Python pyparsing 模块-ParseResults() 实例源码

Python pyparsing 模块,ParseResults() 实例源码


项目:cmd2    作者:python-cmd2    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def onecmd(self, line):
        """ This executes the actual do_* method for a command.

        If the command provided doesn't exist,then it executes _default() instead.

        :param line: ParsedString - subclass of string including the pyparsing ParseResults
        :return: bool - a flag indicating whether the interpretation of commands should stop
        statement = self.parser_manager.parsed(line)
        funcname = self._func_named(statement.parsed.command)
        if not funcname:
            return self.default(statement)
            func = getattr(self, funcname)
        except AttributeError:
            return self.default(statement)
        stop = func(statement)
        return stop
项目    作者:QuantEcon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _addSimpleData(self, data_list, data):
            if isinstance(data[0], ParseResults):
                inferred_dimen = len(data[0])
                inferred_dimen = 1

            if self.dimen == None:
                # infer dimension from records
                self.dimen = inferred_dimen

            if self.current_slice == None:
                self._setSlice(tuple(['*'] * self.dimen))

            if len(self.free_indices) == inferred_dimen:
                for d in data.asList():
                    self._addValue(data_list, d)
            elif len(self.free_indices) > 1 and inferred_dimen:
                for c in chunk(data, len(self.free_indices)):
                    self._addValue(data_list, c)
                raise AmplyError("Dimension of elements (%d) does not match "
                                 "declared dimension,(%d)" %
                        (inferred_dimen, self.dimen))
项目:monasca-analytics    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def make_span(s, l, t):

    def compute_hi(init_loc, tokens):
        hi = init_loc
        for tok in tokens:
            if isinstance(tok, ASTNode):
                hi = max(hi, tok.span.hi)
            elif isinstance(tok, basestring):
                hi += len(tok)
            elif isinstance(tok, p.ParseResults):
                hi = max(hi, compute_hi(init_loc, tok))
                raise exception.BananaGrammarBug(
                    "Couldn't create span for: {}".format(tok)
        return hi

    if len(t) > 0:
        span_hi = compute_hi(l, t)
        return Span(s, span_hi)
        return Span(s, 2)
项目:monasca-analytics    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, span, expr_tree):
        Construct an expression
        :type span: Span
        :param span: Span for the expression.
        :type expr_tree: p.ParseResults
        ;:param expr_tree: The tree generated by pyparsing.infixNotation
        super(Expr, self).__init__(span)
        # We don't use this tree at this point.
        # During typecheck we will make sure
        # that the expression can evaluate
        # Finally during evaluation,we will evaluate
        # the final result.
        if isinstance(expr_tree, p.ParseResults):
            expr_tree = expr_tree.asList()
        if isinstance(expr_tree, list):
            for i in range(0, len(expr_tree)):
                if isinstance(expr_tree[i], list):
                    expr_tree[i] = Expr(span, expr_tree[i])
            self.expr_tree = expr_tree
            self.expr_tree = [expr_tree]
项目:NLPre    作者:NIHOPA    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def paren_pop(self, parsed_tokens):
            parsed_tokens: a ParseResult object
            content: a list of string sentences

        # must convert the ParseResult to a list,otherwise adding it to a list
        # causes weird results.
        if isinstance(parsed_tokens, pypar.ParseResults):
            parsed_tokens = parsed_tokens.asList()

        content = self.paren_pop_helper(parsed_tokens)

        return content
项目:NLPre    作者:NIHOPA    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def paren_pop(self, pypar.ParseResults):
            parsed_tokens = parsed_tokens.asList()

        content = self.paren_pop_helper(parsed_tokens)

        return content
项目:Meiji    作者:GiovanniBalestrieri    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def simplify(expr):
    if isinstance(expr, ParseResults) and len(expr) == 1:
        return simplify(expr[0])

    if isinstance(expr, (list, ParseResults)):
        return map(simplify, expr)
    if not isinstance(expr, CompValue):
        return expr
        if expr.other is None:
            return simplify(expr.expr)

    for k in expr.keys():
        expr[k] = simplify(expr[k])
        # expr['expr']=simplify(expr.expr)
        #    expr['other']=simplify(expr.other)

    return expr
项目:Meiji    作者:GiovanniBalestrieri    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _traverseAgg(e, visitor=lambda n, v: None):
    Traverse a parse-tree,visit each node

    if visit functions return a value,replace current node

    res = []

    if isinstance(e, ParseResults, tuple)):
        res = [_traverseAgg(x, visitor) for x in e]

    elif isinstance(e, CompValue):
        for k, val in e.iteritems():
            if val != None:
                res.append(_traverseAgg(val, visitor))

    return visitor(e, res)
项目:prophet    作者:MKLab-ITI    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def simplify(expr):
    if isinstance(expr, CompValue):
        return expr
        if expr.other is None:
            return simplify(expr.expr)

    for k in expr.keys():
        expr[k] = simplify(expr[k])
        # expr['expr']=simplify(expr.expr)
        #    expr['other']=simplify(expr.other)

    return expr
项目:prophet    作者:MKLab-ITI    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _traverseAgg(e, res)
项目:defcon25-public    作者:pwning    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def u(x, ip=None):
  if type(x) is pyparsing.ParseResults:
    return x.asList()[0]
  if isinstance(x, Symbolic):
    return x.value(ip)
  return x
项目:ivaochdoc    作者:ivaoch    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _coerce_parse_result(results):
    if isinstance(results, ParseResults):
        return [_coerce_parse_result(i) for i in results]
        return results
项目:cmd2    作者:python-cmd2    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def precmd(self, statement):
        """Hook method executed just before the command is processed by ``onecmd()`` and after adding it to the history.

        :param statement: ParsedString - subclass of str which also contains pyparsing ParseResults instance
        :return: ParsedString - a potentially modified version of the input ParsedString statement
        return statement

    # -----  Methods which are cmd2-specific lifecycle hooks which are not present in cmd -----

    # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic
项目:cmd2    作者:python-cmd2    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def postparse(self, parse_result):
        """Hook that runs immediately after parsing the command-line but before ``parsed()`` returns a ParsedString.

        :param parse_result: pyparsing.ParseResults - parsing results output by the pyparsing parser
        :return: pyparsing.ParseResults - potentially modified ParseResults object
        return parse_result

    # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic
项目:cmd2    作者:python-cmd2    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _restore_output(self, statement):
        """Handles restoring state after output redirection as well as the actual pipe operation if present.

        :param statement: ParsedString - subclass of str which also contains pyparsing ParseResults instance
        # If we have redirected output to a file or the clipboard or piped it to a shell command,then restore state
        if self.kept_state is not None:
            # If we redirected output to the clipboard
            if statement.parsed.output and not statement.parsed.outputTo:

                # Close the file or pipe that stdout was redirected to
            except broKEN_PIPE_ERROR:
                # Restore self.stdout
                self.kept_state = None

            # If we were piping output to a shell command,then close the subprocess the shell command was running in
            if self.pipe_proc is not None:
                self.pipe_proc = None

        # Restore sys.stdout if need be
        if self.kept_sys is not None:
            self.kept_sys = None
项目:hakkuframework    作者:4shadoww    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _coerce_parse_result(results):
    if isinstance(results, ParseResults):
        return [_coerce_parse_result(i) for i in results]
        return results
项目:deb-python-pydot-ng    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_port(node):
    if len(node) > 1:
        if isinstance(node[1], pyparsing.ParseResults):
            if len(node[1][0]) == 2:
                if node[1][0][0] == ':':
                    return node[1][0][1]
    return None
项目:RealtimePythonChat    作者:quangtqag    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _coerce_parse_result(results):
    if isinstance(results, ParseResults):
        return [_coerce_parse_result(i) for i in results]
        return results
项目:Tencent_Cartoon_Download    作者:Fretice    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _coerce_parse_result(results):
    if isinstance(results, ParseResults):
        return [_coerce_parse_result(i) for i in results]
        return results
项目:coolrelation    作者:mrtial    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _coerce_parse_result(results):
    if isinstance(results, ParseResults):
        return [_coerce_parse_result(i) for i in results]
        return results
项目:python-group-proj    作者:Sharcee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _coerce_parse_result(results):
    if isinstance(results, ParseResults):
        return [_coerce_parse_result(i) for i in results]
        return results
项目:PornGuys    作者:followloda    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _coerce_parse_result(results):
    if isinstance(results, ParseResults):
        return [_coerce_parse_result(i) for i in results]
        return results
项目:Repobot    作者:Desgard    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _coerce_parse_result(results):
    if isinstance(results, ParseResults):
        return [_coerce_parse_result(i) for i in results]
        return results
项目:CloudPrint    作者:William-An    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _coerce_parse_result(results):
    if isinstance(results, ParseResults):
        return [_coerce_parse_result(i) for i in results]
        return results
项目:gnocchi    作者:gnocchixyz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _parsed_query2dict(cls, parsed_query):
        result = None
        while parsed_query:
            part = parsed_query.pop()
            if part in cls.binary_operator:
                result = {part: {parsed_query.pop(): result}}

            elif part in cls.multiple_operators:
                if result.get(part):
                    result = {part: [result]}

            elif part in cls.uninary_operators:
                result = {part: result}
            elif isinstance(part, pyparsing.ParseResults):
                kind = part.getName()
                if kind == "list":
                    res = part.asList()
                    res = cls._parsed_query2dict(part)
                if result is None:
                    result = res
                elif isinstance(result, dict):
                result = part
        return result
项目:QualquerMerdaAPI    作者:tiagovizoto    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _coerce_parse_result(results):
    if isinstance(results, ParseResults):
        return [_coerce_parse_result(i) for i in results]
        return results
项目:gardenbot    作者:GoestaO    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _coerce_parse_result(results):
    if isinstance(results, ParseResults):
        return [_coerce_parse_result(i) for i in results]
        return results
项目:flask-zhenai-mongo-echarts    作者:Fretice    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _coerce_parse_result(results):
    if isinstance(results, ParseResults):
        return [_coerce_parse_result(i) for i in results]
        return results
项目:hate-to-hugs    作者:sdoran35    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _coerce_parse_result(results):
    if isinstance(results, ParseResults):
        return [_coerce_parse_result(i) for i in results]
        return results
项目:cpu_emulator    作者:nitros12    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def parent_children(self, *children):
        for i in children:
            if isinstance(i, languageSyntaxOBbase):
            elif isinstance(i, tuple, pp.ParseResults)):
项目:minihydra    作者:VillanCh    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _coerce_parse_result(results):
    if isinstance(results, ParseResults):
        return [_coerce_parse_result(i) for i in results]
        return results
项目:carsus    作者:tardis-sn    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def to_flat_dict(tokens, parent_key='', sep='_'):
    Creates a flattened dictionary from the named values in tokens.

    E.g. suppose tokens.dump() output is
        - isotopic_comp: ['0.000629','(','7',')']
            - nominal_value: 0.000629
            - std_dev: 7e-06
    Then the new dictionary is {'isotopic_comp_nominal_value': 0.000629,'isotopic_comp_std_dev':7e-06}

    tokens: ~pyparsing.ParseResults
    parent_key: ~str -- is used in recursive calls; you don't need to pass this
    sep: ~str -- is used to concatenate keys (default: "_")

    Returns: ~dict

    tokens_dict = dict()
    for key, item in tokens.items():
        new_key = parent_key + sep + key if parent_key else key
        if isinstance(item, ParseResults):
            tokens_dict.update(to_flat_dict(item, parent_key=new_key, sep=sep))
            tokens_dict[new_key] = item
    return tokens_dict
项目:zenchmarks    作者:squeaky-pl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _coerce_parse_result(results):
    if isinstance(results, ParseResults):
        return [_coerce_parse_result(i) for i in results]
        return results
项目:sam-s-club-auctions    作者:sameer2800    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _coerce_parse_result(results):
    if isinstance(results, ParseResults):
        return [_coerce_parse_result(i) for i in results]
        return results
项目:rvmi-rekall    作者:fireeye    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __getattr__(self, name):
            """Modified getattr to make it easier to access named results.

            It Now always returns a ParseResults() instance,even if the element
            is not there.
            result = self.get(name, None)
            if result is None:
                return ParseResults([])

            # if not isinstance(result,ParseResults):
            #    return ParseResults(result)

            return result
项目:blog_flask    作者:momantai    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _coerce_parse_result(results):
    if isinstance(results, ParseResults):
        return [_coerce_parse_result(i) for i in results]
        return results
项目:cumin    作者:wikimedia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _parse_token(self, token):
        """Concrete implementation of parent abstract method.

            according to parent :py:meth:`cumin.backends.BaseQueryAggregator._parse_token`.
        if not isinstance(token, pp.ParseResults):  # pragma: no cover - this should never happen
            raise InvalidQueryError('Expecting ParseResults object,got {type}: {token}'.format(
                type=type(token), token=token))

        token_dict = token.asDict()
        self.logger.trace('Token is: %s | %s', token_dict, token)

        if 'hosts' in token_dict:
            element = self._get_stack_element()
            element['hosts'] = NodeSet.fromlist(token_dict['hosts'])
            if 'bool' in token_dict:
                element['bool'] = token_dict['bool']
        elif 'open_subgroup' in token_dict and 'close_subgroup' in token_dict:
            if 'bool' in token_dict:
                self.stack_pointer['bool'] = token_dict['bool']
            for subtoken in token:
                if isinstance(subtoken, str):  # Grammar literals,boolean operators and parentheses
        else:  # pragma: no cover - this should never happen
            raise InvalidQueryError('Got unexpected token: {token}'.format(token=token))
项目:cumin    作者:wikimedia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _parse_token(self, token):
        """Concrete implementation of parent abstract method.

            according to parent :py:meth:`cumin.backends.BaseQuery._parse_token`.

            cumin.backends.InvalidQueryError: on internal parsing error.

        if not isinstance(token, token)

        if 'key' in token_dict and 'value' in token_dict:
            if token_dict['key'] == 'project':
                self.search_project = token_dict['value']
                self.search_params[token_dict['key']] = token_dict['value']
        elif 'all' in token_dict:
            pass  # nothing to do,search_project and search_params have the right defaults
        else:  # pragma: no cover - this should never happen
            raise InvalidQueryError('Got unexpected token: {token}'.format(token=token))
项目:cumin    作者:wikimedia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _parse_token(self, token):
        """Recursively interpret the tokens returned by the grammar parsing.

            token (pyparsing.ParseResults): a single token returned by the grammar parsing.
项目:cumin    作者:wikimedia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _parse_token(self, token):
        """Concrete implementation of parent abstract method.

            according to parent :py:meth:`cumin.backends.BaseQueryAggregator._parse_token`.

            cumin.backends.InvalidQueryError: on internal parsing error.

        if not isinstance(token, ParseResults):  # pragma: no cover - this should never happen
            raise InvalidQueryError('Expecting ParseResults object, token=token))

        token_dict = token.asDict()
        self.logger.trace('Token is: %s', token_dict)

        if self._replace_alias(token_dict):
            return  # This token was an alias and got replaced

        if 'backend' in token_dict and 'query' in token_dict:
            element = self._get_stack_element()
            query = self.registered_backends[token_dict['backend']].cls(self.config)
            element['hosts'] = query.execute(token_dict['query'])
            if 'bool' in token_dict:
                element['bool'] = token_dict['bool']
        elif 'open_subgroup' in token_dict and 'close_subgroup' in token_dict:
            if 'bool' in token_dict:
                self.stack_pointer['bool'] = token_dict['bool']
            for subtoken in token:
                if isinstance(subtoken, str):
        else:  # pragma: no cover - this should never happen
            raise InvalidQueryError('Got unexpected token: {token}'.format(token=token))
项目:Turkish-Language-NLP-API    作者:WoodProgrammer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _coerce_parse_result(results):
    if isinstance(results, ParseResults):
        return [_coerce_parse_result(i) for i in results]
        return results
项目:Meiji    作者:GiovanniBalestrieri    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _traverse(e, visitPre=lambda n: None, visitPost=lambda n: None):
    Traverse a parse-tree,replace current node
    _e = visitPre(e)
    if _e is not None:
        return _e

    if e is None:
        return None

    if isinstance(e, ParseResults)):
        return [_traverse(x, visitPre, visitPost) for x in e]
    elif isinstance(e, tuple):
        return tuple([_traverse(x, visitPost) for x in e])

    elif isinstance(e, val in e.iteritems():
            e[k] = _traverse(val, visitPost)

    _e = visitPost(e)
    if _e is not None:
        return _e

    return e
项目:Meiji    作者:GiovanniBalestrieri    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def value(ctx, val, variables=False, errors=False):

    utility function for evaluating something...

    Variables will be looked up in the context
    normally,non-bound vars is an error,
    set variables=True to return unbound vars

    normally,an error raises the error,
    set errors=True to return error


    if isinstance(val, Expr):
        return val.eval(ctx)  # recurse?
    elif isinstance(val, CompValue):
        raise Exception("What do I do with this CompValue? %s" % val)

    elif isinstance(val, list):
        return [value(ctx, x, variables, errors) for x in val]

    elif isinstance(val, (BNode, Variable)):
        r = ctx.get(val)
        if isinstance(r, SPARQLError) and not errors:
            raise r
        if r is not None:
            return r

        # not bound
        if variables:
            return val
            raise NotBoundError

    elif isinstance(val, ParseResults) and len(val) == 1:
        return value(ctx, val[0], errors)
        return val
项目:Meiji    作者:GiovanniBalestrieri    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, name, tokenList, isList):
        self.isList = isList = name
        if isinstance(tokenList, ParseResults)) and len(tokenList) == 1:
            tokenList = tokenList[0]

        self.tokenList = tokenList
项目:prophet    作者:MKLab-ITI    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _traverse(e, visitPost)

    _e = visitPost(e)
    if _e is not None:
        return _e

    return e
项目:prophet    作者:MKLab-ITI    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def value(ctx, errors)
        return val
项目:prophet    作者:MKLab-ITI    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, ParseResults)) and len(tokenList) == 1:
            tokenList = tokenList[0]

        self.tokenList = tokenList
项目:Chorus    作者:DonaldBough    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _coerce_parse_result(results):
    if isinstance(results, ParseResults):
        return [_coerce_parse_result(i) for i in results]
        return results
项目:cmd2    作者:python-cmd2    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _redirect_output(self, statement):
        """Handles output redirection for >,>>,and |.

        :param statement: ParsedString - subclass of str which also contains pyparsing ParseResults instance
        if statement.parsed.pipeto:
            self.kept_state = Statekeeper(self, ('stdout',))

            # Create a pipe with read and write sides
            read_fd, write_fd = os.pipe()

            # Make sure that self.poutput() expects unicode strings in Python 3 and byte strings in Python 2
            write_mode = 'w'
            read_mode = 'r'
            if six.PY2:
                write_mode = 'wb'
                read_mode = 'rb'

            # Open each side of the pipe and set stdout accordingly
            # noinspection PyTypeChecker
            self.stdout =, write_mode)
            # noinspection PyTypeChecker
            subproc_stdin =, read_mode)

            # We want Popen to raise an exception if it fails to open the process.  Thus we don't set shell to True.
                self.pipe_proc = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(statement.parsed.pipeto), stdin=subproc_stdin)
            except Exception as ex:
                # Restore stdout to what it was and close the pipe
                self.pipe_proc = None
                self.kept_state = None

                # Re-raise the exception
                raise ex
        elif statement.parsed.output:
            if (not statement.parsed.outputTo) and (not can_clip):
                raise EnvironmentError('Cannot redirect to paste buffer; install ``xclip`` and re-run to enable')
            self.kept_state = Statekeeper(self,))
            self.kept_sys = Statekeeper(sys,))
            if statement.parsed.outputTo:
                mode = 'w'
                if statement.parsed.output == 2 * self.redirector:
                    mode = 'a'
                sys.stdout = self.stdout = open(os.path.expanduser(statement.parsed.outputTo), mode)
                sys.stdout = self.stdout = tempfile.TemporaryFile(mode="w+")
                if statement.parsed.output == '>>':
项目:deb-python-pydot-ng    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def push_top_graph_stmt(str, loc, toks):
    attrs = {}
    g = None

    for element in toks:
        if (isinstance(element, (pyparsing.ParseResults, list)) and
                len(element) == 1 and isinstance(element[0], basestring)):
            element = element[0]

        if element == 'strict':
            attrs['strict'] = True

        elif element in ['graph', 'digraph']:
            attrs = {}

            g = pydot.Dot(graph_type=element, **attrs)
            attrs['type'] = element


        elif isinstance(element, basestring):

        elif isinstance(element, pydot.Subgraph):

        elif isinstance(element, P_AttrList):

        elif isinstance(element, list)):
            add_elements(g, element)

            raise ValueError("UnkNown element statement: %r " % element)

    for g in top_graphs:

    if len(top_graphs) == 1:
        return top_graphs[0]

    return top_graphs


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