnsmasq) */
    putSystemId(1053,"webview_zygote"); /* WebView zygote process */
    putSystemId(1054,"vehicle_network"); /* Vehicle network service */
    putSystemId(1055,"media_audio"); /* GID for audio files on internal media storage */
    putSystemId(1056,"media_video"); /* GID for video files on internal media storage */
    putSystemId(1057,"media_image"); /* GID for image files on internal media storage */

    putSystemId(2000,"shell"); /* adb and debug shell user */
    putSystemId(2001,"cache"); /* cache access */
    putSystemId(2002,"diag"); /* access to diagnostic resources */

    /* The range 2900-2999 is reserved for OEMs */

    // The 3000 series are intended for use as supplemental group id's only. They indicate
    // special Android capabilities that the kernel is aware of.
    putSystemId(3001,"net_bt_admin"); /* bluetooth: get any socket */
    putSystemId(3002,"net_bt"); /* bluetooth: get sco,rfcomm or l2cap sockets */
    putSystemId(3003,"inet"); /* can get AF_INET and AF_INET6 sockets */
    putSystemId(3004,"net_raw"); /* can get raw INET sockets */
    putSystemId(3005,"net_admin"); /* can configure interfaces and routing tables. */
    putSystemId(3006,"net_bw_stats"); /* read bandwidth statistics */
    putSystemId(3007,"net_bw_acct"); /* change bandwidth statistics accounting */
    putSystemId(3008,"net_bt_stack"); /* bluetooth: access config files */
    putSystemId(3009,"readproc"); /* Allow /proc read access */
    putSystemId(3010,"wakelock"); /* Allow system wakelock read/write access */

    /* The range 5000-5999 is also reserved for OEMs. */

    putSystemId(9997,"everybody"); /* shared between all apps in the same profile */
    putSystemId(9998,"misc"); /* access to misc storage */

  private static void putSystemId(int id,String name) {
    // Check if the uid exists before adding it so we don't add unsupported ids.
    if (android.os.Process.getUidForName(name) != id) {
      // Not valid on this system. Most likely due to a lower API.

   * @return An array of system UIDs
  public static SparseArray<String> getSystemIds() {
    return SYstem_IDS;

   * Returns the UID/GID name assigned to a particular id,or {@code null} if there is none.
   * @param id
   *     The UID/GID of a process or file
   * @return the name of the UID/GID or {@code null} if the id is unrecognized.
  public static String getNameForId(int id) {
    String name = SYstem_IDS.get(id);
    if (name == null) {
      if (id >= AID_SHARED_GID_START && id <= AID_SHARED_GID_END) {
        name = String.format(Locale.ENGLISH,"all_a%d",id - AID_SHARED_GID_START);
      } else {
        int appId = id - AID_APP;
        int userId = 0;
        // loop until we get the correct user id.
        // 100000 is the offset for each user.
        while (appId > AID_USER) {
          appId -= AID_USER;
          // u{user_id}_a{app_id} is used on API 17+ for multiple user account support.
          name = String.format(Locale.ENGLISH,"u%d_a%d",userId,appId);
        } else {
          // app_{app_id} is used below API 17.
          name = String.format(Locale.ENGLISH,"app_%d",appId);
    return name;

  private AndroidFilesystemConfig() {
    throw new AssertionError("no instances");



受odexide的回答启发,这里有一些我不建议使用的非常丑陋的反映,它将从getpwuid(uid_t)获得UID / GID名称

public static String getNameForUid(int id) {
  try {
    Class<?> clazz = Class.forName("libcore.io.Libcore");
    Field field = clazz.getDeclaredField("os");
    if (!field.isAccessible()) {
    Object os = field.get(null);
    if (os != null) {
      Method getpwuid = os.getClass().getmethod("getpwuid",int.class);
      if (getpwuid != null) {
        if (!getpwuid.isAccessible()) {
        Object passwd = getpwuid.invoke(os,id);
        if (passwd != null) {
          Field pw_name = passwd.getClass().getDeclaredField("pw_name");
          if (!pw_name.isAccessible()) {
          return (String) pw_name.get(passwd);
  } catch (Exception ignored) {
  return null;

