Python scipy.signal 模块-sawtooth() 实例源码

Python scipy.signal 模块,sawtooth() 实例源码


项目:cebl    作者:idfah    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def demoICA():
    t = np.linspace(0.0, 30*np.pi, 1000)

    s1 = spsig.sawtooth(t)
    s2 = np.cos(5.0*t)
    s3 = np.random.uniform(-1.0, 1.0, size=t.size)
    s = np.vstack((s1,s2,s3)).T

    m = np.random.random((3,3))
    m /= m.sum(axis=0)

    sMixed =

    icaFilt = ICA(sMixed, kurtosis='sub', verbose=True)

    fig = plt.figure()

    axOrig = fig.add_subplot(4,1, 1)
    axOrig.set_title('Unmixed Signal')

    axMixed = fig.add_subplot(4, 2)
    axMixed.set_title('Mixed Signal (random transform)')

    axUnmixed = fig.add_subplot(4, 3)
    icaFilt.plottransform(sMixed, ax=axUnmixed)
    axUnmixed.set_title('ICA Components')

    axCleaned = fig.add_subplot(4, 4)
    icaFilt.plotFilter(sMixed, comp=(0,), ax=axCleaned)
    axCleaned.set_title('Cleaned Signal (First two components kept)')

项目:cebl    作者:idfah    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def demoMSF():
    t = np.linspace(0.0, 1000)

    s1 = spsig.sawtooth(t) #+ 3.0
    s2 = np.cos(5.0*t)
    s3 = np.random.uniform(-1.0,s3)).T

    #m = np.array([ [0.5,0.5,0.0],[0.5,0.0,0.5],[0.0,0.5] ])
    m = np.random.random((3,3))
    m /= m.sum(axis=0)

    sMixed =

    msfFilt = MSF(sMixed, lags=0)
    fig = plt.figure()

    axOrig = fig.add_subplot(4, 3)
    msfFilt.plottransform(sMixed, ax=axUnmixed)
    axUnmixed.set_title('MSF Components')

    axCleaned = fig.add_subplot(4, 4)
    msfFilt.plotFilter(sMixed, comp=(2, remove=True, ax=axCleaned)
    axCleaned.set_title('Cleaned Signal (Last Component Removed)')

项目:cebl    作者:idfah    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, mgr, sampRate=128,
                 chans=[str(n)+'x' for n in np.power(2, np.arange(8))/2.0],
                 waveform='sinusoid', freq=1.0, mix='none', pollSize=2):
        Construct a new wave generator source.

            sampRate:   Floating point value of the initial sampling frequency.

            chans:      Tuple of strings containing the initial channel

            waveform:   String describing the type of waveform to produce.
                        May be 'sinusoid' or 'sawtooth' or 'square'

            freq:       Base frequency.  Each channel is a power-of-two
                        multiple of this frequency.

            pollSize:    Number of data samples collected during each poll.
                        Higher values result in better timing and marker
                        resolution but more cpu usage while higher values
                        typically use less cpu but worse timing results.

        self.waveform = mp.Value('I', 0)
        self.freq = mp.Value('d', freq)
        self.t0 = mp.Value('d', 0.0)
        self.t0.value = 0.0
        self.pollSize = pollSize
        self.lock = mp.Lock()

        Source.__init__(self, mgr=mgr, sampRate=sampRate, chans=chans,


        self.mixArr = mp.Array('d', self.getNChan()*self.getNChan())
        self.mixMat = (np.frombuffer(self.mixArr.get_obj())
项目:cebl    作者:idfah    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setWaveform(self, waveform):
        """Set the periodic waveform to generate.

            waveform:   String describing the type of waveform to produce.
                        May be 'sinusoid' or 'sawtooth' or 'square'
        waveform = waveform.lower()

        with self.lock:
                # index into keys gives us an integer id
                self.waveform.value = list(waveforms.keys()).index(waveform)
            except ValueError:
                raise ValueError('Invalid waveform %s.' % str(waveform))
项目:delayCoupleddplLnet    作者:cuichi23    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def set_initial(self):                                                      # sets the phase history of the VCO with the frequency of the synchronized state under investigation
        self.d_phi = self.sOmeg * self.dt
        #+ 2.*pi*np.random.normal(loc=0.0,scale=np.sqrt(2.0*self.c)) * np.sqrt(*self.dt) this can be added only if the diffusion constant is normalized such that
        # for changing tau (length of history) the diffusion of phases is the same - i.e. scale by sqrt(tau)
        self.phi = self.phi + self.d_phi
        #print('write history with noise')
        return self.phi, self.d_phi

# y = 1 / n * sum h( x_delayed_neighbours - x_self )
# print('Phasedetector and Combiner: sawtooth')
项目:delayCoupleddplLnet    作者:cuichi23    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self,idx_self,idx_neighbours):
        # print('Phasedetector and Combiner: sawtooth')
        self.h = lambda x: sawtooth(x,width=0.5)                                # set the type of coupling function,here a sawtooth since we consider digital PLLs (rectangular signals)
        self.idx_self = idx_self                                                # assigns the index
        self.idx_neighbours = idx_neighbours                                    # assigns the neighbors according to the coupling topology
        # print('Osci ',idx_self,',my neighbors are:',idx_neighbours)
项目:delayCoupleddplLnet    作者:cuichi23    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self,idx_neighbours):
        # print('Phasedetector and Combiner: sawtooth')
        self.part     = 0.95                                                    # this needs to come from the constructor! add/change... 1params.txt content?!
        self.highHarm = 2.0
        self.h = lambda x: sawtooth(x,width=0.5) + self.part * sawtooth(self.highHarm*x + 0.5*np.pi,width=0.5)  # set the type of coupling function,idx_neighbours)

# y = 1 / n * sum h( x_delayed_neighbours - x_self )
项目:delayCoupleddplLnet    作者:cuichi23    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, t):
        return signal.sawtooth(2 * np.pi * self.freq * t, width=0.5)
项目:delayCoupleddplLnet    作者:cuichi23    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, width=0.5)
项目:delayCoupleddplLnet    作者:cuichi23    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, width=0.5)
项目:delayCoupleddplLnet    作者:cuichi23    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, width=0.5)
项目:delayCoupleddplLnet    作者:cuichi23    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, width=0.5)
项目:delayCoupleddplLnet    作者:cuichi23    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, width=0.5)
项目:delayCoupleddplLnet    作者:cuichi23    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, width=0.5)
项目:cebl    作者:idfah    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def demoPCA():
    n = 1000
    t = np.linspace(0.0, n)

    s1 = spsig.sawtooth(t)
    s2 = np.cos(0.5*t)
    #s3 = np.random.normal(scale=1.2,size=t.size)
    s3 = np.random.uniform(-2.0, 2.0,s3)).T

    theta1 = np.pi/6.0
    rot1 = np.array([[np.cos(theta1), -np.sin(theta1), 0.0],
                     [np.sin(theta1),  np.cos(theta1),
                     [0.0,            0.0,           1.0]])

    theta2 = np.pi/4.0
    rot2 = np.array([[ np.cos(theta2), 0.0, np.sin(theta2)],
                     [ 0.0,            1.0,
                     [-np.sin(theta2), np.cos(theta2)]])

    theta3 = np.pi/5.0
    rot3 = np.array([[1.0,             0.0], np.cos(theta3), -np.sin(theta3)], np.sin(theta3),  np.cos(theta3)]])

    sMixed =

    lags = 0
    pcaFilt = PCA(sMixed, lags=lags)


    fig = plt.figure()

    axOrig = fig.add_subplot(4, 2)
    axMixed.set_title('Mixed Signal (3d rotation)')

    axUnmixed = fig.add_subplot(4, 3)
    pcaFilt.plottransform(sMixed, ax=axUnmixed)
    axUnmixed.set_title('PCA Components')

    axCleaned = fig.add_subplot(4, 4)
    pcaFilt.plotFilter(sMixed, comp=(1,2, ax=axCleaned)
    axCleaned.set_title('Cleaned Signal (First Component Removed)')



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