android – Glide是否排队每个图像请求?滚动时,Recyclerview加载速度非常慢

我使用GridLayoutManager使用Glide 3.6一个RecyclerView在我们的应用程序中看到了很长的图像加载时间.图像大约为20kb-40kb.似乎滑动将所有请求排队,导致图像在开始向下滚动列表后需要花费很长时间才能加载.我已经附加了GenericRequest类的日志.
V/GenericRequest﹕ finished setup for calling load in 0.170291 this: 249721749
V/GenericRequest﹕ finished onSizeReady in 0.36724999999999997 this: 249721749
V/GenericRequest﹕ finished run method in 0.763083 this: 249721749
V/GenericRequest﹕ Got onSizeReady in 0.041249999999999995 this: 991315424
V/GenericRequest﹕ finished setup for calling load in 0.15479199999999999 this: 991315424
V/GenericRequest﹕ finished onSizeReady in 0.30008399999999996 this: 991315424
V/GenericRequest﹕ finished run method in 0.499959 this: 991315424
V/GenericRequest﹕ Got onSizeReady in 0.060584 this: 1029510845
V/GenericRequest﹕ finished setup for calling load in 0.200625 this: 1029510845
V/GenericRequest﹕ finished onSizeReady in 0.39233399999999996 this: 1029510845
V/GenericRequest﹕ finished run method in 0.670084 this: 1029510845
V/GenericRequest﹕ Got onSizeReady in 0.048374999999999994 this: 516458536
V/GenericRequest﹕ finished setup for calling load in 0.188666 this: 516458536
V/GenericRequest﹕ finished onSizeReady in 0.379916 this: 516458536
V/GenericRequest﹕ finished run method in 0.654083 this: 516458536
V/GenericRequest﹕ Resource ready in 1012.49325 size: 2.18359375 fromCache: false this: 671303046
V/GenericRequest﹕ Got onSizeReady in 0.073833 this: 356666200
V/GenericRequest﹕ finished setup for calling load in 0.240667 this: 356666200
V/GenericRequest﹕ finished onSizeReady in 0.460792 this: 356666200
V/GenericRequest﹕ finished run method in 0.780708 this: 356666200
V/GenericRequest﹕ Got onSizeReady in 0.064583 this: 347417463
V/GenericRequest﹕ finished setup for calling load in 0.242583 this: 347417463
V/GenericRequest﹕ finished onSizeReady in 0.45758299999999996 this: 347417463
V/GenericRequest﹕ finished run method in 0.7521249999999999 this: 347417463
V/GenericRequest﹕ Got onSizeReady in 0.142833 this: 671303046
V/GenericRequest﹕ finished setup for calling load in 0.38966599999999996 this: 671303046
V/GenericRequest﹕ finished onSizeReady in 0.703708 this: 671303046
V/GenericRequest﹕ finished run method in 1.851125 this: 671303046
V/GenericRequest﹕ Got onSizeReady in 0.056957999999999995 this: 634418527
V/GenericRequest﹕ finished setup for calling load in 0.21787499999999999 this: 634418527
V/GenericRequest﹕ finished onSizeReady in 0.443083 this: 634418527
V/GenericRequest﹕ finished run method in 0.7567499999999999 this: 634418527
V/GenericRequest﹕ Resource ready in 3443.041335 size: 2.18359375 fromCache: false this: 249721749
V/GenericRequest﹕ Resource ready in 4110.604794 size: 3.8623809814453125 fromCache: false this: 1054166306
V/GenericRequest﹕ Resource ready in 3824.033544 size: 3.8623809814453125 fromCache: false this: 991315424
V/GenericRequest﹕ Resource ready in 3773.0562109999996 size: 3.8623809814453125 fromCache: false this: 1029510845
V/GenericRequest﹕ Resource ready in 4542.90796 size: 2.18359375 fromCache: false this: 516458536
V/GenericRequest﹕ Resource ready in 4171.866168 size: 3.8623809814453125 fromCache: false this: 634418527
V/GenericRequest﹕ Resource ready in 4474.170752 size: 3.8623809814453125 fromCache: false this: 356666200
V/GenericRequest﹕ Resource ready in 4496.104085 size: 2.18359375 fromCache: false this: 671303046
V/GenericRequest﹕ Resource ready in 4814.625126999999 size: 2.18359375 fromCache: false this: 347417463





      android:layout_height="@dimen/product_image_height" (208dp)



切换到 PercentFrameLayout极大地帮助了我的项目在RecyclerView中滚动图像的速度. ( adapted from Bumptech’s “Issues” section of their GitHub page)
    android:layout_height="@dimen/product_image_height" (208dp)


int srcHeight = getimageHeight();        // hopefully you kNow the image height & width
int srcWidth = getimageWidth();

PercentFrameLayout.LayoutParams layoutParams = 
        (PercentFrameLayout.LayoutParams) viewHolder.productimage.getLayoutParams();
PercentLayoutHelper.PercentLayoutInfo layoutInfo = layoutParams.getPercentLayoutInfo();

if(srcHeight > 0) {        // being careful about potential divide by 0 errors
    layoutInfo.aspectRatio = (float)srcWidth / (float)srcHeight;
} else {
    layoutInfo.aspectRatio = 1;

layoutParams.height = 0;   



compile ''


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