Python statistics 模块-pstdev() 实例源码

Python statistics 模块,pstdev() 实例源码


项目:jhTAlib    作者:joosthoeks    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def PSTDEV(df, n, price='Close', mu=None):
    Population standard deviation of data
    pstdev_list = []
    i = 0
    while i < len(df[price]):
        if i + 1 < n:
            pstdev = float('NaN')
            start = i + 1 - n
            end = i + 1
            pstdev = statistics.pstdev(df[price][start:end], mu)
        i += 1
    return pstdev_list
项目:open-synthesis    作者:twschiller    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def diagnosticity(evaluations):
    """Return the diagnosticity of a piece of evidence given its evaluations against a set of hypotheses.

    :param evaluations: an iterable of iterables of Eval for a piece of evidence
    # The "diagnosticity" needs to capture how well the evidence separates/distinguishes the hypotheses. If we don't
    # show a preference between consistent/inconsistent,STDDEV captures this intuition OK. However,in the future,
    # we may want to favor evidence for which hypotheses are inconsistent. Additionally,we may want to calculate
    # "marginal diagnosticity" which takes into the rest of the evidence.
    # (1) calculate the consensus for each hypothesis
    # (2) map N/A to neutral because N/A doesn't help determine consistency of the evidence
    # (3) calculate the population standard deviation of the evidence. It's more reasonable to consider the set of
    #     hypotheses at a given time to be the population of hypotheses than as a "sample" (although it doesn't matter
    #     much because we're comparing across hypothesis sets of the same size)
    na_neutral = map(mean_na_neutral_Vote, evaluations)  # pylint: disable=bad-builtin
        return statistics.pstdev(filter(None.__ne__, na_neutral))  # pylint: disable=bad-builtin
    except statistics.StatisticsError:
        return 0.0
项目:QUANTAXIS    作者:yutiansut    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def pstdev(self):
        return statistics.pstdev(self.price)

    # ?????
项目:Scrapy-BenchCLI    作者:Parth-Vader    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def calculator(test, arg, n_runs, only_result,workpath=os.getcwd()):
    w = []
    for x in range(n_runs):
        if only_result:
            process = subprocess.Popen(
            process = subprocess.Popen(arg, cwd=workpath, shell=True)
        with open(os.path.join(workpath,"Benchmark.txt")) as f:
            for line in f.readlines():

        "\nThe results of the benchmark are (all speeds in items/sec) : \n",
        "\nTest = '{0}' Iterations = '{1}'\n".format(test, n_runs),
        "\nMean : {0} Median : {1} Std Dev : {2}\n".format(
项目:ntpmon    作者:paulgear    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getstdev(l, mean):
        Get the mean of the values in the list,or NaN if there is none.
        if len(l) > 0:
            return statistics.pstdev(l, mean)
            return float('nan')
项目:dotfiles    作者:zchee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def stdev(arr):
    Compute the standard deviation.
    if sys.version_info >= (3, 0):
        import statistics
        return statistics.pstdev(arr)
        # Dependency on NumPy
            import numpy
            return numpy.std(arr, axis=0)
        except ImportError:
            return 0.
项目:Mac-Python-3.X    作者:L1nwatch    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def main():
    except Exception as e:
    print(stats.mode(list(range(6)) + [3]))
    print(stats.pstdev(list(range(6)) + [3]))
    print(stats.stdev(list(range(6)) + [3]))
    print(stats.pvariance(list(range(6)) + [3]))
    print(stats.variance(list(range(6)) + [3]))
项目:HX711    作者:gandalf15    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, dout_pin, pd_sck_pin, gain_channel_A=128, select_channel='A'):
        if (isinstance(dout_pin, int) and 
            isinstance(pd_sck_pin, int)):   # just chack of it is integer
            self._pd_sck = pd_sck_pin   # init pd_sck pin number
            self._dout = dout_pin       # init data pin number
            raise TypeError('dout_pin and pd_sck_pin have to be pin numbers.\nI have got dout_pin: '\
                     + str(dout_pin) + \
                    ' and pd_sck_pin: ' + str(pd_sck_pin) + '\n')

        self._gain_channel_A = 0    # init to 0 
        self._offset_A_128 = 0      # init offset for channel A and gain 128
        self._offset_A_64 = 0       # init offset for channel A and gain 64
        self._offset_B = 0      # init offset for channel B
        self._last_raw_data_A_128 = 0   # init last data to 0 for channel A and gain 128
        self._last_raw_data_A_64 = 0    # init last data to 0 for channelA and gain 64
        self._last_raw_data_B = 0   # init last data to 0 for channel B 
        self._wanted_channel = ''   # init to empty string
        self._current_channel = ''  # init to empty string
        self._scale_ratio_A_128 = 1 # init to 1
        self._scale_ratio_A_64 = 1  # init to 1
        self._scale_ratio_B = 1     # init to 1
        self._debug_mode = False    # init debug mode to False
        self._pstdev_filter = True  # pstdev filter is by default ON

        GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM)          # set GPIO pin mode to BCM numbering
        GPIO.setup(self._pd_sck, GPIO.OUT)  # pin _pd_sck is output only
        GPIO.setup(self._dout, GPIO.IN)     # pin _dout is input only
        self.select_channel(select_channel) # call select channel function
        self.set_gain_A(gain_channel_A)     # init gain for channel A

    # select_channel function evaluates if the desired channel #
    # is valid and then sets the _wanted_channel.          #
    # If returns True then OK                  #
    # INPUTS: channel ('A'|'B')                    #
    # OUTPUTS: BOOL                        #
项目:HX711    作者:gandalf15    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_current_channel(self):
        return self._current_channel 

    # get pstdev filter status returns True if turned on.      #
    # INPUTS: none                         #
    # OUTPUTS: INT                         #
项目:hco-experiments    作者:zooniverse    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_stdev(self):
        s = Stat(
        assert s.stdev == statistics.pstdev(
项目:hco-experiments    作者:zooniverse    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, data):
        self.mean = st.mean(data)
        self.median = st.median(data)
        self.stdev = st.pstdev(data)
项目:plumeria    作者:sk89q    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def pstdev(text):
    Finds the population standard deviation of a space-separated list of numbers.


        /pstdev 33 54 43 65 43 62
    return format_output(statistics.pstdev(parse_numeric_list(text)))
项目:plumeria    作者:sk89q    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setup():
项目:satori-rtm-sdk-python    作者:satori-com    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def discover_benches(publish_or_subscribe):
    for f in os.listdir(os.curdir):
        if not f.startswith(publish_or_subscribe + '-'):
        with open(f) as fi:
            datalines = [l.split() for l in fi.readlines() if l[0].isdigit()]
            rpss = [float(d[1]) for d in datalines]
            rps_avg = s.mean(rpss)
            rps_stddev = s.pstdev(rpss)

            parts = f.split('-')
            size = int(parts[-1])

            yield ('-'.join(parts[1:-1]), size, rps_avg, rps_stddev)
项目:azure-data-lake-store-python    作者:Azure    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def print_summary_statistics(stats):
    from statistics import mean, median, pstdev

    print("benchmark min mean sd median max")
    for benchmark, samples in stats.items():
        if samples:
            metrics = [int(round(fn(samples), 0)) for fn in [min, mean, pstdev, max]]
            metrics = [0, 0, 0]
        print(benchmark, *metrics)
项目:scrapy-bench    作者:scrapy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def uploadresult(test, w):
    commit = get_latest_commit('scrapy', 'scrapy')

    data = {
        'commitid': commit['html_url'].rsplit('/', 1)[-1],
        'branch': 'default',  # Always use default for trunk/master/tip
        'project': 'Scrapy-Bench',
        'executable': '',
        'benchmark': test,
        'environment': get_env(),
        'result_value': statistics.mean(w),

        'revision_date': current_date,  # Optional. Default is taken either
        # from VCS integration or from current date
        'result_date': current_date,  # Optional,default is current date
        'std_dev': statistics.pstdev(w),  # Optional. Default is blank
        #'max': 4001.6,# Optional. Default is blank
        #'min': 3995.1,# Optional. Default is blank
    params = urllib.urlencode(data).encode("utf-8")
    response = "None"
    print("Saving result for executable %s,revision %s,benchmark %s" % (
        data['executable'], data['commitid'], data['benchmark']))

    f = urllib2.urlopen(CODESPEED_URL + 'result/add/', params)
    response =

    print("Server (%s) response: %s\n" % (CODESPEED_URL, response))
项目:scrapy-bench    作者:scrapy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def calculator(
    w = []
    for x in range(n_runs):
        if only_result:
            process = subprocess.Popen(
                arg, "Benchmark.txt")) as f:
            for line in f.readlines():

        "\nThe results of the benchmark are (all speeds in items/sec) : \n",

    if upload_result:
        codespeedinfo.uploadresult(test, w)

    os.remove(os.path.join(workpath, "Benchmark.txt"))
项目:HX711    作者:gandalf15    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_raw_data_mean(self, times=1):
        backup_channel = self._current_channel      # do backup of current channel befor reading for later use
        backup_gain = self._gain_channel_A      # backup of gain channel A
        if times > 0 and times < 100:       # check if times is in required range 
            data_list = []          # create empty list
            for i in range(times):      # for number of times read and add up all readings.
                data_list.append(self._read())  # append every read value to the list
            if times > 2 and self._pstdev_filter:           # if times is > 2 filter the data
                data_pstdev = stat.pstdev(data_list)    # calculate population standard deviation from the data
                data_mean = stat.mean(data_list)    # calculate mean from the collected data
                max_num = data_mean + data_pstdev   # calculate max number which is within pstdev
                min_num = data_mean - data_pstdev   # calculate min number which is within pstdev
                filtered_data = []          # create new list for filtered data

                if data_pstdev <=100:           # is pstdev is less than 100 it is ok
                    self._save_last_raw_data(backup_channel, backup_gain, data_mean)    # save last data
                    return data_mean        # just return the calculated mean

                for index,num in enumerate(data_list):  # Now I kNow that pstdev is greater then iterate through the list
                    if (num > min_num and num < max_num):   # check if the number is within pstdev
                        filtered_data.append(num)   # then append to the filtered data list
                if self._debug_mode:
                    print('data_list: ' + str(data_list))
                    print('filtered_data lsit: ' + str(filtered_data))
                    print('pstdev data: ' + str(data_pstdev))
                    print('pstdev filtered data: ' + str(stat.pstdev(filtered_data)))
                    print('mean data_list: ' + str(stat.mean(data_list)))
                    print('mean filtered_data: ' + str(stat.mean(filtered_data)))
                f_data_mean = stat.mean(filtered_data)      # calculate mean from filtered data
                self._save_last_raw_data(backup_channel, f_data_mean)  # save last data
                return f_data_mean      # return mean from filtered data
                data_mean = stat.mean(data_list)        # calculate mean from the list
                self._save_last_raw_data(backup_channel, data_mean)    # save last data
                return data_mean        # times was 2 or less just return mean
            raise ValueError('function "get_raw_data_mean" parameter "times" has to be in range 1 up to 99.\n I have got: '\
                        + str(times))

    # get_data_mean returns average value of readings minus    #
    # offset for the particular channel which was read.    #
    # If return False something is wrong. Try debug mode.      #
    # INPUTS: times # how many times to read data. Default 1   #
    # OUTPUTS: INT | BOOL                      #
项目:crossbot    作者:mwillsey    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_normalized_scores(entries, args):
    """Generate smoothed scores based on mean,stdev of that days times. """

    times_by_date = defaultdict(dict)
    for e in entries:
        x = e.seconds
        # if x > 0:
        #     x = np.log(x)
        times_by_date[][e.userid] = x

    sorted_dates = sorted(times_by_date.keys())

    # failures come with a heaver ranking penalty
    MAX_score = 1.5

    def mk_score(mean, t, stdev):
        if t < 0:
            return FAILURE_PENALTY
        if stdev == 0:
            return 0

        score = (mean - t) / stdev
        return np.clip(score, -MAX_score, MAX_score)

    # scores are the stdev away from mean of that day
    scores = {}
    for date, user_times in times_by_date.items():
        times = [t for t in user_times.values() if t is not None]
        # make failures 1 minute worse than the worst time
        times = [t if t >= 0 else max(times) + 60 for t in times]
        q1, q3 = np.percentile(times, [25,75])
        stdev  = statistics.pstdev(times)
        o1, o3 = q1 - stdev, q3 + stdev
        times  = [t for t in times if o1 <= t <= o3]
        mean  = statistics.mean(times)
        stdev  = statistics.pstdev(times, mean)
        scores[date] = {
            userid: mk_score(mean, stdev)
            for userid, t in user_times.items()
            if t is not None

    new_score_weight = 1 - args.smooth
    running = defaultdict(list)

    weighted_scores = defaultdict(dict)
    for date in sorted_dates:
        for user, score in scores[date].items():

            old_score = running.get(user)

            new_score = score * new_score_weight + old_score * (1 - new_score_weight) \
                        if old_score is not None else score

            weighted_scores[user][date] = running[user] = new_score

    ticker = matplotlib.ticker.MultipleLocator(base=0.25)
    formatter = matplotlib.ticker.ScalarFormatter(uSEOffset=False)

    return weighted_scores, ticker, formatter
项目:OptiCalcRead    作者:MrLeylo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def findConcentrationAux(tagClassification):
    del featList['tE']
    del featList['tag']
    del featList['bBox']
    del featList['center']
    del feats2Rec['Coord']
    del feats2Rec['Style']
    del feats2Rec['coG']
    l1=[symbol for symbol in tagClassification if symbol[-1]=='1']
    l2=[symbol for symbol in tagClassification if symbol[-1]=='2']
    l3=[symbol for symbol in tagClassification if symbol[-1]=='3']
    for fe in feats2Rec:
        for llet in tagClassification:
            for i in range(len(tagClassification[llet])):
                for j in range(len(vars(tagClassification[llet][i])[fe])):
                    if math.isnan(vars(tagClassification[llet][i])[fe][j]) and new:
    for symbol in tagClassification:
        for i in range(len(tagClassification[symbol])):
            if tagClassification[symbol][i].Style=='diagonal':
            elif tagClassification[symbol][i].Style=='horizontal':
            elif tagClassification[symbol][i].Style=='vertical':
            elif tagClassification[symbol][i].Style=='closed':
    for feature in featList:
        print feature
        if feature=='Coord' or feature=='Style' or feature=='coG':
            standevs[feature]=[math.sqrt((((float(float(np.nansum([statistics.pstdev([vars(mostra)[feature][i][0] for mostra in tagClassification[symbol]])/np.mean([vars(mostra)[feature][i][0] for mostra in tagClassification[symbol]]) for i in range(len(vars(tagClassification[symbol][0])[feature]))]))/len(vars(tagClassification[symbol][0])[feature])))/(float((np.nansum([statistics.pstdev(reduce(operator.add,[[vars(mostra)[feature][j][0] for mostra in tagClassification[altSymbol]] for altSymbol in l1]))/np.mean(reduce(operator.add,[[vars(mostra)[feature][j][0] for mostra in tagClassification[altSymbol]] for altSymbol in l1])) for j in range(len(vars(tagClassification['a1'][0])[feature]))])/len(vars(tagClassification[symbol][0])[feature]))+(np.nansum([statistics.pstdev(reduce(operator.add,[[vars(mostra)[feature][j][0] for mostra in tagClassification[altSymbol]] for altSymbol in l2]))/np.mean(reduce(operator.add,[[vars(mostra)[feature][j][0] for mostra in tagClassification[altSymbol]] for altSymbol in l2])) for j in range(len(vars(tagClassification['+2'][0])[feature]))])/len(vars(tagClassification[symbol][0])[feature]))+(np.nansum([statistics.pstdev(reduce(operator.add,[[vars(mostra)[feature][j][0] for mostra in tagClassification[altSymbol]] for altSymbol in l3]))/np.mean(reduce(operator.add,[[vars(mostra)[feature][j][0] for mostra in tagClassification[altSymbol]] for altSymbol in l3])) for j in range(len(vars(tagClassification['A3'][0])[feature]))])/len(vars(tagClassification[symbol][0])[feature])))/3))**2)+(((float(float(np.nansum([statistics.pstdev([vars(mostra)[feature][i][1] for mostra in tagClassification[symbol]])/np.mean([vars(mostra)[feature][i][1] for mostra in tagClassification[symbol]]) for i in range(len(vars(tagClassification[symbol][0])[feature]))]))/len(vars(tagClassification[symbol][0])[feature])))/(float((np.nansum([statistics.pstdev(reduce(operator.add,[[vars(mostra)[feature][j][1] for mostra in tagClassification[altSymbol]] for altSymbol in l1]))/np.mean(reduce(operator.add,[[vars(mostra)[feature][j][1] for mostra in tagClassification[altSymbol]] for altSymbol in l1])) for j in range(len(vars(tagClassification['a1'][0])[feature]))])/len(vars(tagClassification[symbol][0])[feature]))+(np.nansum([statistics.pstdev(reduce(operator.add,[[vars(mostra)[feature][j][1] for mostra in tagClassification[altSymbol]] for altSymbol in l2]))/np.mean(reduce(operator.add,[[vars(mostra)[feature][j][1] for mostra in tagClassification[altSymbol]] for altSymbol in l2])) for j in range(len(vars(tagClassification['+2'][0])[feature]))])/len(vars(tagClassification[symbol][0])[feature]))+(np.nansum([statistics.pstdev(reduce(operator.add,[[vars(mostra)[feature][j][1] for mostra in tagClassification[altSymbol]] for altSymbol in l3]))/np.mean(reduce(operator.add,[[vars(mostra)[feature][j][1] for mostra in tagClassification[altSymbol]] for altSymbol in l3])) for j in range(len(vars(tagClassification['A3'][0])[feature]))])/len(vars(tagClassification[symbol][0])[feature])))/3))**2)) for symbol in tagClassification]
            standevs[feature]=[((float(float(np.nansum([statistics.pstdev([vars(mostra)[feature][i] for mostra in tagClassification[symbol]])/np.mean([vars(mostra)[feature][i] for mostra in tagClassification[symbol]]) for i in range(len(vars(tagClassification[symbol][0])[feature]))]))/len(vars(tagClassification[symbol][0])[feature])))/(float((np.nansum([statistics.pstdev(reduce(operator.add,[[vars(mostra)[feature][j] for mostra in tagClassification[altSymbol]] for altSymbol in l1]))/np.mean(reduce(operator.add,[[vars(mostra)[feature][j] for mostra in tagClassification[altSymbol]] for altSymbol in l1])) for j in range(len(vars(tagClassification['a1'][0])[feature]))])/len(vars(tagClassification[symbol][0])[feature]))+(np.nansum([statistics.pstdev(reduce(operator.add,[[vars(mostra)[feature][j] for mostra in tagClassification[altSymbol]] for altSymbol in l2]))/np.mean(reduce(operator.add,[[vars(mostra)[feature][j] for mostra in tagClassification[altSymbol]] for altSymbol in l2])) for j in range(len(vars(tagClassification['+2'][0])[feature]))])/len(vars(tagClassification[symbol][0])[feature]))+(np.nansum([statistics.pstdev(reduce(operator.add,[[vars(mostra)[feature][j] for mostra in tagClassification[altSymbol]] for altSymbol in l3]))/np.mean(reduce(operator.add,[[vars(mostra)[feature][j] for mostra in tagClassification[altSymbol]] for altSymbol in l3])) for j in range(len(vars(tagClassification['A3'][0])[feature]))])/len(vars(tagClassification[symbol][0])[feature])))/3)) for symbol in tagClassification]
    print standevs
    if os.path.isfile('varStandarDevs.txt'):
    f = open('varStandarDevs.txt','wb')

#PonderateByConcentration: Retorna la ponderacio de les features segons les desviacions estandar que carrega del sistema


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