
关于包含标准图标的主题,Android documentation提到:

Shown below are standard menu icons
that are used in the Android system.
Because these resources can change
between platform versions, you should
not reference the system’s copy of the
resources. If you want use any icons
or other internal drawable resources,
you should store a local copy of those
icons or drawables in your application
resources, then reference the local
copy from your application code. In
that way, you can maintain control
over the appearance of your icons,
even if the system’s copy changes.
Note that the list below is not
intended to be complete.


但是,在“android-sdk / platforms / android-8 / android.jar”中我只找到drawable-mdpi和drawable-hdpi中的图标 – 既没有带图标的认drawable文件夹,也没有drawable-ldpi文件夹这些图标的低分辨率版本.但是,需要这样的低分辨率版本才能在ldpi设备(如HTC Wildfire)上提供本机版本.

是否有任何“官方”版本的Android图标在ldpi上缩放?虽然ldpi版本可能存储在我的HTC Wildfire设备的某个地方,但我认为它们的版权归HTC所有,而不是与Android发行版中的图标相同的开源许可证.




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