本机Android BLE实现本质上是同步的吗?

我记得在“Guide and Hint”-doc中读到Samsung BLE API (archived page)

One of the most important concepts of the Samsung F/W and stack is
its synchronous nature. That is, if we call for example,
writeCharacteristic for a particular characteristic, if it returns
true, the next call to any BluetoothGatt or BluetoothGattServer method
should be done after the onCharacteristicRead callback is received.
This is because the stack is designed to support and process only one
GATT call at a time, and if, for example, you call
writeCharacteristic or readCharacteristic on any characteristic soon
after the first one, it is ignored.

在Android 4.3?
> Samsung API一次只支持一个连接的GATT设备.


三星最近在我在我的问题中链接的同一页面上发布了一个“迁移”文档.他们在将新的原生BLE API与Samsung BLE API进行比较时完全回答了我的问题:

The synchronous nature of the stack and F/W hasn’t been affected.
That is, if we call for example, writeCharacteristic for a particular
characteristic, if it returns true, the next call to any BluetoothGatt
or BluetoothGattServer method should be done after the onCharacteristicRead callback is received. This is because the stack is designed
to support and process only one GATT call at a time, and if, for
example, you call writeCharacteristic or readCharacteristic of any characteristic soon after the first one, it is ignored.


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