Python statistics 模块-mean() 实例源码

Python statistics 模块,mean() 实例源码


项目:picoCTF    作者:picoCTF    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_average_problems_solved_per_user(eligible=True, scoring=True, user_breakdown=None):
    if user_breakdown is None:
        user_breakdown = get_team_member_solve_stats(eligible)
    solves = []
    for tid, breakdown in user_breakdown.items():
        for uid, ubreakdown in breakdown.items():
            if ubreakdown is None:
                solved = 0
                if 'correct' in ubreakdown:
                    solved = ubreakdown['correct']
                    solved = 0
            if solved > 0 or not scoring:
                solves += [solved]
    return (statistics.mean(solves),
项目:picoCTF    作者:picoCTF    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_team_participation_percentage(eligible=True, user_breakdown=None):
    if user_breakdown is None:
        user_breakdown = get_team_member_solve_stats(eligible)
    team_size_any = defaultdict(list)
    team_size_correct = defaultdict(list)
    for tid, breakdown in user_breakdown.items():
        count_any = 0
        count_correct = 0
        for uid, work in breakdown.items():
            if work is not None:
                count_any += 1
                if work['correct'] > 0:
                    count_correct += 1
    return {x: statistics.mean(y) for x, y in team_size_any.items()}, \
           {x: statistics.mean(y) for x, y in team_size_correct.items()}
项目:python-devtools    作者:samuelcolvin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def summary(self, verbose=False):
        times = set()
        for r in self.results:
            if not r.finish:
            if verbose:
                print('    {}'.format(r.str(self.dp)), file=self.file)

        if times:
                stddev=stdev(times) if len(times) > 1 else 0,
            ), file=self.file, flush=True)
            raise RuntimeError('timer not started')
        return times
项目:Fast5-to-Fastq    作者:rrwick    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_arguments():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='FAST5 to FASTQ',
    parser.add_argument('dir', type=str,
                        help='directory of FAST5 reads to extract (will be searched recursively)')
    parser.add_argument('--min_length', type=int, default=0,
                        help='Exclude reads shorter than this length (in bp)')
    parser.add_argument('--min_mean_qual', type=float, default=0.0,
                        help='Exclude reads with a mean qscore less than this value')
                        help='Exclude reads where their mean qscore in a sliding window drops '
                             'below this value')
    parser.add_argument('--window_size', default=50,
                        help='The size of the sliding window used for --min_qual_window')
    parser.add_argument('--target_bases', default=None,
                        help='If set,exclude the worst reads (as judged by their minimum qscore '
                             'in a sliding window) such that only this many bases remain')
    args = parser.parse_args()
    args.dir = os.path.abspath(args.dir)
    return args
项目:Fast5-to-Fastq    作者:rrwick    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_min_window_qscore(quals, window_size):
    Returns the minimum mean qscore over a sliding window.
    quals = [q - 33 for q in quals]  # covert to numbers
    current_window_qscore = statistics.mean(quals[:window_size])
    shift_count = len(quals) - window_size
    if shift_count < 1:
        return current_window_qscore
    min_window_qscore = current_window_qscore
    for i in range(shift_count):
        leaving_window = quals[i]
        entering_window = quals[i + window_size]
        current_window_qscore += (entering_window - leaving_window) / window_size
        if current_window_qscore < min_window_qscore:
            min_window_qscore = current_window_qscore
    return min_window_qscore
项目:Fast5-to-Fastq    作者:rrwick    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_min_window_qscore(quals, window_size):
    Returns the minimum mean qscore over a sliding window.
    quals = [q - 33 for q in quals]  # covert to numbers
    current_window_qscore = statistics.mean(quals[:window_size])
    shift_count = len(quals) - window_size
    if shift_count < 1:
        return current_window_qscore
    min_window_qscore = current_window_qscore
    for i in range(shift_count):
        leaving_window = quals[i]
        entering_window = quals[i + window_size]
        current_window_qscore += (entering_window - leaving_window) / window_size
        if current_window_qscore < min_window_qscore:
            min_window_qscore = current_window_qscore
    return min_window_qscore
项目:jhTAlib    作者:joosthoeks    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def MEAN(df, n, price='Close'):
    Arithmetic mean (average) of data
    mean_list = []
    i = 0
    while i < len(df[price]):
        if i + 1 < n:
            mean = float('NaN')
            start = i + 1 - n
            end = i + 1
            mean = statistics.mean(df[price][start:end])
        i += 1
    return mean_list
项目:jhTAlib    作者:joosthoeks    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def HARMONIC_MEAN(df, price='Close'):
    Harmonic mean of data
    harmonic_mean_list = []
    i = 0
    while i < len(df[price]):
        if i + 1 < n:
            harmonic_mean = float('NaN')
            start = i + 1 - n
            end = i + 1
            harmonic_mean = statistics.harmonic_mean(df[price][start:end])
        i += 1
    return harmonic_mean_list
项目:picoCTF    作者:royragsDale    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_average_problems_solved_per_user(eligible=True,
项目:picoCTF    作者:royragsDale    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_team_participation_percentage(eligible=True, y in team_size_correct.items()}
项目:xgovctf    作者:alphagov    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_average_problems_solved_per_user(eligible=True,
项目:xgovctf    作者:alphagov    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_team_participation_percentage(eligible=True, y in team_size_correct.items()}
项目:xenoGI    作者:ecbush    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def printWinSizeSummary(neighborTL):
    '''Given a list where index is genes and the values are neighbor genes,calculate the size of this window in bp for each gene. Return the mean and standard deviation.'''

    winL = []
    for neighborT in neighborTL:

    median = statistics.median(winL)
    mean = statistics.mean(winL)
    stdev = statistics.stdev(winL)

    print("  median",round(median))
    print("  mean",round(mean))
    print("  stdev",round(stdev))

## mods for core stuff (requires changing functions,so we move them here)
项目:chainerrl    作者:chainer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def evaluate_and_update_max_score(self, t, episodes):
        eval_stats = eval_performance(
            self.env, self.agent, self.n_runs,
            max_episode_len=self.max_episode_len, explorer=self.explorer,
        elapsed = time.time() - self.start_time
        custom_values = tuple(tup[1] for tup in self.agent.get_statistics())
        mean = eval_stats['mean']
        values = (t,
                  eval_stats['min']) + custom_values
        record_stats(self.outdir, values)
        if mean > self.max_score:
            update_best_model(self.agent, self.outdir, self.max_score, mean,
            self.max_score = mean
        return mean
项目:chainerrl    作者:chainer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def evaluate_and_update_max_score(self, episodes, env, agent):
        eval_stats = eval_performance(
            env, agent,
        elapsed = time.time() - self.start_time
        custom_values = tuple(tup[1] for tup in agent.get_statistics())
        mean = eval_stats['mean']
        values = (t, values)
        with self._max_score.get_lock():
            if mean > self._max_score.value:
                    agent, self._max_score.value,
                self._max_score.value = mean
        return mean
项目:SciData_08-17-2017    作者:kitestring    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def calculate_IDL(self, data_lst, Concentration, debug_on):
        degreesOfFreedom = len(data_lst) - 1
        if degreesOfFreedom < 1:
            return 'PoorSensitivity'
        Ta = self.T_Table_99Confidence.get(degreesOfFreedom, "TooMany")
        if debug_on == True:
            print('degreesOfFreedom: ', degreesOfFreedom)
            print('Concentration,: ', Concentration)
            print('data_lst: ', data_lst)
        if Ta == "TooMany":
            raise Exception('There are more than 21 data values for the IDL calculation and therefore not enough degrees of freedom in T_Table_99Confidence dictionary.')
        Averge = statistics.mean(data_lst)
        StandardDeviation = statistics.stdev(data_lst)
        RSD = (StandardDeviation/Averge) * 100

        return round(((Ta * RSD * Concentration)/100),2)
项目:sdos-core    作者:sdos    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def runPutTest(testDataPath, testDatarangeStart, testDatarangeEnd, f):
    log.debug('running put tests...')
    timeStart = time.perf_counter()
    times = [time.perf_counter()]
    for i in range(testDatarangeStart, testDatarangeEnd):
        thisPath = '%s/%i' % (testDataPath, i)
        o = loadTestData(thisPath)

        f.putObject(o, str(i))


    timeEnd = time.perf_counter()
    log.warning('RESULT (PUT): total test runtime: %s seconds,mean per object: %s' % (
        timeEnd - timeStart, ((timeEnd - timeStart) / testDatarangeEnd)))
    log.critical('RESULT (PUT): median result: %s ' % statistics.median(calculatetimedeltas(times)))
    log.critical('RESULT (PUT): standard deviation result: %s ' % statistics.stdev(calculatetimedeltas(times)))
    log.critical('RESULT (PUT): mean result: %s ' % statistics.mean(calculatetimedeltas(times)))

# log.critical('RESULT (PUT): individual times: %s ' % (calculatetimedeltas(times)))
项目:sdos-core    作者:sdos    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def runGetTest(testDataPath, f):
    log.debug('running get tests...')
    timeStart = time.perf_counter()
    times = [time.perf_counter()]
    for i in range(testDatarangeStart, testDatarangeEnd):
        thisPath = '%s/%i' % (testDataPath, i)

        o = f.getobject(str(i))
        saveTestData(o, thisPath)


    timeEnd = time.perf_counter()
    log.critical('RESULT (GET): total test runtime: %s seconds, ((timeEnd - timeStart) / testDatarangeEnd)))
    log.critical('RESULT (GET): median result: %s ' % statistics.median(calculatetimedeltas(times)))
    log.critical('RESULT (GET): standard deviation result: %s ' % statistics.stdev(calculatetimedeltas(times)))
    log.critical('RESULT (GET): mean result: %s ' % statistics.mean(calculatetimedeltas(times)))

# log.critical('RESULT (GET): individual times: %s ' % (calculatetimedeltas(times)))
项目:sdos-core    作者:sdos    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def runDeleteTest(testDatarangeStart, f):
    log.debug('running delete tests...')
    timeStart = time.perf_counter()
    times = [time.perf_counter()]
    for i in range(testDatarangeStart, testDatarangeEnd):


    timeEnd = time.perf_counter()
    log.critical('RESULT (DELETE): total test runtime: %s seconds, ((timeEnd - timeStart) / testDatarangeEnd)))
    log.critical('RESULT (DELETE): median result: %s ' % statistics.median(calculatetimedeltas(times)))
    log.critical('RESULT (DELETE): standard deviation result: %s ' % statistics.stdev(calculatetimedeltas(times)))
    log.critical('RESULT (DELETE): mean result: %s ' % statistics.mean(calculatetimedeltas(times)))

# log.critical('RESULT (DELETE): individual times: %s ' % (calculatetimedeltas(times)))

项目:async-rl    作者:muupan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def eval_performance(rom, p_func, n_runs):
    assert n_runs > 1, 'Computing stdev requires at least two runs'
    scores = []
    for i in range(n_runs):
        env = ale.ALE(rom, treat_life_lost_as_terminal=False)
        test_r = 0
        while not env.is_terminal:
            s = chainer.Variable(np.expand_dims(dqn_phi(env.state), 0))
            pout = p_func(s)
            a = pout.action_indices[0]
            test_r += env.receive_action(a)
        print('test_{}:'.format(i), test_r)
    mean = statistics.mean(scores)
    median = statistics.median(scores)
    stdev = statistics.stdev(scores)
    return mean, median, stdev
项目:async-rl    作者:muupan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def eval_performance(process_idx, make_env, model, phi, 'Computing stdev requires at least two runs'
    scores = []
    for i in range(n_runs):
        env = make_env(process_idx, test=True)
        obs = env.reset()
        done = False
        test_r = 0
        while not done:
            s = chainer.Variable(np.expand_dims(phi(obs), 0))
            pout, _ = model.pi_and_v(s)
            a = pout.action_indices[0]
            obs, r, done, info = env.step(a)
            test_r += r
        print('test_{}:'.format(i), stdev
项目:backlight-indicator    作者:atareao    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def calculate_brightness_for_image(image):
    pix = image.load()
    width, height = image.size
    width = float(width)
    height = float(height)
    data = []
    for y in range(0, int(height)):
        for x in range(0, int(width)):
            if (y < (1.0 - BODY_H - HEAD_H) * height) or\
                (y > (1.0 - BODY_H - HEAD_H) * height and
                 y < (1.0 - HEAD_H) * height and
                    (x < (1.0 - HEAD_W) / 2.0 * width or
                     x > (1.0 + HEAD_W) / 2.0)) or\
                (y > (1.0 - BODY_H) * height and
                    (x < (1.0 - BODY_W) / 2.0 * width or
                     x > (1.0 + BODY_W) / 2.0 * width)):
                r, g, b = pix[x, y]
                brightness = int(calculate_brightness_for_pixel(
                    r, b) / 255.0 * 100.0)
    return int(statistics.mean(data))
项目:Peppy    作者:project-owner    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_channel(self, prevIoUs_value, new_value):
        """ Prepares signal value depending on the prevIoUs one and algorithm. """

        if self.stereo_algorithm == STEREO_ALGORITHM_NEW:
            channel_value = new_value
        elif self.stereo_algorithm == STEREO_ALGORITHM_LOGARITHM:
            if prevIoUs_value == 0.0:
                channel_value = 0.0
                channel_value = 20 * math.log10(new_value/prevIoUs_value)
            if channel_value < -20:
                channel_value = -20
            if channel_value > 3:
                channel_value = 3
            channel_value = (channel_value + 20) * (100/23)
        elif self.stereo_algorithm == STEREO_ALGORITHM_AVERAGE:
            channel_value = statistics.mean([prevIoUs_value, new_value])    
        return channel_value
项目:vws-python    作者:adamtheturtle    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _post_processing_status(self) -> TargetStatuses:
        Return the status of the target,or what it will be when processing is

        The status depends on the standard deviation of the color bands.
        How VWS determines this is unkNown,but it relates to how suitable the
        target is for detection.
        image =
        image_stat = ImageStat.Stat(image)

        average_std_dev = statistics.mean(image_stat.stddev)

        if average_std_dev > 5:
            return TargetStatuses.SUCCESS

        return TargetStatuses.Failed
项目:geneticAlgorithmsWithPython    作者:handcraftsman    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ejecutar(función):
        cronometrajes = []
        stdout = sys.stdout
        for i in range(100):
            sys.stdout = None
            horaInicio = time.time()
            segundos = time.time() - horaInicio
            sys.stdout = stdout
            promedio = statistics.mean(cronometrajes)
            if i < 10 or i % 10 == 9:
                print("{} {:3.2f} {:3.2f}".format(
                    1 + i, promedio,
                                     promedio) if i > 1 else 0))
项目:CFBPoll    作者:Changednameto    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def math_stats_calculations(point_map):
    point_array = []
    for team in team_array:

    # Calculates mean
    mean_val   = str(round(statistics.mean(point_array), 2))
    # Calculates median
    median_val = str(round(statistics.median(point_array), 2))
    # Calculates standard deviation
    stdev_val  = str(round(statistics.stdev(point_array), 2))
    # Calculates variance
    var_val    = str(round(statistics.variance(point_array), 2))

    return (mean_val,median_val,stdev_val,var_val)

# Calls my function
项目:performance    作者:python    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def encode_benchmark(self, bench):
        data = {}
        data['environment'] = self.conf.environment
        data['project'] = self.conf.project
        data['branch'] = self.branch
        data['benchmark'] = bench.get_name()
        # Other benchmark Metadata:
        # - description
        # - units="seconds",units_title="Time",lessisbetter=True
        data['commitid'] = self.revision
        data['revision_date'] = self.commit_date.isoformat()
        data['executable'] = self.conf.executable
        data['result_value'] = bench.mean()
        # Other result Metadata: result_date
        if bench.get_nvalue() == 1:
            data['std_dev'] = 0
            data['std_dev'] = bench.stdev()
        values = bench.get_values()
        data['min'] = min(values)
        data['max'] = max(values)
        # Other stats Metadata: q1,q3
        return data
项目:performance    作者:python    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def pooled_sample_variance(sample1, sample2):
    """Find the pooled sample variance for two samples.

        sample1: one sample.
        sample2: the other sample.

        Pooled sample variance,as a float.
    deg_freedom = len(sample1) + len(sample2) - 2
    mean1 = statistics.mean(sample1)
    squares1 = ((x - mean1) ** 2 for x in sample1)
    mean2 = statistics.mean(sample2)
    squares2 = ((x - mean2) ** 2 for x in sample2)

    return (math.fsum(squares1) + math.fsum(squares2)) / float(deg_freedom)
项目:performance    作者:python    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __str__(self):
        if self.base.get_nvalue() > 1:
            values = (self.base.mean(), self.base.stdev(),
                      self.changed.mean(), self.changed.stdev())
            text = "%s +- %s -> %s +- %s" % self.base.format_values(values)

            msg = significant_msg(self.base, self.changed)
            delta_avg = quantity_delta(self.base, self.changed)
            return ("Mean +- std dev: %s: %s\n%s"
                    % (text, delta_avg, msg))
            format_value = self.base.format_value
            base = self.base.mean()
            changed = self.changed.mean()
            delta_avg = quantity_delta(self.base, self.changed)
            return ("%s -> %s: %s"
                    % (format_value(base),
项目:performance    作者:python    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def quantity_delta(base, changed):
    old = base.mean()
    new = changed.mean()
    is_time = (base.get_unit() == 'second')

    if old == 0 or new == 0:
        return "incomparable (one result was zero)"
    if new > old:
        if is_time:
            return "%.2fx slower" % (new / old)
            return "%.2fx larger" % (new / old)
    elif new < old:
        if is_time:
            return "%.2fx faster" % (old / new)
            return "%.2fx smaller" % (old / new)
        return "no change"
项目:PiQuad    作者:jchrismer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def update(self,new):
        # Preload
        if(self.index < self.N):
            self.window[self.index] = new
            self.index += 1

            # If Window preloaded - start rolling statistics
            if(self.index == self.N):
                self.average = statistics.mean(self.window)
                self.variance = statistics.variance(self.window)

        # Push element into window list and remove the old element
        old = self.window[0]

        oldavg = self.average
        newavg = oldavg + (new - old)/self.N
        self.average = newavg
        if(self.N > 1):
            self.variance += (new-old)*(new-newavg+old-oldavg)/(self.N-1)
项目:ntpmon    作者:paulgear    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getmetrics(self, peers=None):
        Return a set of metrics based on the data in peers.
        If peers is None,use self.peers.
        if peers is None:
            peers = self.peers
        metrics = {}
        for t in NTPPeers.peertypes:
            # number of peers of this type
            metrics[t] = len(peers[t]['address'])

            # offset of peers of this type
            metrics[t + '-offset-mean'] = NTPPeers.getmean(peers[t]['offset'])
            metrics[t + '-offset-stdev'] = NTPPeers.getstdev(peers[t]['offset'], metrics[t + '-offset-mean'])
            metrics[t + '-offset-rms'] = NTPPeers.rms(peers[t]['offset'])

            # reachability of peers of this type
            metrics[t + '-reach-mean'] = NTPPeers.getmean(peers[t]['reach'])
            metrics[t + '-reach-stdev'] = NTPPeers.getstdev(peers[t]['reach'], metrics[t + '-reach-mean'])
            # The rms of reachability is not very useful,because it's always positive
            # (so it should be very close to the mean),but we include it for completeness.
            metrics[t + '-reach-rms'] = NTPPeers.rms(peers[t]['reach'])

        return metrics
项目:GoPiGo3    作者:DexterInd    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def statisticalNoiseReduction(values, std_factor_threshold = 2):
    Eliminates outlier values that go beyond a certain threshold.

    :param values: The list of elements that are being filtered.
    :param std_factor_threshold: Filtering aggressiveness. The bigger the value,the more it filters.
    :return: The filtered list.


    if len(values) == 0:
        return []

    valarray = np.array(values)
    mean = valarray.mean()
    standard_deviation = valarray.std()
    # just return if we only got constant values
    if standard_deviation == 0:
        return values

    # remove outlier values
    valarray = valarray[(valarray > mean - std_factor_threshold * standard_deviation)
                        & (valarray < mean + std_factor_threshold * standard_deviation)]

    return list(valarray)
项目:HX711    作者:gandalf15    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def set_gain_A(self, gain):
        if gain == 128:
            self._gain_channel_A = gain
        elif gain == 64:
            self._gain_channel_A = gain
            raise ValueError('gain has to be 128 or 64.\nI have got: '
                        + str(gain))
        # after changing channel or gain it has to wait 50 ms to allow adjustment.
        # the data before is garbage and cannot be used.
        return True

    # zero is function which sets the current data as      #
    # an offset for particulart channel. It can be used for    #
    # subtracting the weight of the packaging.         #
    # max value of times parameter is 99. min 1. Default 10.   #
    # INPUTS: times # how many times do reading and then mean  #
    # OUTPUTS: BOOL     # if True it is OK         #
项目:perf    作者:vstinner    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def pooled_sample_variance(sample1,as a float.
    deg_freedom = len(sample1) + len(sample2) - 2
    mean1 = statistics.mean(sample1)
    squares1 = ((x - mean1) ** 2 for x in sample1)
    mean2 = statistics.mean(sample2)
    squares2 = ((x - mean2) ** 2 for x in sample2)

    return (math.fsum(squares1) + math.fsum(squares2)) / float(deg_freedom)
项目:perf    作者:vstinner    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def export_csv(args, bench):
    runs = bench.get_runs()
    runs_values = [run.values for run in runs if run.values]

    rows = []
    for run_values in zip(*runs_values):
        mean = statistics.mean(run_values)

    if six.PY3:
        fp = open(args.csv_filename, 'w', newline='', encoding='ascii')
        fp = open(args.csv_filename, 'w')
    with fp:
        writer = csv.writer(fp)
项目:lfmsh_bank_2.0    作者:nkorobkov    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_student_stats(user):
    stats = {}

    if user.has_perm(get_perm_name(Actions.see.value, UserGroups.student.value, "balance")):
        student_accounts = Account.objects.filter(user__groups__name__contains=UserGroups.student.value)
        balances = [a.balance for a in student_accounts]
            'sum_money': int(sum(balances)),
            'mean_money': int(statistics.mean(balances))

    if user.has_perm(get_perm_name(Actions.process.value, "created_transactions")):
        stats.update({'created_students_len': Transaction.objects.filter(

    if user.has_perm(get_perm_name(Actions.process.value, UserGroups.staff.value, "created_transactions")):
        stats.update({'created_staff_len': Transaction.objects.filter(

    return stats
项目:vcfpy    作者:bihealth    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(args):
    # Setup parser
    p = parser.VCFParser(io.StringIO(HEADER), '<builtin>')
    # Parse header
    # Parse line several times
    times = []
    for r in range(args.repetitions):
        begin = time.clock()
        for _ in range(args.line_count):
            r = p._record_parser.parse_line(LINE)  # noqa
            if args.debug:
                print(r, file=sys.stderr)
        times.append(time.clock() - begin)
    print('Took {:.3} seconds (stdev {:.3})'.format(
        statistics.mean(times), statistics.stdev(times)), file=sys.stderr)
项目:Modern-Python-Cookbook    作者:PacktPublishing    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def demo():
    m_1959 = mean(y1959)
    m_1960 = mean(y1960)
    m_2014 = mean(y2014)
    print("1959 mean {:.2f}".format(m_1959))
    print("1960 mean {:.2f}".format(m_1960))
    print("2014 mean {:.2f}".format(m_2014))

    print("1959 v. 1960")
    all_combos(y1959, y1960)

    print("\n\n1959 v. 2014")
    all_combos(y1959, y2014)

    print("1959 v. 1960")
    randomized(y1959, y1960)

    print("\n\n1959 v. 2014")
    randomized(y1959, y2014)
项目:steemtools    作者:Netherdrake    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def steem_btc_ticker():
        prices = {}
        urls = [
        rs = (grequests.get(u, timeout=2) for u in urls)
        responses = list(, exception_handler=lambda x, y: ""))

        for r in [x for x in responses if hasattr(x, "status_code") and x.status_code == 200 and x.json()]:
            if "poloniex" in r.url:
                data = r.json()["BTC_STEEM"]
                prices['poloniex'] = {'price': float(data['last']), 'volume': float(data['baseVolume'])}
            elif "bittrex" in r.url:
                data = r.json()["result"]
                price = (data['Bid'] + data['Ask']) / 2
                prices['bittrex'] = {'price': price, 'volume': 0}

        if len(prices) == 0:
            raise RuntimeError("Obtaining STEEM/BTC prices has Failed from all sources.")

        return mean([x['price'] for x in prices.values()])
项目:Python-Programming-A-Concise-Introduction    作者:abdullahaalam    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def temp_stat(temps):
    """ prints the average,median,std dev,and variance of temps """
    import statistics
    print("Mean: ", statistics.mean(temps))
    print("Median: ", statistics.median(temps))

    print("Standard deviation: ", statistics.stdev(temps))
    print("Variance: ", statistics.variance(temps))

项目:Python-Programming-A-Concise-Introduction    作者:abdullahaalam    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def temp_stat(temps):
    """ computes the average, statistics.variance(temps))
        print("Mode: ", statistics.mode(temps))
    except statistics.StatisticsError as e:
        print("Mode error: ", e)

项目:picoCTF    作者:picoCTF    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_average_eligible_score():
    return (statistics.mean([x['score'] for x in get_all_team_scores()]),
            statistics.stdev([x['score'] for x in get_all_team_scores()]))
项目:picoCTF    作者:picoCTF    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_average_problems_solved(eligible=True, scoring=True):
    teams = eligible))
    values = [len(api.problem.get_solved_pids(tid=t['tid'])) for t in teams
              if not scoring or len(api.problem.get_solved_pids(tid=t['tid'])) > 0]
    return statistics.mean(values), statistics.stdev(values)
项目:picoCTF    作者:picoCTF    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_average_achievement_number():
    earned_achievements = api.achievement.get_earned_achievement_instances()
    frequency = defaultdict(int)
    for achievement in earned_achievements:
        frequency[achievement['uid']] += 1
    extra = len( - len(frequency.keys())
    values = [0] * extra
    for val in frequency.values():
    return statistics.mean(values), statistics.stdev(values)
项目:KerbalPie    作者:Vivero    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def mean(values_list):
    if len(values_list) > 0:
        return sum(values_list) / len(values_list)
        return 0.0

#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#  C L A S S E S   =#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=

#--- State Variable Register class
项目:KerbalPie    作者:Vivero    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_mean(self):
        return statistics.mean(self._shift_register) if len(self._shift_register) > 0 and ((self._data_class == float) or (self._data_class == int)) else None
项目:Fast5-to-Fastq    作者:rrwick    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_mean_score(hdf5_file, basecall_location):
    q = hdf5_file[basecall_location].value.split(b'\n')[3]
    return statistics.mean([c - 33 for c in q])
项目:Fast5-to-Fastq    作者:rrwick    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_best_fastq_hdf5_location(hdf5_file, names):
    This function returns the path in the FAST5 file to the best FASTQ. If there are multiple
    basecall locations,it returns the last one (hopefully from the most recent basecalling).
    basecall_locations = sorted([x for x in names if x.upper().endswith('FASTQ')])
    two_d_locations = [x for x in basecall_locations if 'BASECALLED_2D' in x.upper()]
    template_locations = [x for x in basecall_locations if 'TEMPLATE' in x.upper()]
    complement_locations = [x for x in basecall_locations if 'COMPLEMENT' in x.upper()]

    # If the read has 2D basecalling,then that's what we use.
    if two_d_locations:
        return two_d_locations[-1]

    # If the read has both template and complement basecalling,then we choose the best based on
    # mean qscore.
    elif template_locations and complement_locations:
        template_location = template_locations[-1]
        complement_location = complement_locations[-1]
        mean_template_qscore = get_mean_score(hdf5_file, template_location)
        mean_complement_qscore = get_mean_score(hdf5_file, complement_location)
        if mean_template_qscore >= mean_complement_qscore:
            return template_location
            return complement_location

    # If the read has only template basecalling (normal for 1D) or only complement,then that's
    # what we use.
    elif template_locations:
        return template_locations[-1]
    elif complement_locations:
        return complement_locations[-1]

    # If the read has none of the above,but still has a fastq value in its hdf5,that's weird,but
    # we'll consider it a 1d read and use it.
    elif basecall_locations:
        return basecall_locations[-1]

    return None
项目:Fast5-to-Fastq    作者:rrwick    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_mean_qscore(quals):
    Returns the mean qscore over the entire length of the qscore string.
        return sum([q - 33 for q in quals]) / len(quals)
    except ZeroDivisionError:
        return 0.0


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