Python graphene 模块-resolve_only_args() 实例源码

Python graphene 模块,resolve_only_args() 实例源码


项目:graphene-gae    作者:graphql-python    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testNdbObjectType_should_raise_if_model_is_invalid(self):
        with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
            class Character2(NdbObjectType):
                class Meta:
                    model = 1

        assert 'not an NDB model' in str(context.exception.message)

    # def testNdbObjectType_keyProperty_kindDoesntExist_raisesException(self):
    #     with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
    #         class ArticleType(NdbObjectType):
    #             class Meta:
    #                 model = Article
    #                 only_fields = ('prop',)
    #             prop = NdbKeyReferenceField('foo','bar')
    #         class QueryType(graphene.ObjectType):
    #             articles = graphene.List(ArticleType)
    #             @graphene.resolve_only_args
    #             def resolve_articles(self):
    #                 return Article.query()
    #         schema = graphene.Schema(query=QueryType)
    #         schema.execute('query test {  articles { prop } }')
    #     self.assertIn("Model 'bar' is not accessible by the schema.",str(context.exception.message))

    # def testNdbObjectType_keyProperty_stringRepresentation_kindDoesntExist_raisesException(self):
    #     with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
    #         class ArticleType(NdbObjectType):
    #             class Meta:
    #                 model = Article
    #                 only_fields = ('prop',)
    #             prop = NdbKeyStringField('foo',str(context.exception.message))


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