Python six.moves.urllib_parse 模块-urlsplit() 实例源码

Python six.moves.urllib_parse 模块,urlsplit() 实例源码


项目:oa_qian    作者:sunqb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def collect_hosts(hosts, randomize=True):
    """Collect a set of hosts and an optional chroot from a string."""
    host_ports, chroot = hosts.partition("/")[::2]
    chroot = "/" + chroot if chroot else None

    result = []
    for host_port in host_ports.split(","):
        # put all complexity of dealing with
        # IPv4 & IPv6 address:port on the urlsplit
        res = urllib_parse.urlsplit("xxx://" + host_port)
        host = res.hostname
        if host is None:
            raise ValueError("bad hostname")
        port = int(res.port) if res.port else 2181
        result.append((host.strip(), port))

    if randomize:

    return result, chroot
项目:script.module.python.twitch    作者:MrSprigster    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def parse_implicit_response(url):
        pairs = urlsplit(url).fragment.split('&')
        fragment = dict()
        for pair in pairs:
            key, value = pair.split('=')
            fragment[key] = value
        return {'access_token': fragment.get('access_token'), 'scope': fragment.get('scope', '').split('+'), 'state': fragment.get('state')}
项目:everypolitician-popolo-python    作者:everypolitician    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def extract_twitter_username(username_or_url):
    split_url = urlsplit(username_or_url)
    if split_url.netloc == '':
        return re.sub(r'^/([^/]+).*', r'\1', split_url.path)
    return username_or_url.strip().lstrip('@')
项目:deb-kazoo    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def collect_hosts(hosts):
       Collect a set of hosts and an optional chroot from
       a string or a list of strings.
    if isinstance(hosts, list):
        if hosts[-1].strip().startswith('/'):
            host_ports, chroot = hosts[:-1], hosts[-1]
            host_ports, chroot = hosts, None
        host_ports, chroot = hosts.partition("/")[::2]
        host_ports = host_ports.split(",")
        chroot = "/" + chroot if chroot else None

    result = []
    for host_port in host_ports:
        # put all complexity of dealing with
        # IPv4 & IPv6 address:port on the urlsplit
        res = urllib_parse.urlsplit("xxx://" + host_port)
        host = res.hostname
        if host is None:
            raise ValueError("bad hostname")
        port = int(res.port) if res.port else 2181
        result.append((host.strip(), port))

    return result, chroot


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